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Confused Jun 23, 2009 at 01:03 AM
No matter what time, how long I stay up, how tired I am -

As soon as I hit the bed I fall asleep only to wake Suddenly.

I get up go to the bathroom. Wander a bit.

Try to sleep again. Nope!

I make tea: Sleepy Tea. Fell asleep again. Nope Awake again

This time my body is thiching, feels jittery.

I'm about ready to take another Xannax, through I take only 2 at night - this is ridiculous.

Totally aggravting.

Anyone else have simular problems? Any suggestions
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Default Jun 27, 2009 at 05:05 AM
OMG! If I could sleep past 3am I wouldn't know what to do! Same as you, sleepy tea, go to the bathroom, try to fall back asleep. Finally I give in and get up at 4 .

I've even tried a shot of Ny Quil . Didn't work.
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Default Jun 28, 2009 at 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by starlite*111 View Post
No matter what time, how long I stay up, how tired I am -

As soon as I hit the bed I fall asleep only to wake Suddenly.

I get up go to the bathroom. Wander a bit.

Try to sleep again. Nope!

I make tea: Sleepy Tea. Fell asleep again. Nope Awake again

This time my body is thiching, feels jittery.

I'm about ready to take another Xanax, through I take only 2 at night - this is ridiculous.

Totally aggravating.

Anyone else have similar problems? Any suggestions
Been having same difficulties; may sleep 3-4 hours no matter what time I go to bed. I am sorry I have no suggestions, but when I do, I will let you know.

I wish you the very Best!!!
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Default Jun 29, 2009 at 03:25 AM
I lie awake for hours at night, unable to fall asleep once having woken up - and I am taking sleeping meds! I know the feeling, it sucks. Hoping you get a good nights rest soon!

SLEEP SLEEP - I need a full nites sleep!!!

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Default Jul 02, 2009 at 01:56 PM
The way you describe it, you must feel that you do not sleep at all. Obviously, you must be tired all the time as I am, although my pattern is different. I do not sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time and more often than not it is 1-2 hours. Then up for a couple of hours then the same again. The longest I ever sleep at one time is about 5-6 hours after I go 36-48 hours with no sleep, then I feel ok until the normal pattern begins to repeat. Even with sleeping pills (and I've tried them all) the pattern is the same. It was also like that before I ever started taking sleeping pills so I know that is not the cause of the problem.

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Default Jul 11, 2009 at 07:13 AM
Wished I had an answer. I am suffering the same thing. Nothing seems to make me sleepy. At night I take my blood pressure med, zoloft, allergy med, xanax, all which list drowsiness as a side effect. Still no sleep. Sorry I am no help at all. I am thankful to sleep for two hours at a time.

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SLEEP SLEEP - I need a full nites sleep!!!
SLEEP SLEEP - I need a full nites sleep!!!
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Default Jul 12, 2009 at 01:06 AM
ah, , , i wish i could sleep . . . .

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Confused Jul 14, 2009 at 06:42 AM
It's me again....

This not sleeping is so out of hand.

I wake every single hour - on the hour.... no joking.

Yet when I get up in the morning - I'm not tried.

I can't take anything for it because of depression

I even drink Sleepy Time Tea before going to bed.

When I don't sleep my bones even ache, sometimes my heart feels the stress.
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Default Jul 14, 2009 at 08:55 PM
I believe my new medication is causing my sleep disorder I will call my doctor tomorrow. Cuz I'm really been out of sorts and paranoid
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Default Jul 18, 2009 at 04:46 PM
Hiya I have insomnia too. I lay awake at night just on the sleepy edge of actually drifting off but I don't. I went to a sleep clinic and thought that I had slept a few hours but the nurse said that the machines said I never slept at all. The doc gave me zoplicone which does help but said to only use it once every 3 days or it would get addictive and I wouldn't be able to sleep without it. I told him I didn't sleep anyway and he said that even though I thought I didn't sleep I must be.
So I sleep on and off with the meds. My only prob is when I din't sleep i get so sick the next day with migraines, muscle pain etc. Not fun...

Is anyone else taking this med

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