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Default Oct 04, 2021 at 08:37 PM
I think he talks about seeing you as a leader in general terms. I heard bosses saying it to people before. It doesn’t mean you’ll be promoted. It’s just a general comment. If he told you “tomorrow we are going to interview you for a leadership position at 2pm on a second floor”. That’s specific. “I see you as a leader” is not.

I honestly doubt he’d ever promote you because of what happened previously-him being inappropriate with you. Things were improper, then you came back to work in the company and then within less than a year he promotes you. Not happening. If it’s the same CEO.

Plus if there are only 20 people in the company there isn’t much room for growth. They only need that many bosses. If you want a promotion, this isn’t the company for you. I hope something else comes up soon. At this point I’d take a pay cut just to get out of there. It sounds like a very negative experience overall
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Default Oct 04, 2021 at 08:39 PM
How bizarre he disclosed to you that a coworker has dyslexia. How inappropriate. Did the coworker give him permission to talk about their disability to other colleagues? Wow.

He is so unprofessional.
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Default Oct 05, 2021 at 05:59 AM
I know - he's not professional. I wish I could take a pay cut, but I cannot afford that. I must be able to afford my rent, which is hard to afford by myself. I can't and won't move... I have no funds to move. I am stuck. I don't think he intends on giving me a promotion either.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 05, 2021 at 06:09 AM
Now my new boss is sending each report back to me to revise. I have 13 total to write! In just 8 days! I finally told her (in writing) that if I keep having to revise my reports, I will never be able to meet my deadlines. I didn't care how it came across - I was so bitter about the extra work, when I am already writing 4 more reports than I should be.

I am bitter and angry that I have found myself to be in this position - overloaded with an a-hole of a boss. And now I have to do even more work, revising each report after I've already written it.... I am so done with this job and with this company.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Trig Oct 08, 2021 at 06:12 AM
So now my VP is at it with me. Yesterday on a client call, he criticized my work right in front of ME and in front of my client. He pointed out ways my work could be improved, yet he never approached me privately on the side to tell me this. He chose to do this right in front of my client for a page that I had JUST reworked on their website. How completely unprofessional of him! So, I was left to defend my work on this call! And I did! I said, I beg to differ, and I told him why.

Last night I became suicidal. I was thinking I should just end my misery now. This will never improve, because it hasn't improved to date.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 08, 2021 at 12:35 PM
Aha, and…. It’s not just me! I talked to a coworker privately for a half hour on the phone today who has just as many gripes about my new boss that I have. She said she’s most rude! So it’s definitely not just me.. she’s this way with everyone! She also said that she seems to create a lot more work for everyone - and I agree!!!

