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FleetingSanity's Avatar
Member Since Feb 2006
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Default Jun 11, 2006 at 02:08 PM
I never realized there were so many phobias. Here's a list I foundon the Internet of the most recognized phobias:

Ablutophobia : Fear of washing or bathing
Achluphobia : Fear of darkness
Acousticophobia : Fear of noise
Acrophobia : Fear of heights
Aeroacrophobia : Fear of open, high spaces
Aeronausiphobia : Fear of airsickness
Aerophobia : Fear of drafts, air, gases
Agoraphobia : Fear of open spaces
Agraphobia : Fear of sexual abuse
Agrizoophobia : Fear of wild animals
Agyiophobia : Fear of being in the street
Aichmophobia : Fear of needles and other pointed objects
Ailurophobia : Fear of cats
Algophobia : Fear of pain
Amathophobia : Fear of dust
Ambulophobia : Fear of walking or riding in vehicles
Androphobia : Fear of men
Anthrophobia : Fear of people or human society
Antlophobia : Fear of floods
Anuptaphobia : Fear of staying single
Aphenphobia : Fear of being touched
Apiphobia : Fear of bees
Arachnophobia : Fear of spiders
Arsonphobia : Fear of fire
Asthenophobia : Fear of fainting
Astraphobia : Fear of lightning
Atychiphobia : Fear of failure
Autophobia : Fear of being alone
Aviatophobia : Fear of flying

Bacteriophobia : Fear of bacteria
Basiphobia : Fear of walking
Bathophobia : Fear of depths
Batrachophobia : Fear of frogs
Bibliophobia : Fear of books
Bogyphobia : Fear of bogeymen
Brontophobia : Fear of thunder

Cacomorphobia : Fear of fat
Cacophobia : Fear of ugliness
Cainophobia : Fear of newness, novelty
Caligynephobia : Fear of beautiful women
Cardiophobia : Fear of heart disease
Carnophobia : Fear of meat
Catagelophobia : Fear of being ridiculed
Catapedaphobia : Fear of jumping from high to low places
Cenophobia : Fear of empty rooms
Chaetophobia : Fear of hair or hairy objects
Cheimaphobia : Fear of the cold
Chionophobia : Fear of snow
Chorophobia : Fear of dancing
Chrematophobia : Fear of money
Chromatophobia : Fear of colors
Cibophobia : Fear of food
Claustrophobia : Fear of confined spaces
Climacophobia : Fear of climbing stairs
Clinophobia : Fear of going to bed
Coimetrophobia : Fear of cemeteries
Coitophoiba : Fear of sexual intercourse
Contreltophobia : Fear of sexual abuse
Coprastasophobia : Fear of constipation
Coprophobia : Fear of dirt or feces
Coprastasophobia : Fear of constipation
Coulrophoiba : Fear of clowns
Cremnophobia : Fear of precipices or cliffs
Cryophobia : Fear of extreme cold
Cyberphobia : Fear of computers
Cyclophobia : Fear of bicycles
Cymophobia : Fear of waves
Cynophobia : Fear of dogs
Cyprianophobia : Fear of prostitutes

Decidophobia : Fear of making decisions
Defecalgesiophobia : Fear of having painful bowel movements
Deipnophobia : Fear of dining
Demonophobia : Fear of demons
Dendrophobia : Fear of trees
Dentophobia : Fear of dentists
Dermatopathophobia : Fear of sking disease
Diabetophobia : Fear of diabetes
Didaskaleinophobia : Fear of going to school
Dinophobia : Fear of dizziness
Dipsophobia : Fear of drinking
Dishabillophobia : Fear of undressing in front of someone
Domatophobia : Fear of being in a house
Dromophobia : Fear of crosssing streets
Dysmorphophobia : Fear of a bodily defect not noticeable to others
Dystychiphobia : Fear of accidents

Ecclesiaphobia : Fear of churches, organized religions
Eisoptrophobia : Fear of mirrors
Eleutherophobia : Fear of freedom
Emetophobia : Fear of vomiting
Enochophobia : Fear of crowds
Entomophobia : Fear of insects
Epistaxiphobia : Fear of nosebleeds
Equinophobia : Fear of horses
Eremophobia : Fear of being oneself
Ergophobia : Fear of work
Erythrophobia : Fear of blushing
Esodophobia : Fear of losing virginity
Eurotophobia : Fear of female genitalia

Fibriophobia : Fear of fever
Frigophobia : Fear of cold things

Gamophobia : Fear of marriage
Geliophobia : Fear of laughter
Gephyrophobia : Fear of bridges
Gerascophobia : Fear of growing old
Geumaphobia : Fear of tastes
Glossophobia : Fear of speaking in public
Graphophobia : Fear of writing
Gymnophobia : Fear of naked bodies
Gynephobia : Fear of women

