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Default Jan 06, 2020 at 02:31 PM
It's been a hard last year for me .. I've had issues with a coworker who eventually got promoted while I got a terrible review. It almost seems as if he was trying to make me look bad so he could get promoted and that eventually happened. I believe my review was unfair and I have mentioned that to my manager who just sat there saying "Sure" - a very frustrating response. I have some form of documentation to prove my performance was better than what the review showed and I am going to put that in writing in response to my review. But the reality now is that most of the leadership is aware of my review (technically they shouldn't be aware of the rating but because performance reviews are discussed amongst managers they are aware of the subjective comments. And some of those comments were nasty). As much as I've been frustrated, I've tried to put all this behind and try harder but I have a bigger problem.

Because leadership is aware of my performance rating, they are also withholding opportunities for me to grow and prove myself. And whatever little there is going to the "top performers". Btw, there is a good chance that I might get laid off if there is workforce reduction in the company. I feel I have been pushed to a corner with no way out... and there's more.

I am trying to make a career change and don't yet have enough experience to get a job. Experience is what I am trying to get through my current role and it has become a chicken and egg problem. I am still not giving up and trying hard to find a job but it's challenging because we can't relocate as we just bought a new home and worked really hard to renovate it. I'd like me and my wife and kid to at least live in it for 6 months. I worked so hard to save and renovate it.

All of this uncertainty is taking it's toll on me. I am not able to focus and feel down a lot. How do I walk into my office and work hard when I don't see a future here? All of my classmates from school 8 years ago are at the next level and some even higher. I worked hard .. why am I stuck like this? How in the world will I be able to give a good life to my son (who was born last year and is turning one soon)
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Default Jan 07, 2020 at 04:32 AM
You will give a good life to your son by loving him more than anything else on this planet.

People who have not 2 pennies to rub together find ways to raise beautiful, joyous children all over the world. It is only in countries like America and China, where we measure our value by material metrics and other BS "Status" symbols, that we think if our child is not riding around in a turbocharged Audi, that we are being horrible parents. Not saying this is you, btw. Just sayin'. This is America.

As for work, I think you are coming into some conflict between how you think you should be treated and how your evaluator and that manager with the tepid response are , in fact, treating you. This may sound weird, but the problem is actually not them. They are just perfectly being exactly who and what they are. This is who they are. Your expectation that they should treat you 'fairly' is the problem. Not having that expectation met is causing you distress. The problem, actually , is you.

So, you are def doing the right thing looking for a new job. You may have to compromise in the short term. People compromise all the time. It's life. Whatever the case, you need to remove yourself from this hostile, unsupportive environment as soon as possible. Don't force a square peg into a round hole. There are plenty of employers out thee who will treat you much better than these losers.

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Default Jan 07, 2020 at 07:27 AM
This is temporary... think of it in that way. Try to gain as much experience as you can while on the job and look for another. Just look at it very selfishly, but in a healthy selfish way, if you know what I mean. Get out of it what you can, and use it as a stepping stone to another position, even if that position is not a leg up and is a lateral move. And if they don't give you growth opportunities where you are now, just capitalize on the length of employment and the experience you CAN gain. They sound toxic and dysfunctional. Oh, and I think it's only reasonable to expect fair and equal treatment within a work environment. And it sucks when you don't get it. I can fully relate to that feeling because I've had the same issue in my own job. It's maddening, but it's reality unfortunately. Many work environments promote unfairly. It's as though the hard working person gets screwed, and the screw offs get rewarded with promotions. Not right.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Jan 08, 2020 at 04:56 AM
I was recently let go from a job with a similar dynamic. Our toxic manager loved several incompetent people, while she and the editor set out to make it impossible for others (such as me) to work effectively so she could threaten us with firing. A co-worker was let go the same day I was. He had felt for a while that he had been targeted by them as well.

