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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 10:35 AM
I am interested to know your opinions of these types of self-expression-- also, if you have any.... what do you have?? What's your story??

Here's mine:

When I was about 7 or 8, I was on vacation with my parents, and I saw a girl who had a really pretty tattoo going around her wrist. I thought to myself how much I would like that someday... and I never forgot about it.

From the ages of 15 to about 20, I was really into the goth scene... Dressing all in black, black hair with crazy colored streaks, white face, black makeup, all of that crap....

I couldn't wait until I was 18 to run out and get tattoos and piercings. My parents were always very cool about self-expression, but said I had to wait until I was 18 to do that stuff... So right after my 18th birthday, I went out and got.... the tattoo around my wrist! It's a vine of flowers, blues, purples, and pinks, going around my wrist. I love it to this day. (I'm 26 now).

But I couldn't get enough, lol. So I got my navel pierced. Then I got the inner cartilage of my ear pierced. Ouch. Then I got about 8 different ear piercings. Then I did something incredibly stupid and got a tattoo on my upper arm, just below the shoulder. It was a black, 7 pointed star.

A couple years later, when my goth days were over, and I realized that you can't look like Elvira if you want a job, and a husband that doesn't look like the Grim Reaper, I wanted that tattoo OFF. Plus, I was getting married and wearing a strapless dress. So thus is the story of my 10 tattoo removal treatments. Way more expensive and painful then the actual tattoo. However, since it was simple and black, it is pretty much gone. There is a faint scar of the tattoo, that can only be seen if you are really staring at the spot.

All the ear piercings are gone and have closed up except for the normal 1st and 2nd holes.

I have tiny gem in my nose. I got it very recently. Some things I will never grow out of, lol.

Both my internship and my regular job are fine with it. I am a psychotherapy intern at an inpatient psych hospital, and my supervisor said that it might even help facilliate discussion with the patients about self-expression, lol.
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 10:50 AM
I have a couple of friends going through the removal process of tatts at present. As you say, more expensive and painful than the original procedure!

I just have a belly piercing (plus one in each ear but they don't really count!).

I was 15 (I am 29 now) and wanted to be naughty - the days of going clubbing with fake ID (used to be 20 legal age here, now it's 18).

I got my belly pierced (naval to you I guess) but parents didn't blink an eyelash - I think Dad said 'well as long as I don't have to SEE it' - and that was the end of that.

I hate needles so I don't think I can get a tatt, plus I would probably change my mind - lol.
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 10:52 AM
Btw, I think you just have to be careful that what you get ... reflects something you love ... or feel passionate about ... for whatever reason ...

Just in my opinion, getting a Chinese symbol of your birthday or something (just an example) is not that cool unless you understand the Chinese culture.

But yea each to their own.
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 10:59 AM
Lets see...

I got my first tattoo about 17 years ago. It's the comedy and tragedy mask and it's on my chest above my right breast. Everyone asks if I'm in the theatre - I'm not although I do like it. I actually got the tattoo because I had just started therapy at that time, in and out of the hospital, and I felt life was a series of comedy and tragedy.

When my niece was around 2 (11 years ago) I got a tattoo on the side of my right calf of the moon with a ribbon around it and my nieces name underneath (Hayley). She started calling me auntie tattoo Tattoos, piercings, etc. I asked if one day she would tattoo my name on her leg and she said "no way!".

I still love both of my tattoos and would like to get another in the middle upper part of my back of a silhouette of a woman in the night sky.

I have 3 holes in each ear and no other piercing. I wanted the tiny diamond in my nose, but alas, my job specifically has no facial piercings on the dress code.

I love to see people's piercings. In Rhode Island we have the RI School of Design which attracts alot of eclectic people. There is a street nearby called Thayer street and it's where all the college kids hang out - talk about artistic expression! You see EVERYTHING and I think it is wonderful! Many of the things I see I would never do but what a way to express who you are.

Tattoos, piercings, etc.

Tattoos, piercings, etc.
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 11:33 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
drunksunflower said:
Btw, I think you just have to be careful that what you get ... reflects something you love ... or feel passionate about ... for whatever reason ...

