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Default May 31, 2021 at 03:25 PM
I don't post here often, but I want to send a hug to you all It's hard to work with any disorder, but I think we can do it.

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Default Jun 12, 2021 at 05:39 PM
I want to go back to work now. My mom wants me to wait until mid August because we have vacation plans in July and she thinks more places will be hiring then. I found a 5AM-9AM shift at a retail store doing the same stuff I was doing before. I’m not sure how to fix my sleep schedule so I can get up at 4 but I’ll figure it out. I’m not concerned about finding a job with my experience. Plus I doubt companies are going to care about my gap in employment with Covid.

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Default Jun 20, 2021 at 06:25 PM
Haven't posted here in a while. Working part time as a housing support specialist with major pressure to be full time. It's wearing out my car, from driving all over town.

So I'm working with a votech person to find something else. Part of me doesn't want to find a different job but I'm having a lot more bad days, which i can usually adjust my schedule around. But the job is demanding. And it's costly to work there. But tons of perks, i won't get anywhere else.

It's a decision. Reason i involved a votech guy. Been there 7 months looking for a different job since i started. It's tough to find something that suits my needs. This is like the perfect job education wise. But not really in other ways.

I wish i could just work full time and not get too stressed out. This job is career building. And i have 20 years left of working years before retirement. I totally want to push myself. My workers are all like don't do it. You'll lose what you've gained. I hate this disability crap. Now i just want to win the lottery so i can buy my own place. My apt is nice it's affordable. I just feel hindered.

Son: 14, 12/15/2009 R.I.P.
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Default Jul 01, 2021 at 09:57 PM
The boss shut down our company due to covid, but they keep us working with them as freelancer instead of contractual workers. This means we still receive our monthly income, but they could cut us anytime.
This means I have to find another workplace with more stable status and income.
Too bad, I really like this company. It still has a bit drama, but far less than my previous workplaces. I was also hoping this workplace to be my last one before I go abroad.
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Default Jul 04, 2021 at 07:42 AM
I am a bit anxious. Tomorrow is supposed to be the paycheck from the boss. With this new weird system, I keep thinking they run from their responsibilities.
Also, applied to three temp jobs
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Default Jul 10, 2021 at 10:52 AM
My sleep schedule seems to be under control now. I’ve been regularly waking up at the time I’d normally wake up for work. I’m trying to figure out things though because I most likely will need a medically necessary surgery. And my mom had the same one and couldn’t lift anything for 4 weeks. So I don’t know if my work would be ok with me starting and then taking a month off shortly after I started. I don’t know. But I have to get through my vacation next week before I can find doctors in my area.

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Default Jul 10, 2021 at 11:02 AM
I hope social security doesn’t involve my job. That happened at my last job. I had paperwork from SS I had to have a manager fill out. There was no getting around it. I gave it to a nice manager who also does the scheduling. Literally when the new schedule came out a few days later my hours were cut from 4-5 days a week to 2 days. No one else’s hours were cut and in fact they hired 2 more people. I asked him why my hours were cut and he smiled and said “I have a budget too.” But then why did you hire 2 new employees but cut my hours? That doesn’t seem like a budget issue. I’m not sure what he meant by “I have a budget too” and his smile was kind of douchy. But it’s bad if you get your job involved with SS.

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Default Jul 10, 2021 at 11:46 PM
I feel ok, I am doing ok. I am working online for now. I feel proud that I have had this job for over a year now. My track record shows that I have not been able to hold down jobs for a year or more. So, I am happy that I'm still working. Now, I want to do coding as a freelancer while continuing my job. I hope I can do it.
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Default Jul 15, 2021 at 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by bpforever1 View Post
I feel ok, I am doing ok. I am working online for now. I feel proud that I have had this job for over a year now. My track record shows that I have not been able to hold down jobs for a year or more. So, I am happy that I'm still working. Now, I want to do coding as a freelancer while continuing my job. I hope I can do it.
I'm sure you can do it

"I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me".
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Default Jul 16, 2021 at 03:31 AM
I'm struggling with job applications. I have a job but I want to get out of customer service.

AvPD means I don't handle rejection well. I'm breaking down over a rejection for a job I didn't even want that badly. I know there can't have been too much competition. Why am I not good enough?

And I do want to get out of my current job very badly. I feel stuck
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Default Jul 17, 2021 at 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by BreakForTheLight View Post
I'm struggling with job applications. I have a job but I want to get out of customer service.

AvPD means I don't handle rejection well. I'm breaking down over a rejection for a job I didn't even want that badly. I know there can't have been too much competition. Why am I not good enough?

