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Unhappy Apr 16, 2015 at 08:10 AM
This is embarrassing to talk about in front of others so I have yet to tell my T this. In fact, I have lied to her saying I am dead sexually. I have a high sex drive that is handled by self simulation. The antidepressant I take now does not take away my sex drive though it very frustratingly disrupts orgasm. I desire to be with someone but when ever I'm actually with someone, I get triggered. The smell, site, and feel of a man up close is absolutely repulsive and triggering. Especially the sounds a man makes during sex.Woman is no different either. I feel so frustrated that I desire sex but can't do it.

I'm a nurse that has:
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Major depressive disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder

But I'm getting the help I need.

Medication as of 2017:
Trintellix 10 mg
Topamax 100 mg
Buspar 10 mg
Prazosin 2 mg
Vistaril 50 mg
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Default Apr 16, 2015 at 08:34 AM
I think the first thing would be to assure yourself that talking about sex to your therapist isn't any worst than talking about the weather. Your therapist is there to help you and you need to be honest with them. Once you can bring yourself to tell her the truth, then you can work to get past triggering which sounds completely like a symptom of your PSTD.

Hang in there and talk with your therapist honestly. I'm sure it will help immensely.

Helping to create a kinder, gentler world by flinging poo.
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