Just in my opinion, getting a Chinese symbol of your birthday or something (just an example) is not that cool unless you understand the Chinese culture.

But yea each to their own.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Exactly. The 7-pointed star that I got removed was Celtic. Um, what the %#@&#! do I know about anything Celtic? lol, I was 18, I was stupid. My brother-in-law has a Chinese symbol on his arm... I forgot was it means, but my husband and I always joke that it probably means %#@&#! head or something...

The only other tattoo that I would consider getting would be of a bird. I have three parrots, I treat them like children, I love them so much, and they are the best therapy. They have lifespands of 30-40+. I can see myself getting a 4th one day. So I know birds are something that I will be passionate about for life. I just don't know what part of my body I would want the tattoo on. I'm done with putting tattoos on my body that are in easily seen places. I mean, I have the one on my wrist, got rid of the one on my arm... The bird tattoo would be more for me... not because I want others to notice how fabulous I am, lol.... but I'm not sure where I'd want it....
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 11:41 AM
its understandable but i think its sad that jobs can restrict facial peircings etc.

im all for self expression...down with conformation and supression!

..just my thoughts Tattoos, piercings, etc.

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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 01:41 PM
I have an eyeore tattoo on my right top foot that I got when I was 46. I chose eyeore because during my darkest days of depression years ago a doctor brought eyeore up to me and related it to how I was acting. I immediately connected with what he was saying and to this day when I get down or sad I look at my foot and think to myself (in my best eyeore voice) Nobody likes me...nobody cares....and it brings a smile to my face.

As for piercings...the normal ear holes...nothing more.


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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 02:53 PM
I have pierced ears (normal ones) then 2 tatts. one of a baby on my left breast in remembrance of my beloved granddaughter. the other is kind of like tribal with dolphins. a pic of that one is posted in the gallery. no specific reason for that one except I love dolphins. oh I did have my tongue pierced but took it out. wish I had kept it though.


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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 04:44 PM
Snowflake - I LOVE Eeyore!!!!

I have a million stuffed eeyores, mugs, etc. I always related to his sadness. My favorite quote was one that was on a page a day calendar:

"Why bother, I'll only have to do it again tomorrow".


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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 04:46 PM
Oh boy where do I start?? LOL!!!!

When I was a teen, I had my ears pierced 9 times. 6 in each lobe and 3 in the left cartilage. At 18 I got my first tattoo, a little flowery design on my back that a friend of mine and I both used on our websites at the time.

I don't remember at what ages I got the rest, eyebrow nose and nipple piercing and 3 more tattoos. I also got one through the cartilage on my ear, its hard to describe where its at, right in the middle of the ear through the thickest part. That's the only piercing I have left, as well as my lobes, but I only where one in each ear.

I have a tribal tattoo on the upper left side of my chest with a gemstone the color of mine and my mom's birthstone, a trible armband on my right bicep, and the Chinese congi for "compassion" on my left arm, on the inside above my elbow. That one is for a friend of mine who died of a lethal combination of cocaine and alcohol.

I have a tattoo designed to cover up the symbol on my right arm: a dreamcatcher with the word "mom" in the spider web. My mom wanted a dreamcatcher tattoo when she was dying, but they wouldn't tattoo her while on chemo. So if I can ever get that tattoo, its for her.

I definitely want more ink but its sooo expensive. I'll have to win the lottery! LOL!

Fun thread!

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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 05:43 PM
I had my nose and nipple pierced—I liked them both. I have taken both out. The only bad thing about the nipple piercing is that now I seem to be less sensitive in that nipple…

I have 5 tatts in spots I can show off with short sleeves and short shorts or hide with t-shirt and long shorts. I like the idea of having control of who sees them. Showing them at work would be a no, no.

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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 06:38 PM
I would like to get a very small tattoo... have been thinking about it for a long time... can't decide of what.. yet... or the exact where... yet... something symbolic of the courage to overcome.... or on the other hand... maybe something just FUN.... it would have to be small since I'm a wimp... LOL
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 06:54 PM
I'm saving my next tattoo for a special occasion - perhaps to celebrate my 50th birthday. Another tattoo just for the sake of it doesn't seem very compelling. Am thinking that it will be on my wrist.

