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Default May 28, 2018 at 05:19 PM
Hope you enjoyed the day off. Good job on staying AF at the BBQ yesterday even if you over ate. One or even 2 days off the diet aren't the end of the world, even if it feels like it. Hope you have fun at today's BBQ.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Smile May 28, 2018 at 08:42 PM
Remained AF during the BBQ/gathering. Only drank 3 diet root beers and felt good about that.
I did eat a hamburger with the bun and some brocolli salad and a handful of bing cherries. Very filling dinner. I forgot that I had a smoked sausage link.

There were 7 adults and 2 children ages 12 and 10. Played the game corn hole where you toss the bean bag across the yard to another wooden box with a hole. It was so hot outside and I was having a hot flash so went in to use the bathroom and wash my face off and cool off a bit in the air conditioning. I quit the game early.
Tried to talk to the other folks there and be social. Spoke with the host about his plants. They are lovely. The patio is surrounded with plants big and small.
Fortunately, they had ceiling fans out there so that cooled it off some.
We had a very nice time.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
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Smile May 29, 2018 at 09:29 AM
The new front door is finally being installed today.
Can't wait to be done with that.
I hear hammering and such.

Jeff is at school right now and should be back soon. My car is at the honda dealership. I wanted the air conditioning to be worked on before our trip north to Indy. There is something wrong with the air conditioner, it has failed us multiple times. Something is wrong with it! It is fine in town driving it is just the long distant trips where it has failed and then it is miserable. There is also a recall for the air bag and needs an oil change.
So, I will be driving Jeffs car today and possibly tomorrow that is if they have the parts it needs and if there is an easy fix. Anxious to hear back from them...
IT is a 6 speed manual transmission and hopefully will only need the 5th gear and stay under 50 mph so I won't have to put it into 6th gear which I am not good at.
More hammering, 2 men out there.
makes me nervous, hope everything goes smoothly for this installation part. All last week Ian was staining the door. It is not dark enough, he said he put on 4 coats. It is a fiberglass door and a light oak finish. Being textured it looks like wood. It will have to do. We really like the door, he will paint the inner casing and trim once it is hung and put on the hard ware door knob and lock that we picked out. All of the hardware is brushed bronze finish soshould be pretty. Next project is picking out a new outside light. I need to put on the water to water the grass, and potted plants this morning.

Keeping fingers crossed for both an uneventful door installation and not expensive air conditioning fix, will find out by the end of the day I suppose.

Have good day!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile May 29, 2018 at 08:55 PM
Today was a difficult day to pass up fat pats for a beer. I kept thinking how I have stalled losing weight and how a couple of beers would not matter. But I resisted the urge.Came home and snacked on some almonds and a piece of cheese. Then I drank a diet (zevia with stevia all natural sweetener) root beer and it filled my need for something fizzy.(like a beer).
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Had pork chop for dinner and left over broccolli salad from yesterday. 2 small pieces of dark chocolate. Tonight, I think I will have bowl of lite pop corn while watching seinfeld.
Jeff is off playing pool with some friends/colleagues of his.
I have some office work to do: catch up filing and finish the billing process.

The front door is almost finished. Ian did a shoddy job so the contractor saw the door and they are going to fix the multiple problems. We love the new door its just they need to fix the problems. The guy who was working on it either quit or was fired. Bizi's thread:

I took my car (red honda fit with zibra seat covers and a license plate that says "FOOT RN") into the shop for air conditioner problems, an air bag recall and oil change.
It required service work and the air conditioner had a condenser failure. All told it will cost about $1800, to fix the problem and the part won't be here until thursday so I will be driving jeffs car again for 2 more days. His 2 door bright blue civic car is a bit sporty having a 6 speed manual transmission and a spoiler on the back.. I can drive a stick but can not put it into 6th gear! Luckily I could stay at 55mph and get away with that. lol Bizi's thread:

Between drinking the zevia ginger root beer and chewing gum, I am keeping my mouth busy.
So, I am not snacking and am resisting the beer sitting in the fridge.

I have been on line for hours now so had better get my business work done.
Have a nice evening yall! Bizi's thread:

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default May 30, 2018 at 06:12 AM
Good job on staying AF.

That's a drag that the door needs to be redone.

Sorry about your car too - car repairs are always so expensive. But have fun driving Jeff's car.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Smile May 30, 2018 at 07:18 AM
thanks split,
I hope you have a nice day!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile May 31, 2018 at 07:07 AM
173.5! lowest in months.
remained AF last night, heavy cravings!! went to sleep instead. took a nap on our guest bed last night for 3 hours then got up took my night meds and went to bed/sleep. Got up this morning before the alarm from having a 2nd hot flash/night sweat...don't think these supplements are working for me.
Getting ready to take a shower....
have a great day!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default May 31, 2018 at 08:41 AM
sorry you're having hot flashes / night sweats. They're horrible. I was lucky to get through menopause without hot flashes, but I very occasionally get night sweats and I hate them.

