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Trig Nov 19, 2016 at 11:36 AM
I have different dreams and that guy's appearance is more often. It's weird because he always run away from me or try to scare me or kill me in my dream.. Like, decapitating my head, or cutting my legs.. (But, it doesn't really scare me actually) What's up with my head? He keeps appearing on my different dreams..

'Humans, we merely define things. We define what makes us happy and what makes us sad, on what hurts us and on what heals us, and on what is dangerous and what is safe.. Without knowing the REAL TRUTH of our reasons of defining those certain things. Then we either ignore, avoid, or do something about it. Then, we learn new, be it a success or a mistake for defining a certain thing.. We are HUMANS.'

Last edited by Anonymous59786; Nov 19, 2016 at 11:38 AM.. Reason: added trigger
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Thunder Bow
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Default Nov 19, 2016 at 12:47 PM
He may represent a part of yourself. Cutting of legs and head, may mean that you are keeping yourself from thinking, and moving. You may be running away from yourself.

Dreams about a black haired man covering himself in a black blanket

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Default Nov 19, 2016 at 01:00 PM
When one has similar recurring dreams, I've found it's important. What I've learnt from my own dreams is that there is nothing in a dream by chance. Therefore, if you answer the following questions, to the best of your recall ability, I will happily give you an interpretation of your dream as if it was mine.

First tell me the number of scenes in your recurring dream. THEN FOR EACH SCENE I want you to tell me the following:

I want you to look in your mind, as the observer, in the following directions and tell me what you see:
1. To your left.
2. To your right.
3. In front of you.
4. Behind you.
5. Above you.
6. Below you.

It’s all right if you can’t recall much. Simply tell me what you see and make sure I know what direction it is from you the dreamer. In my interpretation, you’ll see how this is a symbol itself.

When you are describing what you see, tell me in as much detail as you can recall about it. So things I am very interested in is what are walls, doors, windows, stairs, tables, etc. made of, age/style, colour, etc. The same goes for anything outside. You’ll see in my interpretations how all of this tells us lots about ourselves.

1. Tell me what the lighting was like, i.e. bright, dull, black, cloudy etc.
2. Then tell me where the light was coming from.
3. Can you tell the time of day or season?
Lighting is important in a dream because it’s a symbol of vibrational state. I’ll explain this during my interpretation for you.

If there are any objects in a dream scene, then tell me about them as follows:
1. Shape, size, colour and what they were made of.
2. Where the object is in the dream relative to you, i.e. left, right, etc.

I’ve found objects in dreams are usually symbols of things we first need to concentrate on spiritually. I’ll explain this in the interpretation if you had any objects in any of the scenes.

For each person in a dream scene I want you to do the following:
1. Describe them to me in as much detail as you can recall. This includes age, gender, clothes, colour of the clothes, what the clothes were made of.
2. Tell me where they were in the dream scene relative to you, i.e. left, right, below, etc.
3. Tell me if they were lying down, sitting, standing, walking, etc.
4. Tell me what they did with you. Don’t skip the details. Simply tell me exactly what happened.
5. If there are any conversations or thoughts between you and the person or others, then tell me EXACTLY WHAT WAS SAID. This is important.
6. If there were others you couldn’t see but felt, then let me know where you felt they were in a scene relative to you the dreamer, i.e. left, right, etc.
7. For people who you know in real life, tell me anything that's different about them in the dream versus the real life version.

Animals. Etc.:
If there were any animals, insects, birds, reptiles, fish or whatever in any of the scenes, then tell me. Describe them in as great as detail as you can recall. Also let me know where they were in the dream scene relative to you, i.e. left, right, etc. Then let me know of any thoughts that passed between you and them.

This is a very important part of every dream scene. Take your time, go back and tell me the following for each scene:
1. What was your first thought/feeling as the dream scene began.
2. Tell me of any thoughts/feeling changes as the dream scene progressed and let me know where in the scene this occurred.
3. Tell me your last thought/feeling as the dream ended.

I realize this is a lot of work. HOWEVER, I think you might be surprised by how much you can learn about yourself from a single scene.

With kind regards,
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Smile Nov 19, 2016 at 08:45 PM
Hello kitanalui15: Well... the Skeezyks is not into dream interpretation. However this appears to be your first post here on PC. So... welcome to PsychCentral… from the Skeezyks! I hope you find the time you spend here to be of benefit.

PsychCentral is a great place to get information as well as support for mental health issues. There are many knowledgeable & caring members here. The more you post, & reply to other members’ posts, the more a part of the community you will become. Plus there are social groups you can join & chat rooms where you’ll be able to connect with other PC members in real time (once your first 5 posts have been reviewed & approved.) Lots of great stuff! So please keep posting!

"I may be older but I am not wise / I'm still a child's grown-up disguise / and I never can tell you what you want to know / You will find out as you go." (from: "A Nightengale's Lullaby" - Julie Last)
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Default Nov 19, 2016 at 09:18 PM
Black hair and black blanket mean he's hiding something from himself/you, so that someone or something is playing a trick on you and trying to hide it. Any kind of info at all.

Your dreaming mind is showing you this and trying to wake you up or to establish some new circumstances as the result of necessary changes.

So, who might be dishonest in your life? What are those changes you need to make? Good luck.
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