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Default Apr 09, 2007 at 09:03 PM
i've older than dirt and i don't think they're "cute"......in fact, i think they are pretty humourous......when i worked in ER, we had some good giggles behind the trauma desk...... His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)
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Default Apr 09, 2007 at 10:28 PM
yeah. but then female parts close up look pretty funny too...
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Default Apr 09, 2007 at 11:09 PM
LOL... No, they look like Georgia O'Keefe paintings. His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

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Default Apr 09, 2007 at 11:49 PM
LOL! I agree, penises are funny-looking, but sexy, things. The vulva is funny-looking in its own right, too, though. His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

An uncircumcised penis has more nerves, and the foreskin feels some of the sexual stimulation. A circumcised penis is more exposed and more easily stimulated, but some believe that, if the male is uncircumcised, he needs more stimulation and can last longer with a female. Personally, I think it's an individual thing.

The health risks have been determined to be very small for men and boys who are uncircumcised, as long as they keep his foreskin clean.


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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 12:57 AM
> Function of the Foreskin

To understand the function of the prepuce, it is necessary to understand the function of the penis. While it is commonly recognized that the penis has two functions - urination and procreation - in reality, it is essential only for procreation, since it is not required for urination.

For procreation to occur, the normally flaccid penis must become erect. As it changes from flaccidity to rigidity, the penis increases in length about 50 percent. As it elongates, the double fold of skin (foreskin) provides the skin necessary for full expansion of the penile shaft. But microscopic examination reveals that the foreskin is more than just penile skin necessary for a natural erection; it is specialized tissue, richly supplied with blood vessels, highly innervated, and uniquely endowed with stretch receptors. These attributes of the foreskin contribute significantly to the sexual response of the intact male. The complex tissue of the foreskin responds to stimulation during sexual activity. Stretching of the foreskin over the glans penis activates preputial nerve endings, enhances sexual excitability, and contributes to the male ejaculatory reflex. Besides the neurological role of the preputial tissue, the mucosal surface of the inner lining of the foreskin has a specific function during masturbation or sexual relations.

During masturbation, the mucosal surface of the foreskin rolls back and forth across the mucosal surface of the glans penis, providing nontraumatic sexual stimulation. During heterosexual activity, the mucosal surfaces of the glans penis and foreskin move back and forth across the mucosal surfaces of the labia and vagina, providing nontraumatic sexual stimulation of both male and female. This mucous-membrane-to-mucous-membrane contact provides the natural lubrication necessary for sexual relations and prevents both the dryness responsible for painful intercourse and the chafing and abrasions which allow entry of sexually transmitted diseases, both viral and bacterial.

When normal, sexually functioning tissue is removed, sexual functioning is also altered. Changes of the penis that occur with circumcision have been documented. These may vary according to the procedure used and the age at which the circumcision was performed, nevertheless penile changes will inevitably occur following circumcision.

Circumcision performed in the newborn period traumatically interrupts the natural separation of the foreskin from the glans that normally occurs somewhere between birth and age 18. The raw, exposed glans penis heals in a process that measurably thickens the surface of the glans and results in desensitization of the head of the penis.

When circumcision is performed after the normal separation of the foreskin from the glans, the damage done by forcible separation of these two parts of the penis is avoided, but the glans must still thicken in order to protect itself from constant chafing and abrasion by clothing.

The thickened, drier tissue covering the glans of the circumcised penis may necessitate the use of synthetic lubricants to facilitate nontraumatic sexual intercourse. Often, it is erroneously considered the woman's lack of lubrication that makes intercourse painful rather than the lack of natural male lubrication, which is more likely the cause. During masturbation, the circumcised male must use his hands for direct stimulation of the glans, and this may require synthetic lubrication as well.

In addition to the predictable physical changes that occur with circumcision, there are inherent risks and potential complications from the surgery. These include, but are not limited to, hemorrhage, infection, surgical damage and, while rare, death. Surgical damage and healing complications can result in extensive scarring, skin bridging, curvature of the penis, and deformities of the glans penis and urethral meatus (urinary opening). Extreme mutilations have resulted from inappropriate electrocautery use in circumcision, causing loss of the entire penis. Sex-change operations have been used as a ``remedy'' for this iatrogenic condition.