Good job on resisting the beer in the fridge.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Unhappy May 31, 2018 at 08:58 AM
Thank you splits
I am going to stop taking the supplements when I am thru with bottles as they are expensive and not working.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default May 31, 2018 at 03:25 PM
In a world of increasing toxicity and an internet which parallels that toxic environment, your posts are a breath of fresh air .
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Default Jun 01, 2018 at 04:32 AM
I hear you on the cost of supplements as I'm on a bunch too. I take B1 per my addictions Dr's recommendation, Ferrous Gluconate, B12, Calcium with magnesium, and vitamin D per my GP. They add up but I'm sticking with them as I was having health effects due to deficiencies.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Smile Jun 01, 2018 at 10:08 AM
Had one hot flash/night sweat last night.
Got out of bed and stood by the fan, so tired of this!

I am happy because I got on the scale and I lost another pound 172.4!!
My most recent low was 167 back in march then went up to 180. So I have lost consistently this month 2 pounds per week. Which is great in my books. Bizi's thread:
When I was drinking too much I gained back the weight that I lost. I yo yo weight wise which is so unhealthy.

Waiting for the coffee to be finished as I desperately need a cup this morning. I have a caffeine head ache. Ahhh coffee is ready.

Last night My back was sore from working. I had been leaning down and not holding good posture. I asked Jeff to apply the magnesium gel that I picked up for my back when I fell lasts friday. It helped. My back feels fine this morning.

I see 4 clients today like normal and am working out of town tomorrow. Will see six residents at this assisted living facility.
I work there once a month and enjoy this day immensely because I get to have lunch at mcdonalds....Their oatmeal is the best! Bizi's thread:
I get their grilled chicken breast and a side of guacamoli. I normally don't eat fast food but this is so conveniently located right across the street. And I have not been able to find another restaurant close by.
ah...2nd cup of coffee. head ache is gone.!

I was able to pick my car up from the honda dealership. They fixed my air conditioning problem and provided services that were needed. She gave me a 10% discount because I asked for one.Which basically paid for my taxes. They flushed the fuel line transmission fluid, injectors, oil change, recall air bag. The total was $1600. I put it on visa but paid for it out of our line of credit.
WE charge every thing on our visas as they earn 1.5% interest/cash back. Then we pay the bills off entirely at due date automatically taken out of our checking account. Right now the line of credit is at 1.99% interest for the first 6 months. We should see where we are financially then to determine how much we have left to pay off. So far we have used about $17K. Foundation repair, moisture barrier, electrical, new brick mail box, new fiberglass front door, Vacation to paris/prague in the fall and now my car repairs.

Jeff cooked dinner last night. Speckled trout. It was delicious! We also had steamed edemame and a side salad. Healthy dinner. I used lite balsamic dressing on my salad.
Since Jeff is out for the summer, we have been having lunch together at sandras health food store. We were so happy to see my friends having lunch there yesterday. Paula and Niko are my lunch bunch pals. We used to eat lunch together every day, a group of 5-6. Then whole foods opened up 3 years ago and split the group up. So now we are down to 3 of us maybe once every week or 2. I appreciate their friendship so much. And miss our daily lunches. Bizi's thread:

Tonight is trivia at whole foods in the bar...Jeff likes to play. Since I am not drinking right now It is hard just sitting there, I am not a big trivia fan because I am horrible at it and it is very depressing to me. So I hope a new client calls today so I can work late...so far no calls.

Well I had better go see my client, already called her and told her that I would be late. She appreciated the call.

Thank you for reading and have a good day!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default Jun 01, 2018 at 02:01 PM
I didn't know McKdonalds had all that healthy food...and guacamoli too? Yum! Glad your car got repaired. And your going to Paris/Prague in the fall...nice. I was at our health food store today having terrivble anxiety and bought a tincture of Kava Kava. It didn't work. I was disappointed as it was $30.00 and I told them to keep the receipt. Now I can't take it back. I've just started reading your posts. I really like them.
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Smile Jun 01, 2018 at 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by zijax View Post
I didn't know McKdonalds had all that healthy food...and guacamoli too? Yum! Glad your car got repaired. And your going to Paris/Prague in the fall...nice. I was at our health food store today having terrivble anxiety and bought a tincture of Kava Kava. It didn't work. I was disappointed as it was $30.00 and I told them to keep the receipt. Now I can't take it back. I've just started reading your posts. I really like them.

Thank you.
I am sorry the kava kava did not work for you.
Valerian can be helpful for anxiety, so can benadryl, but that can make you sleepy. Hubby takes it at night.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Jun 01, 2018 at 09:16 PM
I did go to trivia and sailed thru drinking 6 14 oz glasses of water. and eating a very big dinner. Trivia was fun even though I did not get any of the answers. Jeff knew most of the answers and we got second place, $10 gift card that we just applied to the bill.

