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Default Sep 29, 2007 at 02:35 AM
mmmmmmm... this is perhaps off thread... for myself.. I am extremely happy and proud to be of the US - to re-enter...... if I mis-understood.. my sorries..

just my opinion...
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Default Sep 29, 2007 at 09:00 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Campanula said:
This thread is in support of sexuality, straight, gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered, asexual, single handedly safistied, confused and confounded...and all pieces and parts in-between!

Hi. Just wanted to show ya'll some love and respect!

Sexual preference

Here's to happy, healthy sex lives! (and/or a nice afternoon alone!)

Sexual preference Sexual preference Sexual preference Sexual preference Sexual preference Sexual preference Sexual preference

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Sorry Campy, this thread seams to have become a bit off track. Thought I would bring back your original post. Thank you

Take care everyone Sexual preference
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Default Sep 29, 2007 at 05:50 PM
Sexual preference

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Default Oct 06, 2007 at 04:57 PM
I'm not gay but I do support them, gay, lesbian , all of them and well I say if thats what makes u ahppy then go for it.

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Default Oct 12, 2007 at 02:33 PM
Every human has the right to feel good in their own skin and here in the USA in our very Declaration of Independence we are given the right to the persuit of happiness. Whatever you persue to make you happy - as long as it doesn't harm others - is fine with me. Whomever you love, as long as they are consenting adults, is your business. I am a woman who loves men. I don't feel harmed in any way by a woman who loves women or a man who loves men. It sickens me when people say that these relationships hurt heterosexual relationships. Who you love is your own business and nobody elses, except maybe the person you love! Homo, hetero, bi, whatever, do what you can to find your place in the world. The happier we all are the better off our world will be!!!
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Default Oct 12, 2007 at 09:15 PM
Sexual preference Sexual preference
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Default Oct 26, 2007 at 05:08 PM
I don't see why anyone cares what two other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home. I do not like seeing anyone "making out" in public. Holding hands, hugging, a nice kiss ok, but groping and making out? Take it inside.

I was amazed that the state I live in, Wisconsin, actually voted to change the state consitution to eliminate all rights to any couple that is not legally married. This means medical decisions, child custody etc.

I just do not understand why. I'm normally a follow the rules to the letter kind of a gal, but this baffles me. I do not want to debate the subject ether but I would truly like a logical explaintion as to why you care who (exception of children of course) your neighbor finds attractive and decides to spend their life with.

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Default Oct 26, 2007 at 06:02 PM
Sexual preference. Doesnt matter to me. All i can say is that i love my friends no matter they are gay, lesbian, straight.

We are all homosapians with a heart.

So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done.--Marian Wright Edelman
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Default Oct 26, 2007 at 07:21 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
AAAAA said:
I don't see why anyone cares what two other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home. I do not like seeing anyone "making out" in public. Holding hands, hugging, a nice kiss ok, but groping and making out? Take it inside.

I was amazed that the state I live in, Wisconsin, actually voted to change the state consitution to eliminate all rights to any couple that is not legally married. This means medical decisions, child custody etc.

I just do not understand why. I'm normally a follow the rules to the letter kind of a gal, but this baffles me. I do not want to debate the subject ether but I would truly like a logical explaintion as to why you care who (exception of children of course) your neighbor finds attractive and decides to spend their life with.

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I agree with everything in your post! Thank you Sexual preference
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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 06:51 AM
I've got this feeling one of my 14yr old daughters maybe gay. They always say a mother knows first. I maybe wrong. I've given her space to talk about the subject, which she has been doing. She's been "testing" my reaction I feel with storys of "friends" that are gay or feel they maybe. I've ask her how she feels about that? and told her that in my opinion it isn't a big deal and I'd be fine with it if I was their parent. Maybe she is just curious about "friends", but if it is her trying to come to terms with her own sexuality then thats ok too. Would I try and "talk" her out of her own sexuality? Why would I? Weather its genetic, or the physchic outcome to the mother/child relationship, I have no idea, but the fact is, homosexuality is as much a part of the human experience as anything else, we as a species supposed to go forth and multiply LOL, the "marriage" man love woman stuff is all the romace us humans have created LOL, you can be gay and go forth and mulitply, I love my daughter exactly as she is, and who she is isn't down to me its down to her at the end of the day.

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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 09:18 AM

I am so happy that you are there for her either way! When my twins were small one of them choose to play with barbies and girl things. I was sure that he would be gay as I have family members that are and this was the way they acted as children.

First I am so angry that complete strangers felt the need to chastise him for carrying around a Bo Peep doll from Toy Story. There were a lot of screaming matches in public places let me tell you. Second co-workers and "friends" would approach me and say "you've got to stop this right now and explain to him that he is a boy and boys do not play with these things.

They are identical twins, I did not influence what toys they choose to play with. I loved them the same no matter what. His pre-school had him tested, observed what ever you choose to call it behind my back. When his teacher called me into the office I was livid. How dare they! All because he choose at play time to play with the girls and the "girl" toys!

I made it clear, in private, to my parents, and husbands parents that he was to be accepted as is period. Now he dates girls which is fine too, he's my son and whatever path in life he has to follow I will support him.

