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Member Since Sep 2013
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PC PoohBah!
Default Jan 09, 2016 at 09:01 AM
I worry too much about what others think of me when it comes to sex. Specifically my looks and my fantasies. I have shamed myself all my life internalize a lot of things I don't understand why so many people are sex hating fiends who just don't care what I feel.

It's very hard I was raped a lot growing up and that hurt me so much more bring shamed for it publicly humiliated for many years either called a ***** or say I'm someone's ***** and I'm gay growing up. I have nothing wrong with my sexual preferences or anyone's ever.
So to finish my back story I grew up always hating myself because I'd always feeling like **** when most people just jump into relationships to have sex? Which I never understand why not just have sex and cut out the BS. Like for real I'm really tired of feeling so ashamed if I like something doesn't mean I want it in excess amounts or I'm a problem and something bad in this world as a guy its so damaging when you really like someone you are cordial and respectful of space and take consent seriously but the other person is either not into you because of your preferred sexual appetites or your looks with that.

So now what happened was a good close female friend snapchats me a lot her best friend and I are trying to go out with each other the girl I'm snapchatting is helping us both because she wants to I didn't bring it up it just happened. I meet her at work a lot before and they love seeing me both think I'm good looking and both like me a lot. They are very sweet considerate friends I couldn't ask for more from that, but recently they wanted nudes from me both thought I was hot AF even more and that made me super comfortable. That's my number one rule I'll never date anyone I'm not comfortable having sex with not because of looks at all it's always their views on sex will make me feel less than a person. I can't tell you how painful it I'd emotionally to be always afraid of your own sexual desires. See really mine are not so crazy or daring or just some silly fantasy and I'm not a ****ed in the head person I'm not perverted and I dated and hooked up with people who I had normal vanilla straight 1on1 sex and some have way more absurd fantasies than me and I didn't think less of them at all.

So what brought this on I was at a bday for my uncle my family is very party heavy we are very open and comfortable crowd of people we don't judge despite different personalities and views. We love you all the person you are and I was drunk and stoned and really out gone. What happened under the influence of alcohol mainly I brought up this girl I'm going out with possibly to my cousin whose my age female. She her best friends female as well that known me for a good big portion of my life and my cousins new gf who was unusually overly flirtatious with me. That made me a bit uncomfortable at first but I just winged it and nothing bad happened and yeah she's hot but I am not that kind of person to just hook up with anyone. That's my most assumed theory people who think know me don't is that and it pisses me off so much because it's degrading how they put it and I don't hook up with anyone. I've had sex with 5 people period all consensually fun and enjoyable and comfortable and some were close friends and girlfriends and when I hear sex in the infidelity context applied to me on my preferences it's so stupid and insane how someone can make a bold statement because some people like to shame others because some other did that. It's complete crap and I can't tell you how many times I hate myself for liking something because this all or nothing one and only mindset a majority has put an impression on me.

So I in effect was told by my family and friends just said to me all female asked if I liked one over the other. I answered honestly I couldn't choose both are beautiful. One of them thought the others the one if the two weren't as good looking as the other saying I make cute babies with the one girl over the other. I honestly didn't care what they thought on that because they've been nothing but kind ladies to me I respect highly and omg I find both if them very attractive to me both are special to me. So then my cousins gf says you're more than good looking tell them how special they are to you since you can't decide don't date either or which is what I planned on doing because I don't like making decisions like that so quickly anymore I haven't dated for 3 years because of abusive exes. Both girls are so awesome and kind to me. Yes they then said you can always don't date one yet have a three some and decide after or don't do a threesome and date both if their OK with it. No lie my cousin the older brother of my female cousin did that before it worked for awhile.

See I can take responsibility of the good and bad I'm not going to leave people behind. So what ended up happening I was drunk snap chatting her what they said I wasn't crude or mean or appearing as thirsty or needy in anyway I really said how I feel and how they make Me happy they value me. I then said all the sexual things do if we decided a three some and I said you don't have to if you don't want to. I felt it was a good idea for granted after they were both asking for nudes when they were together one night. I said if we do it we don't have to it again if you two don't want to just wanted to be clear make my point. I sorta repeated myself and it got more drunk text. I really wanted to tell them but not like this and I'm feeling so anxious right now I regret how it happened and not what I said because I am very uncomfortable when alcohol put me in that corner and brought out my secrets. Yes my fantasies are like threesomes four variants somes. I like guys and girls but I like making the other person get off from me especially orally giving it.
I like being both Dom and sub and I love how I'm very chameleon like with how I go about my preferences. I don't want it every day or even a lot just to do it is enough.
I have a few others I'll never bring up because they are abuse related and I will never tell anyone I'm in a relationship with ever. It's not something I'm proud of having to like it's not bdsm it's sorta like it but it ends up me suffering a lot emotionally and bring harmed physically it's just something I don't want others to think about with me.