Meanwhile, the incompetents still have jobs. One consistently had the lowest production stats of anyone. Others would have been fired long ago for that sort of performance. We did research projects and were expected to update a certain number of projects a month. You needed to find information about the status from the last three months. If you couldn’t find recent information, there is boilerplate language you used to indicate this. The other boss’ favorite had high production statistics but 4 of 5 times she did an update she would use the language that she couldn’t find information, which is useless for the clients. On the rare occasion when she did find information, her work was widely viewed to be sloppy by the rest the department. If I or another of her non-favorites, had done that, we’d be in trouble over performance. But, she was held up as an example as a good worker by our manager. It was completely backwards.

I know how frustrating and demoralizing it can feel. I was a mess emotionally and mentally from the constant stress. I agree with Have Hope that your main focus should be on trying to find a position where you will be more appreciated. Hopefully that will help you to focus less on your current crappy work situation. Also, I’d say do whatever you can to gain experience where you are, in order to help you towards your goal of a better position where you can grow professionally. Hang in there and feel free to vent whenever you want.
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Open Eyes
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Default Jan 12, 2020 at 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post

As for work, I think you are coming into some conflict between how you think you should be treated and how your evaluator and that manager with the tepid response are , in fact, treating you. This may sound weird, but the problem is actually not them. They are just perfectly being exactly who and what they are. This is who they are. Your expectation that they should treat you 'fairly' is the problem. Not having that expectation met is causing you distress. The problem, actually , is you.
This is 100% spot on! When leadership and followers are misaligned, then there is discordance for both the leader and the follower. Finally, a chance to apply what i learned in my Leadership Theory course. Thank you bpcyclist and Peter Northouse!

According to Northouse, there are six bases of Power used by leaders:

Referent power - based on followers' identification and liking for leader. A teacher who is liked by students has referent power.

Expert power - based on followers' perception of the leaders competence. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a foreign country has expert power.

Legitimate power - associated with having status or formal job authority. A judge who administers sentences in the courtroom exhibits legitimate power.

Reward power - derived from having the capacity to provide rewards to others. A supervisor who gives rewards to employees who work hard, is using reward power.

Coercive power - derived from having the capacity to penalize or punish others. A coach who sits players on the bench for being late to practice is using coercive power.

Information power - derived from possessing knowledge that others want or need. A boss who has information regarding new criteria to decide employee promotion eligibility has information power.

Leadership & Coercion:

Power & restraint used to force followers to engage in extreme behavior.

Coercion leadership involves:

*use of force to effect change.

*influence followers to do something by manipulating rewards and penalties in the work environment.

Because leadership is aware of my performance rating, they are also withholding opportunities for me to grow and prove myself. And whatever little there is going to the "top performers". Btw, there is a good chance that I might get laid off if there is workforce reduction in the company. I feel I have been pushed to a corner with no way out... and there's more.
*use of threats, punishments, and negative rewards.
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Serpentine Leaf
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Default Jan 13, 2020 at 11:56 AM
It's the same dynamic in the public sector too. People get advanced positions (with no salary transparency) by personal connections, not by competence. Meanwhile, highly competent people who have worked their way up from the ground for years and taken advantage of every learning and growth opportunity available, even when they are scant, are told they aren't qualified for anything but a dead-end job, or even threatened with bad reviews or lay-offs. Unfortunate bpcyclist is 100% right: an expectation of fairness is setting ourselves up for this downward spiral. Our anger and frustration is fully justified, but we don't live in a just society. We can certainly work toward achieving one, but we have to work within the current framework while we're in it. In my view, a workplace that has a unidirectional view of loyalty deserves none at all. Take from it what we can get and then move on.
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Default Jan 13, 2020 at 02:42 PM
Speaking truthfully, the ONLY motivation I have for staying at my job is the paycheck.

