Originally Posted by Tart Cherry Jam
I just want to offer that there could be different explanations behind the different communication patterns between you and said gentlemen. It could be that the one who communicates all the time with emojis and what not is doing that because he is that much more interested in a relationship with you. But he also could simply be a much more communicative person. In other words, the differences that you observe might be due to different individual communication styles and not to differing degrees of interest in you. There is not enough information now to say for sure and it can also be a combo of two factors.
Yes, for sure, it could be a combo of factors. One factor is likely that his nephew was recently murdered. He was close with his nephew. So, I am guessing that now is not the right time for him to date or get serious with someone. Another guess is that it's the way he is right now and he wants it casual. Funny thing is, he keeps inviting me to places with him... he first invited me to go camping for four days, then to a private party, then a baseball game, then another private party, and now his own social gathering for his nephew. I don't see him positing pics of any other female, but he posted a pic of us together at the baseball game.