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 01:12 AM
Common Denominators between Male & Female "Circumcision"


Are Baby Boys Entitled to the Same Protection as Baby Girls Regarding Genital Mutilation?

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 01:41 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
You know what I think? Honestly?

Uncircumcised, circumcised, small, large, whatever color...

Penises are funny looking. Many of my gal friends agree wholeheartedly with me on this.

I mean really. Ladies, our bodies have been revered as art for centuries, but think about it--when was the last time you saw a portrait/statue of a naked man and DIDN'T giggle? They're just WEIRD. Granted, I'm not asexual or anything, but women's lower regions are just far more economical and logical, not to mention they're not... dangly.

This thread is priceless, even if it has exposed my somewhat juvenile sense of humor.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

I love it! Way to be light & frank as the subject line states!!!! Teee heeee!!!!

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 09:14 AM
i absolutely love the subject line. i was laughing before i even read the first post. "parts"............

in ER a man came in and when i got his gown, my back was to him........i turned around and almost fainted. trust me, not one nurse throught i had "assessed" him correctly and one by one trooped to his room and "re-assessed"him. it had been surgically enhanced for length................think about it.........it just kept going............he was 78..........and his "below" hair was dyed red to match his hair on his head.........now, do you see why i loved my job??????????? His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

in fact, my ER doc friend called yesterday and we were laughing about some of our "adventures" that we had together. we both miss that a lot. i miss him a lot. he's coming to see me this weekend. oh joy, oh rapture!!!! eye candy doesn't do this man justice and his personality is even better!
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 09:33 AM
This is definitely a fun conversation. :-) But it did lead me to think about a few things seriously: I actually started reading some on circumcising vs. not circumcising, and I've come to the conclusion that I would never do that to a child of mine. I actually think it's a violation to perform an unnecessary medical procedure on someone who can't consent. I guess I didn't really think much about that before. I read a few websites about "genital integrity," and it was some interesting reading. Anyway.

After all this talk, I'm kind of hoping I'll get to see one of these uncircumcised parts one of these days..... Should I run an ad? His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 09:56 AM
you know what...

this thread got me reading about circumscising vs. not circumscising too. i learned a lot trying to find stuff out... so thanks for the thread.

uh... i'm guessing wikipedia is G rated???

(I really am supposing that it is... Since the pic is getting displayed despite my porn filters and all... Anyhoo... Feel free to delete if inappropriate)


(There are pictures of penis' in this article, just a fore warning..... Thanks Alex! ~Rayna)
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:03 AM
Okay I'm too paranoid to try that link at work. But I'll definitely take a look when I get home! His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:17 AM
warning: circumscision may cause hair loss (joke)

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Off topic here a bit..... sorry.... I think this link is pure propaganda!! His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) I just HAVE TO speak up!!!!


I've read so much about female genital mutilation vs- male circumcision-- there is NO comparison!! How can one compare completely cutting a sex organ off-- to taking a little skin off?? His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

A female that has gone through genital mutilation will NEVER have an "O" -- ever-- it's gone! A male that has been circumcised can still have an "O".. again and again and again... it's still functional and gets to experience pleasure.

It's like comparing someone that has had their legs amputated to someone that perhaps is missing a couple toes!! Please!! What hogwash!!!

There biased comparisons really irritate me!! His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

There is absolutely NO comparison of male circumcision to female genital mutiliation!!! If so then a male should not be able to experience a climax like a female is not able to after she is mutilitated.

argh!! His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

Nothing against anyone here with this post-- just upset with some of the human race. His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation) His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

mandy ... a voice for all those dear souls that will never know what it's like to have the most pleasurable feeling in life. His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:35 AM
Whoa. I think you left "light & frank" behind there, Mandy. Have you had your morning coffee yet? His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

But I understand finding a comparison like that offensive and wanting to mention it!

I am hereby opposed to messing with anyone's parts without their express informed consent. And even then I might not.

His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

I've been dyin' to use that soapbox icon. Finally got my chance.....

Sid (on a caffeine high)
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:41 AM
> How can one compare completely cutting a sex organ off-- to taking a little skin off??

Firstly, it isn't merely skin, it is flesh with nerves.
Secondly 'completely cutting a sex organ off' in the female case would be removal of not just the external flesh bits but the internal flesh bits as well (the vagina).

