Originally Posted by starryprince
Actually I'd love some suggestions on communities or books that can steer me in the right direction. Thanks a lot for the offer.
Also, have you ever had to deal with narcissistic relatives? If so, how did you handle it, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm on my phone right now so I'll post some more communities and books when I get on my laptop.
For now in terms of communities you can look up BPD family, a website; thrive after abuse, it has a YouTube channel, Facebook page and website , Melanie tonia Evans has a YouTube channel, Facebook page and YouTube channel.
In terms of books there is mean mothers by peg Streep, she has a Facebook page; psychopath free by Jackson Mckenzie , he also has a website; will I ever be good enough by dr. Karyl mcbride, she has a Facebook page.
All of my relatives are narcissistic. I've gone low contact and gotten help from therapists. You might want to read my threads about narcissistic injury. I had to learn to communicate in such a way that would not provoke it.