Hamartophobia : Fear of committing an error
Harpaxophobia : Fear of becoming a victim of robbery
Hedonophobia : Fear of pleasure
Heliophobia : Fear of sunlight
Helminthophobia : Fear of worms
Hematophobia : Fear of blood or sight of blood
Herpetophobia : Fear of snakes and reptiles
Heterophobia : Fear of opposite sex
Hobophobia : Fear of bums
Hodophobia : Fear of travel
Homiclophobia : Fear of fog
Hoplophobia : Fear of firearms
Hormephobia : Fear of shock
Hydrophobia : Fear of water
Hygrophobia : Fear of dampness
Hylephobia : Fear of epilepsy
Hylophobia : Fear of forests
Hypengyophobia : Fear of responsibility
Hypnophobia : Fear of being hypnotized
Hyprophobia : Fear of sleep
Icthyophobia : Fear of fish
Ideaphobia : Fear of ideas
Illyngophobia : Fear of vertigo, feeling dizzy looking down
Iophobia : Fear of poisons
Isolophobia : Fear of solitude or being alone
Isopterophobia : Fear of termites

Kakorrhaphiophobia : Fear of failure
Katagelophobia : Fear of being ridiculed
Kathisophobia : Fear of sitting down
Kleptophobia : Fear of stealing

Lachanophobia : Fear of vegetables
Lalophobia : Fear of stuttering or speaking
Leprophobia : Fear of leprosy
Leukophobia : Fear of color white
Ligyrophobia : Fear of noise
Lilapsophobia : Fear of hurricanes or tornadoes
Limophobia : Fear of lakes
Litigaphobia : Fear of litigation or lawsuits
Lockiophobia : Fear of childbirth
Logophobia : Fear of words
Lunaphobia : Fear of the moon
Lutraphobia : Fear of otters
Lygophobia : Fear of being in dark or gloomy places
Lyssophobia : Fear of becoming insane

Macrophobia : Fear of long waits
Mageirocophobia : Fear of cooking
Mastigophobia : Fear of punishment
Mechanophobia : Fear of machinery
Megalophobia : Fear of large objects
Melissophobia : Fear of bears
Meningitophobia : Fear of brain diseases
Menophobia : Fear of menstruation
Merinthophobia : Fear of being tied up
Meteorphobia : Fear of meteors
Methyphobia : Fear of alcohol
Misophobia : Fear of contamination with dirt or germs
Monophobia : Fear of being lonely
Motorphobia : Fear of automobiles
Musophobia : Fear of mice
Mycrophobia : Fear of small things

Necrophobia : Fear of corpses or dead bodies
Nephophobia : Fear of clouds
Noctiphobia : Fear of night
Nosophobia : Fear of illness
Novercaphophobia : Fear of stepmother
Nucleomitophobia : Fear of nuclear weapons

Obesophobia : Fear of gaining weight
Odonophobia : Fear of teeth
Odynesophobia : Fear of pain
Olfactophobia : Fear of odors
Ombrophobia : Fear of rain
Oneirogmophobia : Fear of wet dreams
Oneirophobia : Fear of dreams
Ornithopia : Fear of birds
Ouranophobia : Fear of heaven

Pagophobia : Fear of ice or frost
Panphobia : Fear of anything and everything
Panthophobia : Fear of suffering
Papaphobia : Fear of the Pope
Papyrophobia : Fear of paper
Parasitophobia : Fear of parasites
Paraskavedekatriaphobia : Fear of Friday the 13th
Pareunophobia : Fear of sex
Pathophobia : Fear of illness
Peccatiphobia : Fear of sinning
Pediaphobia : Fear of dolls
Pediculophobia : Fear of lice
Peladophobia : Fear of bald people or becoming bald
Peniaphobia : Fear of poverty
Pentheraphobia : Fear of one's mother-in-law
Phagophobia : Fear of eating or swallowing
Pharmacophobia : Fear of taking drugs or medicine
Phasmophobia : Fear of ghosts
Philemaphobia : Fear of kissing
Philophobia : Fear of love
Phobophobia : Fear of fears
Phonophobia : Fear of speaking aloud, speaking one's own voice
Photoaugiaphobia : Fear of glaring lights
Pnigophobia : Fear of choking
Pogonophobia : Fear of beards
Politicophobia : Fear of politicians
Potamophobia : Fear of rivers
Proctophobia : Fear of rectal diseases
Pterophobia : Fear of feathers, birds
Pyrexiophobia : Fear of having a fever
Pyrophobia : Fear of fire

