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Old Jun 24, 2019, 10:57 AM
rovers95 rovers95 is offline
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Morning light box therapy made me agitated, mixed (although I wasn't on a mood stabiliser and was using it excessively, alongside sleep deprivation).

I've seen some evidence that midday/early afternoon therapy does not result in such states and may even stabilise mixed states (I cant post these studies as I'm a new member!)

Has anyone experienced a difference here? I'm thinking to start at 10 minutes around 230pm and build myself up by 5 minutes every couple of weeks as required.
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Thanks for this!

Old Jun 24, 2019, 03:33 PM
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First, welcome to the forums, rovers95!

That seems quite counter-intuitive. Huh. You'd think it would interfere with sleep. Well, you know, for one thing. Seems like playing with fire.

Two things came to mind. One, are you now on a mood stabilizer? If not, I'd approach with considerable caution, as you can attest to negative outcome without one. Two, are you in the northern hemisphere? I've not heard of people using light boxes in summer, as they're used to used to combat the extra darkness of winter. Just wondering.
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Thanks for this!
Old Jun 24, 2019, 04:57 PM
rovers95 rovers95 is offline
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Hi, well I'm on a combination of quetiapine 400mg, memantine 10mg, and lithium orotate (30mg elemental lithium). I'm getting bloods done for a switch to lithium carbonate.

I'm in the Northern Hemisphere, but I'm office based with work, so don't get as much sunlight as I would like. That's why I'm treading with caution, 10 mins a day for now.
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Thanks for this!
Old Jun 24, 2019, 08:28 PM
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FracturedPieces FracturedPieces is offline
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I used my lightbox when I first woke up with great success. That being said, I was on lithium. There are warnings that lightboxes can have adverse effects in people with Bipolar. I am concerned that if I attempt it without a mood stabilizer, I may go manic.

Of course the key is remembering that everyone responds differently. Just monitor yourself and be cautious.
"There is no great genius without some touch of madness."
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Thanks for this!
Old Jun 24, 2019, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by rovers95 View Post
Hi, well I'm on a combination of quetiapine 400mg, memantine 10mg, and lithium orotate (30mg elemental lithium). I'm getting bloods done for a switch to lithium carbonate.

I'm in the Northern Hemisphere, but I'm office based with work, so don't get as much sunlight as I would like. That's why I'm treading with caution, 10 mins a day for now.
Bright overhead lights indoors (e.g. like in an office) can imitate a light box or sunlight. It is winter here and I’ve been advised to keep my lights on. It’s made a big difference - I no longer have the mid afternoon mood drop.
BP1, GAD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia

Psych meds: Saphris, Seroquel XR, regular Seroquel.
PRN Diazepam and Zopiclone
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Old Jun 27, 2019, 05:33 AM
rovers95 rovers95 is offline
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Okay well last night I had insomnia, excessive sweating, and hypervigilance. Only 3 days into the light box, but I think that's enough!
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Thanks for this!
Old Jun 27, 2019, 06:20 AM
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Welcome to this WONDERFUL forum, rovers95! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your concerns! I'm so sorry the light box isn't helping you out too much! Unfortunately not ALL methods work for EVERYONE the same way! If it's not helping you out then I'd suggest to DEFINITELY talk to your Pdoc about ALL of this if you haven't already! Your health must be the PRIORITY! Please stay safe and take GREAT care of yourself! YOU ARE VERY MUCH IMPORTANT AND YOU DEFINITELY DO MATTER! Sending many safe, warm hugs to BOTH you, rovers95, and to ALL the people you love and who love you!
Old Jun 27, 2019, 08:41 AM
rovers95 rovers95 is offline
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Hi Mickey, thanks. Yep I think I am bipolar mixed/rapid cycling so it's probably not something that is going to work for me unfortunately. Anything that impacts negatively on my sleep is a big no no as far as I'm concerned!
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