I had my last relationship ruined because of a huge misunderstood response my ex gave to me embarrassed her and me and she's shaming me for it. I didn't bring it up to her afterwards but she wasn't nice to me at all she rather drink hook up with strangers or use me to escape her pain by having sex with me. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings over something that isn't a big deal I didn't cheat or nothing. I've not done it once because someone else took my attention it's never happened to me it won't ever. I take relationships seriously when I'm in them and I hate when my sexual fantasy of an occasionally or seldom group hookup of anything like that is either demonized or I'm lectured how I shouldn't focus on it because you should enjoy the love of a relationship more than sex talk. It's frustrating for me because I'm not being understood even when I make myself clear it's so hard to explain a problem people don't understand unless they're there and I really want a sex therapist for this a female opinion and help work out the pain I have from this.

I'm really sad because I hope she doesn't think less of me. It was really hard for me to openly say that without alcohol and it slipped out of my mouth like how most people who drink do. I didn't intend any harm or anyone to be alarmed but you have to understand I am closeted because I like threesomes fantasies I always keep reality and fantasy separate but sometimes I'm in these situations its in the realm of plausibly and most likely are so grey and confusing it can go either way or I hope it does.

I'm a don't want to lose friends over this. It's not fair and I can say people who all hive mind on giving a to much hate on someone's personal business is very difficult to cope with especially when I was raped or felt uncomfortable about my sexuality. I won't bring it up to Any one either it's not a required thing for a relationship but I did everything right on my intentions and I'm very open considerate and will listen to their feedback. I'm hoping this accident doesnt hurt me.

I go on starvation binges because of this I feel ugly and not good enough when I'm like looked at either like I'm not good looking or I'm so good looking I should be objectified which I've had in very rare bizarre very unsettling instances.

You I'm expecting people to give me flac for being a guy and being slightly different how I go about with my fantasies and this post is very difficult subject to me. I really hate feeling the only one here and many days I want to castrate myself or try to lower my libido because I feel I don't belong here. If people were more accepting and safe sex minded and just told me about it I wouldn't think they're weird or perverted or crazy I would decide yes depending on who and what for certain or no if otherwise.

Like I feel it's unfair I am forced to deal with it a lot. It's made me hate myself and my body all my life. I wanted to be free from this I want to have a lot more sex honestly with people I like admire and attracted to when opportunity happens but only if people quit being so damn judgemental in that group of people. Idk what to do.
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Default Jan 09, 2016 at 07:27 PM
You know what? You are a beautiful human being made in the image of God. And no two people are alike. No one has the right to dominate another, no one. Not a boss, sibling, parent, minister, or a spouse. We are to respect the beauty inside of each other. You are a very sensative soul i pick up in your writing. I sense a lot of pain and shame that has been placed on you by others. You are not your shame, you are not a victim forever, you are a survivor and a conqueror. You have survived your past and you are an overcomer.
Go to the LGBT thread and join the social group. There are other survivors there who share your pain, your story. You are not alone my friend. (((hugs)))
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Member Since Sep 2013
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PC PoohBah!
Default Jan 09, 2016 at 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by omegalamed View Post
You know what? You are a beautiful human being made in the image of God. And no two people are alike. No one has the right to dominate another, no one. Not a boss, sibling, parent, minister, or a spouse. We are to respect the beauty inside of each other. You are a very sensative soul i pick up in your writing. I sense a lot of pain and shame that has been placed on you by others. You are not your shame, you are not a victim forever, you are a survivor and a conqueror. You have survived your past and you are an overcomer.
Go to the LGBT thread and join the social group. There are other survivors there who share your pain, your story. You are not alone my friend. (((hugs)))
I will, it's not so much lgbt related more just what I like doing every once in awhile. It's a craving, sometimes can be into an unhealthy obsession because I never had anything other than the norm but not really. I never had anything more than just one person and most of the time. I really didn't like sex. I have a hard time getting off with most people it's mainly the other person always it has been. I only wanted to do it just to do it, I unfortunately told the one girl everything about my sexual fantasies because alcohol clouded my judgement before I snapchatted her and she's probably going to tell her friend how much of a piece of dirt I am and I have no self respect and blah blah blah.
I'm over it...

