Jul 21, 2024, 01:28 PM
Member Since: Dec 2014
Location: US
Posts: 22,906
Originally Posted by Jellyfish18
Well, I think you mixed me up with somebody, I don't think I mentioned men online before. Anyway, thank you and those are valid points, I guess it is better to not put your trust in somebody you literally cannot trust. I think the main thing hurting me about this right now is that he, too, doesn't seem interested in talking and since this has been a pattern with the other 4 friends, I just worry there is something inherently off-putting or wrong about me. I cannot explain why otherwise such a number of people would suddenly start avoiding being with me.
There are some options where I live. I will be honest, since being forced to take these pills, I lost a lot of energy and personality (due to taking them) and I avoid going out other than with my closest friends. I mean, I do not go to an interest group or work, as I know I won't be able to handle the predominantly negative responses from people (which has also been a pattern on these pills, hardly anyone seems to like me or tolerate me without insulting me). I guess that is why this avoidance from my friends hurts more.
But I hate to expose myself to negativity willingly, and trust me, I have had plenty of experiences on these pills notwithstanding.
No I didn’t mix you up.
Very difficult love dilemma. Please help
I am concerned about pills. What pills? I am sorry pills cause you so many issues. Could you consult with your doctor