I think that it is in fact a fair analogy.

> A female that has gone through genital mutilation will NEVER have an "O" -- ever-- it's gone!

That isn't true. Females have at least three erogenous zones that can lead to orgasm (and there is arguably another). Most women find it easiest to orgasm in response to clitoral stimulation, that is true, but there is also a spot inside the vagina (that is not removed with female circumscision) and (arguably) another one further up, and one in the %#@&#! as well.

> There is absolutely NO comparison of male circumcision to female genital mutiliation!!!

Not when you call one 'circumscision' (which has positive connotations for some) while calling the other one 'mutilation' (which has negative connotations for everyone).

Now I'll admit that I'm fairly sure that it is in fact possible for a female who has been circumscised to have an orgasm in response to internal stimulation but I'm not 100% sure... On with the research ho...
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 10:53 AM
wiki says:

Whether or not a woman who has undergone FGC can achieve an orgasm, especially those who have had their clitoris excised, is a question that tends to have more than one answer. Hanny Lightfoot-Klein traveled throughout The Sudan (where Type III is the prevalent form of FGC, ~90%) in the early 1980s asking women who had FGC this very question: "How often do you experience orgasm?" following sexual intercourse with their husband.[29] Most of the women she interviewed not only insisted that they did achieve orgasm, ranging from 90% of the time when they were young to 10% of the time once they had children, but were very open to talking about their experiences and thought it was amusing. They were able to describe in great detail exactly what an orgasm meant to them, often alluding to feeling like electricity had entered their bodies, or being unable to move for some time afterwards

I feel as if I am trembling in my belly. It feels like electric shock going around my body - very sweet and pleasurable. When it finishes, I feel as if I want to faint.

– Patient

I feel as if I have had a shot of morphine. My body vibrates all over. Then I feel shocked and cannot move. At the end, I relax all over.

– Director of Nursing

I feel as if I am losing consciousness, and I seem to love him most intensely at that moment. I tremble all over. My vagina contracts strongly, and I have a feeling of great joy. Then I relax all over, and I am so happy to be alive and to be married to my husband.

– Patient

Sometimes women would describe feelings of numbness and heart palpitations, which sounded more like anxiety attacks. Women who had undergone infibulation, the most extreme form of FGC, reported having both internal and external feelings of pleasure. About one-third of women interviewed said they experience some sexual sensitivity at the area of their scar as well as internally, whilst others reported only internally or only externally. In general women with Type III FGC experienced strong to very weak orgasms, depending on the severity of the procedure. There were also women who did not enjoy sex at all, as it was too painful or did not leave them with any feelings.


(and of course many women with an intact clitoris don't enjoy sex...)

also... wiki mentions another spot too...
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 12:16 PM
Lets take any conversation that is not "light and frank" to a new thread. I think the discussion has opened up something new to talk about and that's great, but lets go ahead and keep this one light and frank as the subject line says. This is just a quick reply, not to anyone specifially. His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)

Along the lines of light and frank, I had to laugh at an edit I put into a post about a link, saying there were pics of penis'. I said just a fore warning. Fore.....warning, no pun intended!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 12:49 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Raynaadi said:

Along the lines of light and frank, I had to laugh at an edit I put into a post about a link, saying there were pics of penis'. I said just a fore warning. Fore.....warning, no pun intended!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Too funny!!! His part didn't look like I expected (light & frank conversation)
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 06:34 PM
I always knew penises were different. The one thing that there are family stories about me is how I was always drawing penises - penises that lean to the right, some leaning to the left, some with a mole on it some with hair some without some erect, some flacid some circumsized some not cicumsized, some with a scar.... Makes me wonder how they didn't know that I as being abused with all those sexual drawing going on as young as three years old.
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Default Apr 10, 2007 at 07:37 PM
I remember I was on a band trip and my boyfriend had to use a urinal next to another kid in band (who was Jewish, he was uncircumsised) and my boyfriend came out of the bathroom and said "JESS I JUST SAW AN UNCIRCUMSISED PENIS" and I was just like " Oh okay whatever" cause it doesn't effect me? I just think it was funny -- but I never saw an uncircumsised one.

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