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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 07:38 PM
if i can, after my implant is removed, i'll have a flower tattoed on the surgery site.......probably a hibiscus.......
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Default Jun 03, 2007 at 07:58 PM
Tattoos, piercings, etc.

I was hoping that you'd get a tattoo of my smiling face, Pat! Tattoos, piercings, etc. Tattoos, piercings, etc.

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Default Jun 04, 2007 at 12:50 PM
Only thing I have for piercings are my ears, 2 in each ear....

I have one tattoo on my left shoulder blade.... I was 30 when I got it....one I deisgned myself.....A dove in flight, carrying a long stem red rose and golden cross necklace in its mouth, and a halo over its head.... has lots of meaning to me....

My next one I have had in mind for like 7 yrs now... It will be of a baby elephant splashing in the ocean surrounded by four cherry blossoms holding two roses in its trunk.....

Then I have 5 others planned out as well... The trouble is everytime I save up the money something more important comes up that I need use it for.....

My oldest son has wanted one for many yrs.... i did sign for him when he was one week shy of his 16th birthday, but he passed out after two lines.... so he has a the tip of a dragons tail on the backside of his fore-arm b/c they wouldnt continue..... I was not suprised b/c he always freaks around needles.... He is almost 18 now and still hasnt had it done... Thats ok tho... It is up to him....

Tattoos, piercings, etc.
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Default Jun 04, 2007 at 10:17 PM
I have three piercings in my left lobe, two in my right. I have a small 1.5" red rose with two green leaves on my lateral left ankle.

I was just volunteering with my boss this past weekend at a street fair and she commented on all the tatts on people walking by and she said "who would EVER get a tattoo???" I just had to chuckle!

Great thread!

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Default Jun 05, 2007 at 02:24 AM
i have always wanted a small tattoo on the inside of my hip...near my lower abdomine ...i wanted one of a 3D butterfly.....they look so life like and real and i always loved butterflies...because you see them flying and glistening in the sunlight...so free...so carefree....what a life ....my mom has one on her butt of a white lily ....i was there when she got it...i really want to get the tattoo but my bf really doesnt want me to get one.....(maybe if he goes back into the military lol) other than that it always puzzled me ....and please dont think of this as any jab or anything..im just very curious....i am a person who is very introverted...ok ok..im bland hehe....i dont have anything to stand out...i dont even wear earrings (unless its a fancy moment or something) but i have to wonder ....so many people say they dont want to conform to society...so they dress gothic ....or they get so many peircings....but alot of others are doing the exact same thing...if you want to go gothic...ill be the first to say your my friend as long as you are a good friend..doesnt matter to me at all...but perhaps people should dress that way...or get those peircings...not to stand out...but because ....it makes you feel good about yourself....its the same with the earlier talk of tattoos...how you should get one that your really passionate about ...obiviously expression such as dress can be changed but it was just a random thought from someone who doesnt really stand out much.....im really proud of you guys who do have your piercings and tatoos and really like them and make you feel better....

"You look at me, and you dont like what you see. But this is the price of living with you, Mother. "
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Default Jun 06, 2007 at 06:45 AM
i have 14mm holes in both my ears
i loved loved loved the stretching process
my friends had to stop me from gettin any bigger and lookin tribal
so ive decided to shrink them and get a second lot
so i will get a 4mm and a 8mm holes in each ear
thats the plan anyway
their the only piercings i got
as for tats i really really really wanna get "the specials" -an amazing band , ska guy silloette on my side
oh i cant wait till i walk in and get it done
its happening this year as with my ears...
whoo hooo
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Default Jun 06, 2007 at 07:02 AM
LMo, i posted to you last night and it went "poof" with the magic dragon, i guess.

i could get your beautiful face on my tummy and as i age, so would you.....sweet little wrinkles and creases....... Tattoos, piercings, etc.
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