Originally Posted by Travelinglady
Menopausal weight gain: How to Shed Those Extra PoundsI need to lose weight. My metabolism rate is puny. But I honestly believe my blubber keeps me from getting hurt (other than bruises) when I fall. I once fell backward on my concrete driveway, and my first body part to land was my big rear!
Same here. My blubber I think has saved me a few times.
This has always been my only major problem. I am about 50 lbs overweight. And that seems to be where I need to lose it. I just want to lose about 25 lbs of it and keep it off but it is so difficult with a slow metabolism. No one understands.
On the other hand though there is evidence that a slow metabolism slows aging / is good for you. There is a society called calorie restriction - where the people eat about 60% of the recommended amount for that purpose. They theory is that it slows everything down - including cell division.
I think menopause is a way to help us live longer and we just misunderstand it.