Radiophobia : Fear of X-rays
Rhytiphobia : Fear of getting wrinkles

Satanophobia : Fear of Satan
Scolionophobia : Fear of school
Sciaphobia : Fear of shadows
Scopophobia : Fear of being stared at
Selaphobia : Fear of flashing lights
Shamhainophobia : Fear of Halloween
Sitophobia : Fear of eating or the sight of food
Sominphobia : Fear of sleep
Soteriophobia : Fear of dependence on others
Spheksophobia : Fear of wasps
Stygiophobia : Fear of Hell
Suriphobia : Fear of mice
Syngenesophobia Fear of relatives

Tabophobia : Fear of wasting sickness
Tacophobia : Fear of speed
Taphophobia : Fear of being buried alive
Testophobia : Fear of taking tests
Thanatophobia : Fear of death
Theophobia : Fear of God
Termophobia : Fear of heat, being too warm
Tomophobia : Fear of surgical operations
Toxicophobia : Fear of poison

Urophobia : Fear of urinating

Vacciniophobia : Fear of vaccinations
Vestiphobia : Fear of clothing
Virgivitiphobia : Fear of rape
Vitricophobia : Fear of stepfather

Xenophobia : Fear of strangers
Xerophobia : Fear of dryness

Zelophobia : Fear of jealousy
Zoophobia : Fear of animals
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Grand Poohbah
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Default Jun 19, 2006 at 08:26 AM
Wow. That's a lot of fear. I have acrophobia--I've been afraid of heights since I was a kid. It doesn't really impact my life too much, though, so I've never done anything about it.
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Default Jun 19, 2006 at 08:40 AM
YES there is a lot of them and the list keeps on growing with each passing day we remain on this earth..... there is even a word for the fear of long WORDS (and) get this, the word that defines this fear, is a long word - go figure.

Rhapsody - Over 200 Recognized Phobias

My main FEAR is Caligynephobia....
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Default Jun 19, 2006 at 01:16 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Rhapsody said:
.... there is even a word for the fear of long WORDS (and) get this, the word that defines this fear, is a long word - go figure

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.

Rhapsody - Over 200 Recognized Phobias
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Default Jul 12, 2006 at 01:10 AM
Is there a name for fear of abnormally large objects? I skimmed through and the only thing I saw that was close enough was "Megalophobia: fear of large objects". I don't fear objects that are supposed to be large, just the abnormally large objects. Like, if I saw a ship, I wouldn't be afraid of it, because they are supposed to be large.


Textbook example of sarcasm: "I'm not being sarcastic, I have a weird speech disorder that makes me sound sarcastic when I don't mean to be..."
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Default Jul 12, 2006 at 10:07 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
SomeLexiChick said:
the only thing I saw that was close enough was "Megalophobia: fear of large objects". I don't fear objects that are supposed to be large, just the abnormally large objects.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

That is probably the one for YOU...... knowing is half the battle.

Rhapsody - Over 200 Recognized Phobias
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Default Jul 12, 2006 at 11:51 AM
I don't think it is. I don't fear large objects. (I give the ship example above). But if something is usually small, or medium, and it gets blown up to be huge (abnormally large) then I am freaked out by it. Like if you were to take a picture (they are usually small or medium) and blow it up to be wall-size, I'd be freaked out by it. I know, it's weird, but I can't help it.

Textbook example of sarcasm: "I'm not being sarcastic, I have a weird speech disorder that makes me sound sarcastic when I don't mean to be..."
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Default Jul 12, 2006 at 12:25 PM
But that is about as close as you are going to get to it..... large being any thing over regular size.

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Default Jul 12, 2006 at 10:24 PM
There was a Maury Povich (talk show) clip on the AOL video site of a woman who was afraid of pickles. Another woman mentioned in the clip (but the clip didn't feature her story) was afraid of mustard. I also remember a woman a while back, I think on Maury, who was afraid of buttons.

When talk shows do shows on people's fears like this, some of them will bring out whatever makes the person panic, and the audience laughs. It makes me sick. Then again, the persons going on the show probably realize they're going to be laughed at. I can understand wanting help that bad. Still, while I see the humor, in that these people are afraid of strange things, I hurt when I think of how it feels when you're suffering, and people are laughing and not taking it seriously.


If I had a dollar for every time I got distracted, I wish I had some ice cream.

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Mountain Mike
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Default Apr 22, 2018 at 05:22 PM
I have heard the term lodiculaphobia: fear of blankets. Is it real or fictional?

I heard it mentioned in a Monk episode: Mr Monk gets a new shrink.
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Default Apr 23, 2018 at 01:25 PM
They don't have basophobia--fear of falling.
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