My daughter has a friend that is gay. She's one of the kindest, sweetest people you will meet in your life. But although her mother is ... okay, I wouldn't call her supportive... her adult sister will not allow this wonderful girl in her home around her children. Is this a contagious disease?

I do not understand for the life of me, how a person you have loved your whole life suddenly becomes an outcast because they are attracked to the same sex. If this was a "choice" would anyone choose to be harrassed, discriminated against, or ostrastrisized? Why is this an issue? Is this girl any different because of who she is attracted to? Did she suddenly change from sweet, kind, shy, smart, wonderful?

I'm sorry, I'll get off my Sexual preference now. It's just hit a nerve. We just found out about daughter's friend. She was afraid to tell us (and did not, found out through the grapevine) because she was worried we'd look at her differently and she would embarrass her family!

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 04:50 PM
What a great post AAAAA !!!

Mouse, I couldn't have said it better then AAAA's reply. How wonderful of you to keep the lines of communication open with your child...so many parents don't or won't.

My daughter is gay, as is my brother and other extended family members, so I have seen and heard many examples of parents who completely disown their child at a time when they needed them the most.
One father went as far as kicking his 17 yr. old daughter out of the house, but not before he wiped all the door knobs, etc. anything she touched off with lysol saying he didn't want "fag" germs in his house Sexual preference.

She was and remains a caring young women who I think came to peace with her dad on his deathbed.....at least I hope so, for both their sakes.

I too can't believe that people actually think sexual orientation is a choice. Why would anyone want to choose a lifestyle that if they don't keep quiet, will result in ridicule and pain from any number of sources.

I too will get off my soap box, but thanks to both of you, and all the others who have supported and continued to love people in there life any others (my daughter too Sexual preference), regardless of their sexual orientation.

Take care everyone!
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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 10:10 PM
Well i personally will always prefere men...BUT
i knwo 1 thing for sure

IT DOESN`T REALLY MATTER whom or what do you have sex with-sex doesn`t come form the object that is supposed to satisfy you but more from yourself.

that is why it IS possible to have homosexuals, that is why some people....i don`t know any 1 like that....who prefere anyials..
i KNOW that sometimes we say "this and that turns me on"

but i think that =IF you are hungry-you will eat ANYTHING..

and that is why in my oppinon sexual preferance is a sort of illusion..if it is possible to get it alone..that it is possible to get it with whoever whatever..

i had some dreams about girsl but tha never made me think about myself as a lessbian....

i "prefare" boys because this is what feels more natural for me, an di know maybe this is what sexual preferace all about but IT IS ALL IN OUR HEAD same like social status, like .."our live should be like this or like that"
EVERYTHING in our lives have a funciion-and our needs do keep us alive. sex is made to create new life. we all know that.

actually i wonder: girls are ready to have children in 13, th e physical ability is there BUT because our society is so complicated we need to learn more and more about life in order to "have a family" while the pure truth in my opionion is, that all a kid needs is LOVE. all that really exist....all that keeps the words connected...what is God....pure love, creation , GIViING.
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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 11:26 PM
I really don't think "sexual orientation" is really about "sex" per se, although to most people that is all they see with regards to homosexuals.

I couldn't care less who, or what sex, someone is with regards to making a person I care about happy. In fact when I observe any couple holding hands, engaging in a obviously enjoyable conversation with one another or just sitting quietly enjoying eachother's company, I am happy for them!!, regardless of the couples sexual combination.

That should be, in my opinion, the only thing people should care about. Who makes the people I love and care for happy? Sexual preference and everyone else...to each there own! Sexual preference
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Default Nov 02, 2007 at 03:43 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Danialla said:
Sexual preference ...to each there own! Sexual preference

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Default Nov 02, 2007 at 01:19 PM
AAAA, Its beyond me that anyone would disown their child for any reason. I think there's a lot of narcisstic parents in the world that can only see and understand that which they percieve in themselves. They are not capable of seeing others, that would take the attention away from themselves. What a very sad place life would be if everyone was the same. People falsely believe that is where safety lies, they don't see that safety lies in allowing others to be who they are.

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Default Nov 03, 2007 at 12:54 AM

I'm with you! When you have a child you truly understand the meaning of unconditional love. It is your very instinct to love and protect that child. How you can put conditions on that love, I cannot wrap my brain around.

This may be off topic, but no matter what happens in the world "home" should be a safe haven where you are loved and supported no matter what.

Outside the home a person should be "judged" (lack of a better word) on their integrity. Some of the things that have nothing to do with a person's integrity are sexual preference, race, or religion. These are personal beliefs and have nothing whatsoever to do with how a person acts as a parent, employee, employeer or member of the community.

One thing that is troubling is that some of these people have such hate and fear that all reason is gone. It scares me that in this time of information that you can still be so ignorant. It amazes me that people would rather children be in a temporary home, shuffled from place to place, rather than allow a loving homosexual couple to adopt them. I just want to know what happened to common sense.

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Default Nov 03, 2007 at 09:30 AM
AAAA, I've been married for 21 years also, hey its not to the same man is it? LOL! oh dear I can see another thread starting here LOL!!

Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't. ~Richard Bach
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