I go about my own business, and keep my mind on myself and my life. I expect the same courtesy from the rest of the world.
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Default Jan 13, 2020 at 04:02 PM
Hey @ak1728 what things were mentioned in your review that were bad?
Originally Posted by ak1728 View Post
It's been a hard last year for me .. I've had issues with a coworker who eventually got promoted while I got a terrible review. It almost seems as if he was trying to make me look bad so he could get promoted and that eventually happened. I believe my review was unfair and I have mentioned that to my manager who just sat there saying "Sure" - a very frustrating response. I have some form of documentation to prove my performance was better than what the review showed and I am going to put that in writing in response to my review. But the reality now is that most of the leadership is aware of my review (technically they shouldn't be aware of the rating but because performance reviews are discussed amongst managers they are aware of the subjective comments. And some of those comments were nasty). As much as I've been frustrated, I've tried to put all this behind and try harder but I have a bigger problem.

Because leadership is aware of my performance rating, they are also withholding opportunities for me to grow and prove myself. And whatever little there is going to the "top performers". Btw, there is a good chance that I might get laid off if there is workforce reduction in the company. I feel I have been pushed to a corner with no way out... and there's more.

I am trying to make a career change and don't yet have enough experience to get a job. Experience is what I am trying to get through my current role and it has become a chicken and egg problem. I am still not giving up and trying hard to find a job but it's challenging because we can't relocate as we just bought a new home and worked really hard to renovate it. I'd like me and my wife and kid to at least live in it for 6 months. I worked so hard to save and renovate it.

All of this uncertainty is taking it's toll on me. I am not able to focus and feel down a lot. How do I walk into my office and work hard when I don't see a future here? All of my classmates from school 8 years ago are at the next level and some even higher. I worked hard .. why am I stuck like this? How in the world will I be able to give a good life to my son (who was born last year and is turning one soon)

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Default Jan 13, 2020 at 04:40 PM
First, thanks for all your responses. Feel really good when someone gets what you're feeling. I am a software engineer and this guy mentioned in his feedback that despite being shown the exact code change required I couldn't fix the bug. I felt bad hearing this..over the course of last 7 years, I have solved many bugs in many different projects. My manager could not give me any specifics of what the exact situation was but I can only guess that this was about a couple incidents where he have incomplete information and there was more to the problem that what we initially thought. For my manager to just take his word effectively means I am so dumb that I can't function despite being handheld which is simply not true. Unfortunately I dont know what incident is being talked about but regardless there definitely would have been something more to it.

Secondly, there was another comment saying that I delivered a negative news to the customer in a way that affected our teams image. Again, I have no idea what incident they are talking about and I dont recollect anyone walking up to me and pointing this out when it happened or even afterward.

It will be an entire year before I can hope to get a better review and then a year from there to get promoted, if at all. I want to move fast in my career and folks who I went to school with are looking forward to getting promoted two levels above where i am. They are already where I'll get in two years. I feel like i am about 3 years behind and it will be hard to catch up.

Regarding the money, I am mai by co scorned about my son's education. I dont want him to have to take out a loan and be under pressure to pay it. I want him to have the freedom to wait for the right job and not be desperate for the paycheck.
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Default Jan 14, 2020 at 04:23 PM
ak, get a head hunter and take 1-2 year IT contracts if you need to for the time being. My brother-in-law was an IT manager and dealt with this backstabbing issue with his job candidates all the time. They'd tell my BIL stories of how they lost their last contract job b/c a jealous, insecure coworker would undermine them in front of supervisors, sabotage their projects that they were assigned as colleagues on, and spread lies about their colleagues in order to promote themselves in a better light to upper management. Not much you can do to combat that other than be true to yourself, find an ally in an upper manager (leave human resources out of it -- their only agenda is to do what the company tells them; they view their workers as weak and expendable when said worker comes to them with an interpersonal complaint about another work colleague. In short, do not trust human resources despite what their name implies, it should be corporate resources as they do not give a **** about humans).
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Serpentine Leaf
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Default Jan 14, 2020 at 04:26 PM
America will always have student loans. Best to send kids abroad for college these days. Europe's universities pay for a student's tuition and it comes out as higher taxes which evens everything out in the long run. America's education system is run by Big Business, not protected by the government. Certainly not even regulated by the government (look at who our secretary of education is -- she owns for-profit business schools and owns the lender companies that lend student loan monies to those same students. She's a crook, appointment by our crook of a president).
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Default Jan 15, 2020 at 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by StreetcarBlanche View Post
America will always have student loans. Best to send kids abroad for college these days. Europe's universities pay for a student's tuition and it comes out as higher taxes which evens everything out in the long run. America's education system is run by Big Business, not protected by the government. Certainly not even regulated by the government (look at who our secretary of education is -- she owns for-profit business schools and owns the lender companies that lend student loan monies to those same students. She's a crook, appointment by our crook of a president).

