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Member Since Jul 2017
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Default Apr 15, 2019 at 03:29 PM
So I have a new job which I started back in March (last month). It's working in mental health but the Forensics side. This is a new side of mental health which I have little knowledge of the criminal justice side.

The first month of the job was induction. I am really happy with the pace of the role. I have been lucky to have been given the chance to train, shadow and get to know the role.

The major part of the role is based in the community supporting clients with MH issues. The service is voluntartly. So the client's have the right to decline support from our service.

I was given my first client last week. The client declined support. So I closed the case. I took this very bad as I felt quite hard on myself. Thinking did I explain the service right? A few colleagues have encouraged me to not to be hard on myself. It happens and a lot of the client's do decline support from our service.

However, I have been given a new client. Again this client answers the phone and asked me to phone back later on today. Which I did. I left a message on the client's voicemail with my name and contact details. As of yet, the client hasn't returned my call.

My TL encouraged me to text the client tomorrow as it's still a good sign the client is engaging by answering the phone. But this client has a history of non engaging with mental health services.

I am feeling incredibly anxious with taking on new clients as majority of their case is to do with the criminal justice. I have little knowledge. I feel quite anxious on keep phoning my Manager to explain certain things. I'm starting to feel they are getting annoyed with me by keeping asking basic things. I don't want to be seen as someone who is anxious and is not performing well. Someone who can't use their own initiuative. Gets scared and is constantly on the phone seeking for help.

I'm reading their reports and hearing a lot of different words and about the criminal justice which I am struggling to understand.

To top all that off, I am also feeling anxious in case another client doesn't engage. It may look bad on me as two client's are not engaging. I don't want this to affect my performance and they end up sacking me as so far, none of my clients are engaging.

I am feeling really negative, anxious and helpless.
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Have Hope
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Default Apr 16, 2019 at 11:45 AM
Hi. It seems you’re being very hard yourself. You’re new and there’s a learning curve. It’s expected that you will ask many questions while you’re learning. It takes time and over time you will get better as you learn the ropes and ins and outs of your job. Just learn right now and follow the lead of those above you who are guiding you. Keep asking questions. You’re not incompetent at all. You’re just learning something new! Hugs!

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
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Sam Vimes
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Default Apr 25, 2019 at 02:52 PM
For what it's worth, there's a saying: A smart person doesn't know everything, they just know who to ask. Not sure you should explain to your boss that you have fears, but a family member or a friend, yes.
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Thanks for this!
Little Lulu
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Default Apr 25, 2019 at 04:58 PM
They should expect either to give you induction or to give you time to chat with people in your area of work who can give you the heads-up. "Should" is one thing, but seems like they are not that well organised.

I shouldn't worry about the clients not taking up your services. It's really up to your manager to give you the clients you are suited to work with.

Can you tell yourself to just hang out with the team for a few days, and look for some colleagues who are either experienced or friendly who you can chat to at the beginning of each working day.

I think this is your anxiety, not that you are incompetent for the work. You sound cool!

*"Fierce <-> Reality"*

oh god I am struggling today, help me to remember how to stay connected and human!

remember: the nut shell against human predators and my own fear!
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