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Default Jan 25, 2014 at 03:33 PM
I think I have a really high sex drive, and it is getting annoying. I masturbate a lot. I can not sleep through the night because ever hour or two, I have to masturbate, and therefore I don't sleep as much as I should. I read a lot of erotica every day, and it feels weird. I feel like I am doing something wrong. I hate that I am always looking for new "material". I keep thinking about what it would be like to actually do something with another person, and I spend a lot of time imagining what it would be like to have someone touch me. I am young, so I feel even more embarrassed about it. I am worried that I might force myself to be in a relationship on the off chance that I will be touched intimately in the future.

Is this bad for me? I don't know if there is anything wrong with feeling like this.

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Default Jan 25, 2014 at 09:43 PM
The worst thing for you are your thoughts about harming yourself and doing something that is bad. I don't know what k of erotica you are reading, but whatever it is, in an age of instant visual stimulation aka porn to see someone who actually engages their imagination via reading is refreshing.

The quality of sleep is a functionally determined parameter, in other words, if you wake up invigorated and can go through the day without excessive caffeine, you are ok.

In your particular case, I would continue doing what you have been doing but release all the thoughts abour harm and being bad. Then come back say in two months and we will see how you will be doing and possibly recommend more changes. Without releasing your negative thoughts it is utterly impossible to tell if you need to change habits, because, for instance, it might very well be that your frequent awakenings are a result of constant anxiety driven by negative thoughts.

Re touch. There are workshops called Cuddles Parties where people can experience non-sexual touch that is consensual. They have a facilitator and rules. I have never been to such a party, nor plan to go, but given your particular concern, it might be just what the doctor ordered for you - safe and structured. Better than forcing yourself into a relationship. True, iy won't be sexual touch, but you are probably deprived of ALL touch atm.

If you are that deprived of touch, volunteer to socialize rescued kittens. It would be very helpful contribution because socializing kittens vastly improves the kittens' chances to be adopted.

Seriously - I know this is not what you had in mind when you posted, but humans are social mammals and thrive on touch...

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Default Jan 25, 2014 at 09:46 PM
Oh, and FitBit, which retails for roughly 100 dollars, is supposed to record for how long and how deeply you sleep, although I have not been able to figure out the setup, but you are young so you must be tech savvy...
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