Where we are now is certainly a terrible state for those trapped by these for-profit schools, disproportionately targeting people of color, low-income, and veterans, and a Sec of Education seemingly hell-bent on their predation. But things will change when we finally have a new administration.
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Default Jan 15, 2020 at 11:51 AM
Beware of the snakes that be in the woods. Things you have described experiencing with this coworker fit in with tactics used in this article. I thought about you when I read it this morning. This can happen to people trying to get ahead where they are good workers but get sabatoged by another person that tends to have dark ways of getting what they want.

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Default Jan 15, 2020 at 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Serpentine Leaf View Post
Where we are now is certainly a terrible state for those trapped by these for-profit schools, disproportionately targeting people of color, low-income, and veterans, and a Sec of Education seemingly hell-bent on their predation. But things will change when we finally have a new administration.
Well HOPEFULLY a new administration will get rid of our secretary of education. It's like, every criminal in the U.S. was appointed a position in our gov't with this last president.

And yes, those for-profit schools with useless accreditation preys on people which is a shame because everyone deserves to have a degree with practical application for a real job.
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Default Jan 16, 2020 at 05:08 AM
Would you be comfortable asking for clarification about the negative things in your review? Under the guise of improving?

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Default Jan 16, 2020 at 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Would you be comfortable asking for clarification about the negative things in your review? Under the guise of improving?
Well, I did that right away and the take away from that discussion was that I need to communicate better. So I've setup weekly meetings and monthly meetings with key folks in my team and send meeting minutes of important stuff discussed. I was also told to put extra effort into work assigned to me and I have done that as well. I have kept track of the amount of time it has taken for me to write software for each feature, the number of faults uncovered during testing and any positive customer feedback ( I have received a couple) Because I finished my work early, I also volunteered to help my teammates.

But nothing has changed. I am not being assigned significant and challenging work and am being left out of meetings. Maybe because of my past review or because of politics or both. If it continues like this, I will have trouble getting a good review again and promotion is out of question for a couple of years. The bigger problem is I'll have trouble finding work elsewhere because I won't have much to show for for the time I spend here.

So it's amply clear that I need to leave. I have constraints in that there aren't a lot of other companies where I live and relocation is not an option. Also, I made a career transition recently from test to software development and I have about 3 years of experience with development but 8 years of experience overall. All of this is making it longer for me to find another job resulting in having to endure the current situation longer. Also, the longer it takes, the harder it's going to be to find a position which concerns me a great deal. I am trying to mitigate this by doing some side projects so I have something to show for for the time I spent.

All in all this is becoming very difficult for me to take psychologically.. I dread going to work every day. The other day we had a meeting and everyone had some updates baring me (because I had no work). I can roll in the amount of work I did last week into 3-4 hours and still no one would notice.

I also fear getting laid off because of either the review or not having any work. Finally, a layoff means deportation because I am on a work visa and my stay is tied to an employer unless I find another willing sponsor in a month or so. I essentially would have to leave the life I built here for 8 years and return back to my home country where I am not even sure which city I would go to. Not to mention the fact that my wife would have to quit her Masters program mid way and leave without a degree and let go of the money we put into it thus far. This has happened to people and it's a sad situation, they basically turn their home into a garage or estate sale.

