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Is it possible to get SSI from having AvPD? I can't imagine myself working any job, other than maybe drawing when my skill improves by a lot, but that will be some time from now.
SSI is my only hope for living independently and getting away from triggering people |
AliceKate, Fuzzybear
I think it would be a good idea to apply for SSI. From what I have read, AvPD is classified as a ''severe'' form of ''social anxiety disorder'' and as such it should (imo) qualify for SSI. I suggest talking to a good psychiatrist as a starting point, if you haven't already done so. They could better advise you than I can. Thanks for posting! Maybe some other members will chime in with some thoughts.
You definitely deserve to get away from those toxic people and have a better life. Keep on with the drawing, I think it's great that you enjoy drawing
mar dhea
mar dhea
Thank you
Good luck Woofy. Let us know how it goes Hugs if wanted.
my life explained in two smileys |
Yes, it is possible. I was diagnosed with AVPD 3 years ago. I was unable to hold a job for my entire working life. I was 50 when I was diagnosed. It took a year but I was approved for SSI after a hearing on the first try.
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