And I do want to get out of my current job very badly. I feel stuck

I hear you. Have there been previous jobs you enjoyed more?
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Default Jul 21, 2021 at 03:41 AM
My current workplace faces more difficulties. Meanwhile, I still haven‘t gotten any replies nor interviews yet. The job ads also are not as much as they used to be before the pandemic. A friend said it is ok to be jobless until it‘s over, but it would give me anxiety.
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Default Aug 02, 2021 at 09:55 AM
So I’m thinking about taking a leave of absence after the buyer showed me some nasty email content the team leader wrote about me. My doctor said that anyone would take a leave of absence after being trash talked like that . I’m also thinking about going back on disability . I’ve been working full time for over 4.5 years now and I’m exhausted . I’ve been trying to pivot my life for two years now and am failing . My doctor also suggested I set up a special needs trust so I can get my food stamps back and my medi-cal but the problem is my parents and sibling. They’re the reason I have ptsd .
I am gainfully employed, I lost my disability benefits when I went back to work .
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Default Aug 08, 2021 at 10:53 AM
I put some books on hold at the library the other day and it got me thinking. I’m wondering if they are hiring. Every other place is desperate for help. I was gonna go ask when I pickup my books today. I’m not sure how happy they’d be about hiring someone right now who would need to take 6 weeks off in October for surgery but I figure it’s worth asking.

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Default Aug 17, 2021 at 11:33 AM
I haven’t heard back from my job. I had the interview on Saturday and I was told I’d be called either Sunday or yesterday. So I’m not sure. I know I messed up the interview a bit regarding some questions I wasn’t prepared for. Taking a Valium before going wasn’t helping. I did also say that I’d prefer to be done early on the weekends. Then after I said that the manager said the store manager expects open availability on the weekend. But I honestly just think it’s the whole surgery thing they are hesitant about. My Pdoc chewed me out a bit for not waiting until after the surgery. I hate getting mixed messages because I end up getting confused and often doing the wrong thing in the long run.

I don’t know if I should call them and ask what’s up. I know I’ve been told before by various job coaches that it’s good to follow up after you haven’t heard anything after an interview. But I’m not sure what the timeline of that would be. If I should give it until Friday maybe or something.

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Default Aug 24, 2021 at 10:30 AM
Uuurggghhhh I am feeling very frustrated today.

I am a qualified translator but not cut out to be a freelancer. (And also being a full time translator I would probably be bored to death. Possibly (undiagnosed) having ADHD doesn't help.) Since I need a job.... I am working in customer service for a webshop. The translations of our product descriptions are done by freelancers and a lot of them are very, very bad. I know I could do a much better job. But translating is not my job in this company I guess they don't have enough content to hire a full time translator and therefore work with freelancers. But seeing these awful translations actually hurts.

Last edited by BreakForTheLight; Aug 24, 2021 at 11:01 AM..
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Default Aug 25, 2021 at 02:39 PM
I got the job. But I ended up turning them down. I just got weirded out. I don’t know how to explain it. But the managers seemed creepy and not the nicest. I’m glad I turned them down. And I know for sure now to wait until after my surgery after I’ve recovered. I’m hoping the job I do want to apply for in December or January is still hiring. The hours are 5AM-9AM. I’m usually up anyways by 4. And I prefer short hour shifts in the morning. The hours at the job I got the offer from were 7-1PM and long shifts are just rough for me.

I’d also like to go somewhere where no one has info on me.

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Default Aug 29, 2021 at 05:52 AM
I am doing ok still. The stressors are still there since customer satisfaction is number one. I deal with it but at times realize this is a for-profit company so their attitude can't be helped. I am feeling well. I am getting more lessons. Life is doable but only up to a certain point. My medication is a miracle so I rely on it totally.
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Default Aug 30, 2021 at 08:32 AM
Every day I tell myself I am going to be more patient and zen, I will be understanding and try to see things from the customer's point of view, I will not let customers upset me.

And then not even half an hour into work I already want to bang my head on the table. I'm sure the PMS is making ky anger worse but I am so sick of answering the same bloody question over and over to customers who can't read instructions or be patient.

("I haven't received a return label yet!" Read the instructions. You will receive one within 2 working days, it's only been five minutes.
"I returned the item why haven't I been refunded yet?" You just posted it yesterday. It's gonna take some time to be delivered and then processed.
"Where is my order?" The tracking link is right there next to where you ask your question, check for yourself!
"Send me a new item first and then I will return this one!" No, that's not how it works.)

I know their stupidity doesn't affect me. All I have to do is send them a friendly answer. But
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Default Aug 30, 2021 at 03:01 PM
@BreakForTheLight - Dealing with the public can be so exhausting. I am fortunate that I don't have to right now, but I have in the past. I really don't think I would last very long in a job like that at the moment.

My husband has been working from home for the last year and a half. He works for the government providing legal assistance to people that can't afford a lawyer. I get frustrated on his behalf when hear him explain the same thing five times to someone.

That is the the main reason he wants to go back to the office. At least it is easier to explain things in person. I think on the phone, people sort of zone out and hear half of what he is saying.
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