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Old Mar 02, 2021, 09:17 PM
dancinglady dancinglady is offline
Member Since: May 2013
Posts: 1,190
I have lived with depression since the age of 14; bullied for 13 years. I have struggled with this for 55 years.
I have had every type of therapy.

The old saying is what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Well what tragedy am I getting stronger for this time. I am so sick of this and just have the strength anymore. This situation will wipe me out and I will go back to being homeless on the streets. I tried I failed.
Hugs from:
buddha1too, Raindropvampire, TunedOut

Old Mar 03, 2021, 08:14 AM
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TunedOut TunedOut is offline
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Originally Posted by dancinglady View Post
I have lived with depression since the age of 14; bullied for 13 years. I have struggled with this for 55 years.
I have had every type of therapy.

The old saying is what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Well what tragedy am I getting stronger for this time. I am so sick of this and just have the strength anymore. This situation will wipe me out and I will go back to being homeless on the streets. I tried I failed.
It is sad to hear you are in such dire straights. Are you from the US? Congress may be about to (or has recently passed) pass more rental assistance, food stamp assisstance, etc.). There are some good Youtube videos that talk about some of the assistance and your local news might highlight other programs. Charities and our city council has been providing some assistance though sometimes the lines are longer than the need so some are turned away. Do your research if you are in the US because what you know about the programs out there can make the difference between getting help and being left out. I hope there is help available to you that could make things better.
Old Mar 03, 2021, 09:44 AM
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MickeyCheeky MickeyCheeky is offline
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So Sorry that things are being hard! i agree with the wise and wonderful TunedOut about seeing if there are any charities organizations near you. Life may seem really hard at times but Please do not give up. You deserve to feel Happy. Feel free to write to me or ask around to other people as well if you prefer it. Sending many safe, warm hugs to BOTH You, @dainglady, your Family, your Friends and ALL of your Loved Ones! Keep fighting and keep rocking NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, OK?!
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