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Paul Shipman Smith
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Default Oct 08, 2021 at 04:50 PM
Your manager's role is to oversee the workings of the department (or entire company). How she handled the problem only caused friction between you resulting in a difficult, working relationship.
No analytic professional, a transition and the catastrophic Covid pandemic. All combined will mean some risky decisions need to be taken.
That's business - and you made a decision because you thought it was in the client's (and company's) best interest.
However. It went wrong - and unfortunately, the client may focus on the mistake and any attempt at justifying the decision will be viewed as an excuse.
More pressure for your new manager and the risk of the client taking their business elsewhere.
Let's be fair. It's understandable and she was right in telling you.
There could have been a better way to handle it.
Your new manager appears to shy away from confrontation. The emails are her way of taking that chance you'll agree with her, yet at the same time saving her the aggravation of having to confront you.
She's hoping this will solve the problem and assume everybody will simply move forward.
Of course. It's not always the case.
There's a risk of creating a hostile work environment.
Take a step back to appreciate what is really happening.
The new manager has good intentions - but lacking that ability to convey this.
Accept it's early days as she may be new to this level of management herself.
Managers are supposed to 'troubleshoot', give guidance, positive leadership and help oversee the workings of a department or even a whole company.
However. It often doesn't work that way because many new managers find themselves undertaking a role that is more responsibility than they imagined. The result. The manager being the cause - rather than the solution - to many problems.
People often undertake the role of manager/team leader with great initial enthusiasm. Then within a few days wake up to the realisation of what they have taken on.
Managers can have brilliant minds and enter the profession from various routes, yet tend to share a popular trait. They often don't appreciate what's really involved in order to do a particular job.
Some managers enter the profession via their own company being taken over and find it hard going from being 'their own boss' to becoming a part of a larger organisation.
There are those that enter management straight from university. Reading the text books and writing out that dissertation are one thing. When it comes to managing a department/company it's a totally different learning curve.
Then there are those who become managers because their relatives hold a directorship role within the company - such as owning it. They take on the role immediately after college or university, without even studying business.
They try to organise the company in order to please the most important people in their lives without giving focus to the real workings and 'behind the scenes' of the office/factory floor.
Some managers enter the role after working for many years 'on the shop floor' and find the role can be thankless and unbearable. It's often assumed that by taking on the management role, there'll be a bigger financial reward, more 'company perks' and perhaps even more respect.
Sadly. The stress of the role, the conflict with former workmates and being accused of spending too long away from the tools can make the job difficult.
It's no wonder many employees would rather pass over the opportunity.
Many companies - such as yours - find it more productive to introduce a new manager 'from the outside' rather than appoint someone who is already working for the company.
This is in the hope of bringing in fresh perspectives from their leadership and can help to neutralise any disagreements or conflict because there's less risk of things getting too personal.
This is because the new manager is not familiar with the workforce and can feel more comfortable implementing new strategies. This appears to be the case in your organisation.
Trying to put all of this simply, you're in a difficult situation. The anger isn't going to help.
Accept the situation for what it is. It's a business.
Take some positive action to help your working day run smoothly. Let's be fair. The working day is long - especially with conflict.
In business, bear in mind we are all professionals.
Starting with your first admonition. Both you and your colleague took it upon yourselves to try and rectify a clients problem. You showed initiative and your intentions were good.
However. The manager showed a lack of assertive leadership skills.
Next time....
Discuss the incident with your new manager and state that your primary concern was for the client and their continued business.
Follow on to say that you thought it unfair to be chastised via email when you were only trying your best to solve the client's problem.
Mention your 'client strategy'.
Managers love new ideas - especially when they feel that they have contributed.
Do make suggestions and raise issues but in a way as to engage with the manager. Encourage the manager to feel they have been a serious part of the new strategy.
Some managers like to 'think about' an idea for a while, then take some of the credit for implementing their colleagues ideas.
In such a scenario, just compliment the manager for using the idea and 'good team thinking'. It's difficult but just the way things are at times.
When you have a 'one-to-one' with your manager, point out (carefully) that her emails have caused some offence to your colleagues and there's a risk of it causing friction.
A common problem is being unable to 'switch off' at the end of the day. You are currently 'taking work home'.
Read a book or two about stress management and remember that worrying about work after the shift is over will not help. Nobody will thank you for it.
The test with a 'trick question'....Is this test relevant to your job?....Would your work performance be a more reliable indicator of your knowledge?......Worth asking.
It looks like you're going through a tough time.
However. Don't leave just yet. See how things go - because the next few months will be hard for all companies.
Give yourself some time to plan ahead and decide if you want to find another job.
Do some reading on management techniques to gain an insight into the workings of management.
Further reading on self-assertiveness may help as well.
This may help you to deal with your difficult new manager.
The working day can be long and beset with many problems, including what appears to be a manager causing trouble (even if unintentionally).
However. At the end of the day, we are all at work for one reason - to earn a living.
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Default Oct 10, 2021 at 08:56 AM
The thing is, there’s no two way conversation with this woman. I give my input, ideas and feedback on work initiatives, all of which she’s ignored. She does things her way and only her way. She’s not the type to be sympathetic to feelings or conflict either. She’s rude and mean. My colleague agrees with me. She’s a tyrant and only wants things HER way and that’s evident.

I hate my job. Why would I stick around to see how this goes? It’s been a month and already I hate her.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 12, 2021 at 06:05 AM
I can't face her today... I cannot face work today. I want to call in sick, quit and never turn back. It's taking ALL my strength to get through each and every day with her managing my team. She has created more work for us when we're already understaffed. She's giving me extra tasks to do when I already have too many clients to manage. But it's more so her approach and her attitude I cannot take anymore. It's her rudeness and the fact that what I say doesn't matter whatsoever - I have no input - it's HER way and HER way ONLY. She's proven this to me several times over. She has undermined me in client calls - ignoring what I've said in response to her and putting forth her ideas to MY clients, when I've already stated to her that we need to do X,W, or Z first, and that this is what the client is expecting from us. She does NOT listen to us - and nothing that we say matters - she wants her own strategies implemented, even if it means undermining strategies we already have in the works. I cannot take anymore.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
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Default Oct 13, 2021 at 06:03 AM
And... my boss wasted my precious time yesterday on a strategy she wants me to pursue that won't work. I told her it won't work, and she didn't believe me - so I spelled it out to her in black and white writing why it won't work. She wasted my time. I don't think she's very bright.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes

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Default Oct 14, 2021 at 06:08 AM
I complained to my VP that my boss is making things inefficient. I used to be able to assign my own tasks to myself in our project management tool. Now she wants control over all task assignments and requires me to first assign my tasks to her which she will then review and assign back to me. I told my VP yesterday that I can't know what my tasks are unless they're assigned to me, and there was a delay in her reassigning my tasks back to me. I also said this is really inefficient since we review our tasks daily in our team call as it is.

WHY does she need SO much control over EVERYTHING?!?

I am so fed up I don't care what comes out of my mouth. I am at a point where I just don't give two shi*ts. I am standing up for what I think is right.