I work tomorrow so will need to get up early, am afraid I will be up all night peeing!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Jun 02, 2018 at 04:00 PM
Weight is up this morning so maybe I was a bit dehydrated and needed all of that water? Though I look pregnant today, more so than normal...Bizi's thread:

Today was out of town and was an oatmeal day. It was very good!.
One of my clients refused my service so I got home early, hate that.
Am going to work in the yard a bit, already watered my plants and am watering the back yard to. Even though we are due rain for tomorrow, never know how much rain we will actually get and today is one of the days that we can water.
Being on the computer makes me so sleepy! and now my eyes burn from lack of blinking. So I am trying to blink more often then naturally.
Just how I will stay awake for the latin band that starts

playing at 10pm...Bizi's thread:
I really am taking not drinking a day at a time.
Each day I give myself a choice to drink or not drink. I will drink again....on vacation for sure, in less than 2 weeks.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Jun 03, 2018 at 09:04 AM
Back down to 173.5 this morning... so my weight is fluctuating.

I have not gone to the bathroom in a couple of days so maybe after some coffee this morning things will get going.
I took an extra magnesium oxide last night.
I had had high hopes of losing more weight before my pdocs appointment next week. She will know that I relapsed and gained the extra weight.

I had told myself that if my weight had not come back down that I would drink this morning at brunch some bloody marys.
So I guess I am not drinking.

Taking it a day at a time.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Jun 03, 2018 at 12:53 PM
For lunch today:
I had a BBQ brisket omelet (with sauteed onions and peppers) and a side of broccoli. It was good and I don't feel stuffed so that is good. They have the best grilled biscuits, sweet tasting that I love but had the broccoli instead, which was healthier of course!Bizi's thread:
Doing some laundry today, uniforms only last me a week so sunday is always a laundry day.
It is hot again outside but we are supposed to have rain so will not water the front yard today. (Shouldn't anyway because our watering days are tuesday, thursday and saturday). The new grass seed is coming up so excited about that. The staint augustine grass is also doing much better, we have asked our yard guy to cut the grass high from now on.
Our back yard was a desert bowl a month ago. It looks so much better now! Last year we lost a lot of grass from moths. There are a lot of weeds but I don't care I will take anything that is green!

My new favorite soda to drink is cream soda from zevia the diet drink sweetened with stevia, sweetness from a plant. I bought a case of it on friday and entered a give away of a bicycle for the lucky winner. If I win which I am pretty lucky( I have won a free tv and a $500 gift card to target in recent years)...we plan on giving it to our friendly server at chris's po' boys restaurant. We would give it to Amber who mentioned she wanted a bike to keep up with her daughter who is learning to ride.
You get one entry for a six pack and 5 entries when you get a case.
I hope I win, she would be so happy!

I am looking into the aspen diet plan. Our favorite server at the diner, Amanda is on it and she has weekly weigh ins, I would like the accountability and diet suppressants pills that she takes. I would be interested in trying this out. Need to research the site. She said she counts calories but I would just like the pills, and the weigh ins and am unwilling to count calories. (But they don't need to know this)

The reason I weigh myself everyday is that I have such a bad body image. I don't look like I have lost any weight even though I have lost (even with yo yo up/down gain/lose).....I have lost 12 pounds Total in 7 months. I still look pregnant and hate looking at myself in the mirror. How the hell did I let myself get so over weight????

Any way
I hope you have a nice day.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Jun 03, 2018 at 09:39 PM
Actually made it to the gym tonight Bizi's thread:
to walk on the tred mill 4 miles in 80 minutes. (that is a 20 minute mile) Bizi's thread:
Then enjoyed the hydro bed for 10 minutes. Bizi's thread:
I think I have a blister on the bottom of my left foot pad. Bizi's thread:
how do you avoid those????
These are good shoes maybe I need to be wearing different socks....
Drinking a lot of diet cream soda today!
love it!

I am joining the aspen diet clinic. I already ordered a supplement which should get here soon along with a shake mix. My official meeting is not until the middle of july due to vacation time away and working saturdays, it was the first one available.There are weekly weigh ins and they offer different injectables I think the b12 one would be good monthly.
When you join you see a doctor and are given an appetite suppressant. Not sure of the costs involved. I think the initial cost is $100 from what Amanda, our server today at breakfast told us. She has been doing it for a couple of months and is liking her results. Although she is following 1100calorie plan. There are nutrition classes to attend and they do a body fat analysis.I am joining because I want more accountability and guidance.
I will keep you posted. Bizi's thread:

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

Last edited by bizi; Jun 03, 2018 at 09:52 PM..
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Unhappy Jun 04, 2018 at 08:15 AM
up 2 pounds this am....wondering if the beef brisket had a lot of sodium?
very discouraging to say the least. I am a slave to the scale and I am so discouraged this morning. About ready to give in to drinking.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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