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Default May 30, 2015 at 05:25 PM
Hi all,

Another mentally struggling individual passing through I'm afraid. Long story short - Life event two years ago relating to a person, reactive depression-increase, suicide attempt, hospitalised for a few days but just sedated and not treated, no longer suicidal but so very tired of my depression and rumination on this person. Been through what seems like every SSRI/SNRI combination under the sun - had great success with Fluoxetine for bad OCD for about 6 years, which limits my medication options as I need to be on it (nothing else works for the OCD). Currently on California Rocket Fuel (40mg Fluoxetine-150mg Venlafaxine combination), which worked when I was together with said person but no longer does very effectively, I suppose proving that it's reactive depression. CBT has not worked well for me and I never have very lengthy good mood periods before I plummet again. I'm good-looking, 21 years old and at uni, but so very tired of being so ill. Off back to the psychiatrist (again) in a week but having Asperger's Syndrome as well, psychological therapies are less than effective. Feel like I have few options and not sure if I will even be treatable, though I realise that sounds ridiculous. I suppose what I wanted to know was whether there are effective treatments for OCD and Treatment-Resistant Depression that people know of, even just to give me hope.

Thanks to everyone,

Jetski (London, UK)
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Default May 31, 2015 at 12:56 PM
Welcome to Psych Central. Sorry to hear you are feeling so sick that meds are not touching the problem. If your psychiatrist has no idea what to do, do you have the option to go to a different psychiatrist and get another diagnosis and med prescriptions.

As a volunteer and not knowing the particulars of your situation, the best I can do is refer you to existing blog, articles and posts relevant to this topic.

Psych Central - Search results for Treatment resistant depression

Another avenue is life style changes like mindfulness, counting breaths, yoga, exercise, artistic expression, and participating at Psych Central. Do you ever consider what your heart really wants to do in life and if that is in conflict with your current life choices?

So glad you joined the Psych Central community. Many people who are actively involved in Psych Central find it helps take them out of their own problems to develop empathy for others. And their problems though still there are more manageable.

There are lots of compassionate people here that can make the load lighter by sharing and caring. Feel free to participate actively at Psych Central. Some people find the forums give them the compassion and empathy they seek. http://forums.psychcentral.com

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Default May 31, 2015 at 01:44 PM

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Heart May 31, 2015 at 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by JetskiFoam View Post
Hi all,

Another mentally struggling individual passing through I'm afraid. Long story short - Life event two years ago relating to a person, reactive depression-increase, suicide attempt, hospitalised for a few days but just sedated and not treated, no longer suicidal but so very tired of my depression and rumination on this person. Been through what seems like every SSRI/SNRI combination under the sun - had great success with Fluoxetine for bad OCD for about 6 years, which limits my medication options as I need to be on it (nothing else works for the OCD). Currently on California Rocket Fuel (40mg Fluoxetine-150mg Venlafaxine combination), which worked when I was together with said person but no longer does very effectively, I suppose proving that it's reactive depression. CBT has not worked well for me and I never have very lengthy good mood periods before I plummet again. I'm good-looking, 21 years old and at uni, but so very tired of being so ill. Off back to the psychiatrist (again) in a week but having Asperger's Syndrome as well, psychological therapies are less than effective. Feel like I have few options and not sure if I will even be treatable, though I realise that sounds ridiculous. I suppose what I wanted to know was whether there are effective treatments for OCD and Treatment-Resistant Depression that people know of, even just to give me hope.

Thanks to everyone,

Jetski (London, UK)
I'm sorry no one can promise miracles, but a lot of people get better at coping with life and get better quality from it. At your age your brain can still adapt and develop in a good way. Life is hard for me now, but in my early 20s a medicine was found which helped give me at least 20 good years inbetween and I was able to enjoy life and my chosen career. I felt my life was good even though I had issues. I'm hoping to find that again. I hope this encourages you.
Be kind to yourself, you are as valuable as anyone else.
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Default May 31, 2015 at 09:02 PM
Hello (((Jetski))) I'm sorry to hear you're struggling so. I've recently learned that medication can only do so much for us. The rest needs to come from inside us, the will to make our lives better, to feel better and to get the most out of life. For too long I relied solely on medication considering them the cure all. This is not the case. My illness is treatment resistant as well, and I'm not going to give up following my dreams. I've resorted to taking the medication cocktail that worked best for me and the rest I'm working on myself. Pushing myself to do those things that once brought me joy.

TRD & OCD drug combinations
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Default Jun 01, 2015 at 07:34 PM
I agree with Ruftin. Meds can stabilize your emotions but the bliss we all want from living our lives comes from finding little ways to open up and let our inner self express itself in the way that is most natural to us.


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