I have a fourth interview with a company tomorrow morning.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes

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Default Oct 15, 2021 at 07:05 AM
My boss told me to assign all my tasks to her first, then she will review them all and will assign back to me. So I did just that.

Then yesterday morning, when I assigned a new task of mine to her, she asked me: WHY are you assigning this to ME? UMMMMM.... BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO!!!!!

PLUS, after being with us for over 1 month now, I had to explain my job to her yesterday. She didn't understand that my title, SENIOR STRATEGIST, means I am IN CHARGE OF THE STRATEGY FOR EACH OF MY CLIENT ACCOUNTS. She asked, who devises the strategies? UMMMMMM.... NOT TOO BRIGHT, ARE WE?!? So I sarcastically told her, of course I am in charge of strategy --- this is MY JOB.

I am starting to become just as rude back to her as she is to me, and you know what? I really do not care. Dish it out, and that's what you get back. I have lost all care and concern for how I respond to this lady. They are working me to the bone, they keep piling MORE work onto my plate, and I am breaking as a result. So I just don't care how I come across to my boss at this point. I just don't care. And I know they won't fire me because they need me too much. I'm the most productive member on my team, and my clients love me. Two of my clients gave a lot of praise to my work yesterday on our weekly client calls. So they know I am valuable to them.

My fourth interview with a company is lined up for Monday. I pray I get the job offer next week, which would mean only three more weeks in this hell hole.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
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Default Oct 15, 2021 at 05:00 PM
My boss actually gave me a "whatever" in response to something I said today

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 15, 2021 at 06:03 PM
What idiots. Why are idiots in charge of others?

I was just told that I need to pile up 45 people in one room on a specific day. We have to maintain 3ft distance per CDC guidelines. It’s not physically possible as walls aren’t stretchable. Lol they will be like sardines in a can. In the middle of pandemics. I was told “it will be fine”. Can you imagine one of them gets covid. It will be 45 plus me quarantine as we didn’t follow 3ft distance. “It will be fine???”

This lady at your work sounds not right in the head. Seriously
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Default Oct 16, 2021 at 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
What idiots. Why are idiots in charge of others?

I was just told that I need to pile up 45 people in one room on a specific day. We have to maintain 3ft distance per CDC guidelines. It’s not physically possible as walls aren’t stretchable. Lol they will be like sardines in a can. In the middle of pandemics. I was told “it will be fine”. Can you imagine one of them gets covid. It will be 45 plus me quarantine as we didn’t follow 3ft distance. “It will be fine???”

This lady at your work sounds not right in the head. Seriously
WOW - that's nuts! What's the rationale for gathering in one room only 3 feet apart????

Yes, my boss is not right in the head! SOMETHING is seriously wrong with her.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 16, 2021 at 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Have Hope View Post
WOW - that's nuts! What's the rationale for gathering in one room only 3 feet apart????

Yes, my boss is not right in the head! SOMETHING is seriously wrong with her.
3ft apart is fine as it’s a guideline now (when masked), but 45 people won’t be able to be 3ft apart. It will be more like 1ft! No one seems to care!

Your boss is so weird
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Default Oct 16, 2021 at 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
3ft apart is fine as it’s a guideline now (when masked), but 45 people won’t be able to be 3ft apart. It will be more like 1ft! No one seems to care!

Your boss is so weird
That is really so wrong. Such a huge risk for everyone involved!!!

My boss is off her rocker. She will dig her own grave, I do believe.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 19, 2021 at 05:33 PM
So, today she YELLED at me on the phone. She actually yelled and came down on me really hard. Then she practically hung up the phone on me! I can tell she's totally overwhelmed and exasperated. I told her that I didn't like the way she was speaking to me and that I didn't appreciate it. I spoke up. My husband thinks I will get fired now.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

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Default Oct 19, 2021 at 08:58 PM
If she was yelling and you told her you don’t want her to yell, then I don’t see how you could be fired. Were there witnesses to her yelling? Guess not if you all work from home. What was her response when you said she should stop yelling?
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Default Oct 20, 2021 at 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
If she was yelling and you told her you don’t want her to yell, then I don’t see how you could be fired. Were there witnesses to her yelling? Guess not if you all work from home. What was her response when you said she should stop yelling?
No witnesses, as it was just the two of us on a call. She became very quiet for a minute when I said that to her. Then she proceeded to speak over me while I tried to defend myself against her bogus accusations. She tried to tell me I ask too many questions and don't listen - SHE doesn't listen - that was a projection. And I ask questions because her instructions are too vague. And what's wrong with asking questions, anyways? There should be zero wrong with that. Clearly she cannot handle the job.

I cannot even believe this woman somehow is our Director. SHE'S the one who should be fired.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes

Last edited by Have Hope; Oct 20, 2021 at 06:00 AM..
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