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Old May 30, 2009, 06:45 AM
CJR520 CJR520 is offline
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Member Since: Mar 2005
Location: Central Ohio
Posts: 312
I am also afraid for my daughter, but she is 42, and I can no longer run to her house 40 minutes away every time she gets in trouble. It only makes me miserable and things never change. She now has a bachelors degree in social work. A couple of weeks ago she told her Mennonite friend that she was not going to work because she would have to pay back her student loans. She would just take more classes to avoid paying the money. The story of her life!! At this age, she has never worked long enough at a job to get insurance because she can't get along with anyone. She is begging food off of this friend already for the summer. This week, I cut off my relationship with this Mennonite lady because my daughter is using her to tell me what is going on. I like her, but I don't need to hear any more nasties about my daughter. The last thing she did was end up with about 1,000. dollars worth of things from and elderly persons house near her. The whole Mennonite community is buzzing about it where she lives. By cutting off with this woman, I won't hear about it any more. One day my daughter will end up in jail doing this. I hate it!!!
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