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Default Jul 12, 2019 at 06:00 PM
Hi, I am a 19 year old male. I have a rubber boots (and rubber gloves) fetish. Rubber gloves are also a fetish, and especially turn me on when combined with rubber boots. This fetish has roots in my childhood. I don’t know what to do about it, however. I have had significant OCD since I was little. Rubber boots used to be (and maybe still are to an extent) an OCD obsession of mine (or it felt that way). Even now, I have anxiety relating to rubber boots. I tend to feel a little bad after masturbating to rubber boots. Even so, they are a huge turn on for me. I remember how a few weeks ago I was aroused and almost strangely delighted by looking at and handling rubber boots. In addition, I have two younger brothers. Although both are teenagers, they do not know of my fetish, as I have told them it is my OCD. My parents know of my fetish though. My mom and I are unsure about how to deal with my fetish. My mom feels that letting me get rubber boots might fuel something that is not good, and that they would be hard to hide from my brothers. I share her concern, yet part of me wants to gratify my fetish more by actually having real rubber boots and gloves. Googling images to masturbate to satisfies me some, but real life rubber boots sound more satisfying. What should I do about this fetish?
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Thanks for this!

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Smile Jul 12, 2019 at 08:00 PM
Hello Fdz: Thank you for bringing your concern here to PC. I see this is your first post. So... welcome to Psych Central.

I don't know a lot about fetishes. (There may be other members, here on PC, who will be more knowledgeable.) But from what I have read it seems the consensus of opinion on fetishes is that they can be extremely difficult if not impossible to break. The general advice seems to be to indulge them in as safe a manner as possible. So my personal non-professional thought would be to go ahead & get rubber boots if you want them.

The question of your brothers is, of course, another matter. You wrote that it would be difficult to hide the boots from your brothers. So if having rubber boots, & having your brothers know about them, would potentially open you up to teasing or other kinds of sibling difficulties then that might constitute a reason to not actually purchase the real thing. But, there again, these are just my own personal thoughts on the subject. Other more knowledgeable members my have differing perspectives.

You mentioned having OCD. So here's a link to an article by our host Dr. John Grohol, Psy.D., from Psych Central's archives, on that subject. The article also provides links to additional articles on the subject:

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Psych Central

And then, speaking of your mother & your brothers, one additional forum that may be of interest to you here on PC would be the relationships & communication forum. Here's a link:


I hope you find PC to be of benefit.

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Default Jul 13, 2019 at 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Fdz1359 View Post
Hi, I am a 19 year old male. I have a rubber boots (and rubber gloves) fetish. Rubber gloves are also a fetish, and especially turn me on when combined with rubber boots. This fetish has roots in my childhood. I don’t know what to do about it, however. I have had significant OCD since I was little. Rubber boots used to be (and maybe still are to an extent) an OCD obsession of mine (or it felt that way). Even now, I have anxiety relating to rubber boots. I tend to feel a little bad after masturbating to rubber boots. Even so, they are a huge turn on for me. I remember how a few weeks ago I was aroused and almost strangely delighted by looking at and handling rubber boots. In addition, I have two younger brothers. Although both are teenagers, they do not know of my fetish, as I have told them it is my OCD. My parents know of my fetish though. My mom and I are unsure about how to deal with my fetish. My mom feels that letting me get rubber boots might fuel something that is not good, and that they would be hard to hide from my brothers. I share her concern, yet part of me wants to gratify my fetish more by actually having real rubber boots and gloves. Googling images to masturbate to satisfies me some, but real life rubber boots sound more satisfying. What should I do about this fetish?
most times theres nothing to "do" about fetishes. they just are what people enjoy during sex, just like someone may enjoy it this way or that way. (not going to go into great detail as your post sounds like you may be a teen ager, bottom line is we dont know you from the man on the moon or one another. no one really knows who they are actually talking to when they come on places like this, therefore you could be a teen, or adult, I tend to err on the side of caution)

one doctor explained to me when I was worried about one of my preferred sexual activities " fetishes are like a good book, whats right for one is not always right for another, someone may enjoy a book on car repair and others may enjoy good housekeeping and another may enjoy reading other things, its a personal choice what gives each person enjoyment and pleasure. if reading about car repair isnt your thing then you just dont do it. human beings as a species shy away from or dont do things that they have a problem with, get stressed out about or brings them some sort of displeasure or harm, if something brings you pleasure and enjoyment thats all it is, fulfilling your need to be doing something pleasurable and enjoyment."

the line in the sand is this rubber fetish of your is yours and yours alone to decide what you want to do about it. if it brings you displeasure and no enjoyment then you will know what you need to do to no longer participate in this activity, if it brings you enjoyment and pleasure then you will know how and when you want to participate in this enjoyable/ pleasurable activity.

edit to add.... I just noticed your profile says you are in california... Im very surprised at the parental hesitation on getting rubber boots. california is known for its rainy and then dry weather, street and land flooding because they dont have a lot of underground drainage systems under the streets (I have friends who live in california I remember visiting a friend and having to barrow their rubber boots just to go from the front door to the car because there was inches of water to wade through from a recent down pour of rain ) I am very surprised you dont own rain gear like at least one pair of galoshes (rubber boots) to keep your feet dry during the "rainy season" even the desert areas of california have their rainy and flooding seasons. so Im wondering if your rain gear needs to be replaced? just an observation and thought.

Last edited by amandalouise; Jul 13, 2019 at 10:33 AM..
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Default Jul 16, 2019 at 04:36 PM
Any other perspectives?
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