I know it's not the end of the world and there is always another day but right now the burden is becoming difficult to handle.
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Default Jan 17, 2020 at 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Open Eyes View Post
Beware of the snakes that be in the woods. Things you have described experiencing with this coworker fit in with tactics used in this article. I thought about you when I read it this morning. This can happen to people trying to get ahead where they are good workers but get sabatoged by another person that tends to have dark ways of getting what they want.

10 Unbelievable Behaviors Of The Narcissist | Caregivers, Family & Friends

Thank you very much for posting this! I'd like to share it with others who have struggled with the same types of people. I sure have in my workplace, too.
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Default Jan 17, 2020 at 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by ak1728 View Post
Well, I did that right away and the take away from that discussion was that I need to communicate better. So I've setup weekly meetings and monthly meetings with key folks in my team and send meeting minutes of important stuff discussed. I was also told to put extra effort into work assigned to me and I have done that as well. I have kept track of the amount of time it has taken for me to write software for each feature, the number of faults uncovered during testing and any positive customer feedback ( I have received a couple) Because I finished my work early, I also volunteered to help my teammates.

But nothing has changed. I am not being assigned significant and challenging work and am being left out of meetings. Maybe because of my past review or because of politics or both. If it continues like this, I will have trouble getting a good review again and promotion is out of question for a couple of years. The bigger problem is I'll have trouble finding work elsewhere because I won't have much to show for for the time I spend here.

So it's amply clear that I need to leave. I have constraints in that there aren't a lot of other companies where I live and relocation is not an option. Also, I made a career transition recently from test to software development and I have about 3 years of experience with development but 8 years of experience overall. All of this is making it longer for me to find another job resulting in having to endure the current situation longer. Also, the longer it takes, the harder it's going to be to find a position which concerns me a great deal. I am trying to mitigate this by doing some side projects so I have something to show for for the time I spent.

All in all this is becoming very difficult for me to take psychologically.. I dread going to work every day. The other day we had a meeting and everyone had some updates baring me (because I had no work). I can roll in the amount of work I did last week into 3-4 hours and still no one would notice.

I also fear getting laid off because of either the review or not having any work. Finally, a layoff means deportation because I am on a work visa and my stay is tied to an employer unless I find another willing sponsor in a month or so. I essentially would have to leave the life I built here for 8 years and return back to my home country where I am not even sure which city I would go to. Not to mention the fact that my wife would have to quit her Masters program mid way and leave without a degree and let go of the money we put into it thus far. This has happened to people and it's a sad situation, they basically turn their home into a garage or estate sale.

I know it's not the end of the world and there is always another day but right now the burden is becoming difficult to handle.

There may be an element of discrimination here. Are there any local organizations in your area that can look into this possibility?
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Default Jan 20, 2020 at 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by ak1728 View Post
It will be an entire year before I can hope to get a better review and then a year from there to get promoted, if at all. I want to move fast in my career and folks who I went to school with are looking forward to getting promoted two levels above where i am. They are already where I'll get in two years. I feel like i am about 3 years behind and it will be hard to catch up.
It seems to be a human trait to want to compare ourselves to others, but I don't think it is productive, especially in today’s work environment where we have to reinvent ourselves frequently. The linear job tracks that many of our parents seemed to follow is a thing of the past for the most part.

Also, just because someone is in a higher job position doesn’t mean they like it or that you’d like the job if you had it. I have a good friend that has advanced to quite a high level in her career. On paper it looks great and she is making good money, but she has confided to me that she has no work-life balance and it is burning her out. She’s working 80 hours a week and is on medication for anxiety and to sleep. It has also put a lot of stress on her relationship with her husband. Things are not always what they appear to be.

I’m in my 40s and have cycled through many different roles, management, non-management editorial, intern, freelance, consulting. Currently, after being let go from a job that had gotten toxic, I am working into getting into freelancing again. I don’t feel like the typical full-time, corporate job is what I want right now.
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