I think I'm in the minority that can truly separate sex from love, why I do such? I take both seriously, but they shouldn't be together in a sense of you should enjoy and be in the moment and feel emotions, but don't let the drama of relationships hold back good sex. Just sayin. I'm not ready for a relationship and I'm so stupid for believing they take me seriously. I can't take what I said back and with today finding out my mother almost dying. I really can't anybody for anything.

You know I have the worst luck with women who don't understand me they could date me for 6 months to almost 2 years and not know a thing about what I really like or what I find attractive or when I mean stop being insecure over something because you're just complaining to start drama instead of wanting my help or wanting my affection. I had a lot of girls who talked so poorly about me. I lost a lot of weight recently because I hated how I looked and how women made me feel by their words. Being told I can't handle a threesome by my own ex who cheated on me all the time, but blackmailed me or forced me to have sex with her constantly like I'm her toy so I can not have things be worst in that moment many years ago.
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Default Jan 09, 2016 at 11:49 PM
Lastly I truly believe women who are comfortable with their sexual appetites as in they don't flaunt it their not anything extreme or out of the ordinary people. They aren't dressing trashy or try to hard to get affection they are really caring, but deep down they don't mind trying new things with sex with someone they are in a relationship with. I don't believe they exist in my generation. I think their gone like I'm always around. These all or nothing types who just want me to be dragged around miserable in their bs and not feeling I have a say. It's what it appears, but I can't assume anything. I don't even know I don't even know what is good or what I like, because it never showed up ever.

the worst feelings is being used for looking good or being told you have a nice **** or butt or or arms or face stomach whatever but really they tell me how good looking I am or if it's about sex at times but never tell me how they enjoy me happy or smiling. I don't know. or the opposite where I'm always ignored and told you're cute but not my type all the time or some excuse people like to waste my time. I don't let people in how can I go up to a girl and make any quick chemistry happen when all they do is play games no matter how many hoops and obstacles you are showing your legitimacy they don't care period. They use it because women like abusing this side of me. I hate being vulnerable and I'm always angry and push people away who pretend to like me because I know their pretending they don't talk to me before I push them away and they don't ask me how I'm doing they are very superficial and I hate this. Why does it all work out for everyone else around me and I'm told well idk? sorry... like I don't even know anyone.

I know I'll be a freaking skeleton one day and no one wants to be near me because I look like death, because I'm starved emotionally and physically at that point.
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Default Jan 10, 2016 at 12:06 AM
8. Sex is the reason why you’re taking a cab to this douchebag’s apartment at 4 a.m. Sex is the reason why you bought those $200 jeans. Sex is the reason why you ordered a salad instead of a burger. Sex is the reason why you’re still dating this person, even though you know you’ll never be able to love them. See that? Therein lies the difference between sex and love. Sex drags things out that should’ve been dead a long time ago. Love, on the other hand, kills everything quickly.

I found this online. This relates to me exactly. This is why I separate love and sex. I'm not stupid about it. I am highly misunderstood as some perverted man ***** or someone whose trying to impose themselves. Yes it only appeared that way once because I was drunk and it was a bizarre occasion never happened before and it was highly embarrassing for me. I don't know how to respond to this person. I'm a piece of **** for killing a potential relationship with her friend for saying something so stupid.

Reality blows. Like sex is crap because the reality sucks because I couldn't enjoy it like most people and I don't understand everything myself about my own. I know a lot, but not a small fraction because I'm told I'm not good enough all the time so what am I supposed to say to that?
I get rejection sucks and I dealt with it before even at my best and worst, but man the women I've encountered are so judgmental and if you don't look a certain way they'll to you how ****** you are either being "nice" or "not so nice" to everything and it's gross distasteful and I rather had a flat out no over that.

This shouldn't be this hard, but I really don't feel like I should date someone to get laid more that's just wrong, but youth today logic's gone some people want love and use sex for love and some people use love for an excuse to get more sex interchangeably. Why can't just people make up their mind and just do it when they feel like it's right instead of being so worried about all this and that. I'm just sick of being the minority in this and being judged as being not loyal and loose over assumptions of things I never did, while I'm single too from people who were strangers who became somewhat friends or I thought close friends. I feel like a ****** person for ever wanting it. This thirsty guys stuff or this girls a slut. All the shame being put on both sides like stop.. you make sex a miserable chore than something fun and don't get me started on the guys who make excuses about contraception I know personally who just knock up people to feel they tagged a girl. I seriously want to punch every idiot who feels so egotistically self entitled to other people's bodies and lives as property. I don't act that way to get laid, but you know who cares.
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