It’s like I have no support anywhere. Except for my dad.
My mom and my fiancé can’t put up with my MI. I get it. No matter how hard I try or what I’ve done tho, it’s always that I’m not doing enough. I wish people understood that tough love or being mean doesn’t do anything for MI. It makes it worse. Because it’s an illness. It has to be treated for the person to understand the words of advice they need.
I don’t get people. I just don’t. My mom and fiancé might’ve both been showing tough love towards me yesterday and today, but their chosen words hurt me badly. Maybe my mom was and maybe my fiancé was just being rude/mean.
My mom told me I need to stop crying about things and just do them. I haven’t cried in awhile? And that advice never helped me ever. If I can’t come to a realization or a meaningful answer to my issues, which does happen for me, then I won’t be able to do anything.