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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
Good luck with the endoscopy. I did one recently. It was a weird feeling because I wasn’t even knocked out when they put the scope down my throat. It didn’t make me gag or anything (because the meds the give you via IV turn off the gag reflexes), but I felt it go all the way down and hit my stomach. Then I felt them turning it. I thought it was funny for some reason, as it kinda tickled, but then they turned up the anesthesia and I got knocked out.
Thanks for this. I was really worried about the gag reflex I'm glad they have medicine for that.

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Fantastic! The HEAP support is critical!

Wow! The Abilify appears to be a great choice for you! I'm excited for you!

I am so very happy for you!!! :
Thanks WC I hope you're doing well


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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 06:25 PM
I went out this afternoon to get n3 from work. Took hi home. Went back out. N3 called ad said he was on a walk. When I got home, the shower was on, bathroom door locked. I heard n3 and his gf talking inside. So I asked them to open the door- it took about 30 seconds! Then I told N3 that she needs to be on reliable birth cotrol. He just closed his eyes and acted like he was ignoring me. I texted the gf's mom. She was surprised and said she will take her daughter to a local clinic for birth control. I took n2 to that same health center years back too. I knew this would come up- just didnt know it would be today! Lol

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 06:32 PM
Hello all! I am right now listening to quality streaming music on my new headphones and DAC/Amp. It is during the free trial period. Spending more money on the credit card. Oh well, Time to sell some other stuff. I think I am going through some sort of existential crisis.

Just when my life was taking off, I ended up on disability. I am 60 years old. I may have only 15 or so years left, soon to be 14, of my life left. What have I accomplished in my life? Most everyone else has and is making accomplishments in their life, as successful people. Looking back, I have done little of value for the past 20 years, and now can be unreliable, to myself and others. I want to make a difference in other people's life, but now am no longer able to do this. My daughter is not ready for life, for now she is getting herself into trouble, This is a good measure of my fault for being a poor, ignorant father,

So what now is the purpose of my life? All I do is sit around, My lack of money is not helping this situation of mine. Anyway, right at the moment I am managing albiet also struggling with my life. I wish there was a "do over" button I can press. I can whine some more, but I will stop it now. I am here. I am listening to nice music. My daughter is going through a court diversion program, which will give her a clean record, I have food in the fridge, And I have Netflix. That is all I can think of now.

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 07:12 PM
Feeling quite scatterbrained. I have started something like 5 responses to posts/threads here and just get distracted, lose motivation or concentration and stop. So, I am thinking of you all, but can't put it into words I guess. Not sure what my deal is, but this is affecting my work, too. I am anxious at times, but not overly so. It's more just my brain is not working. Like I forgot some very basic facts recently and was like what on earth? I should call up my psychiatrist, but for some reason am feeling like I don't want to bother him. I feel like I caused him enough stress last year with my med reactions. I know that's not a logical way of thinking about it, but I feel weird calling him back up a year later for an evaluation. I also feel a bit hopeless that something will help me and worry I am coming off as just dramatic or something. Like I am just a hypochondriac about everything. I think acupuncture would help, but it's too expensive and I cannot afford it right now. It's unfortunate, because it's a relatively side effect free way of dealing with my symptoms I have found. Oh and I am picking at my skin more again. It's gross, I know. I just keep around hand sanitizer to use when I catch myself doing it.

On a positive note I went to the gym yesterday and cooked dinner for myself today. Vegetarian "beef" and broccoli with teriyaki sauce.

Sorry, I know this post is all over the place, like my brain right now. Sending compassion!
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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Thanks for this. I was really worried about the gag reflex I'm glad they have medicine for that.
yeah. If I were to describe how it felt, it'd be like taking a plastic straw and dragging it across your arm, except the scope has rounded ends unlike a straw, so it doesn’t scratch you. (The drs say the scope "may scratch you and irritate your throat," but nahhh, I was fine. Throat felt perfectly normal. I think they just have to say it for legal reasons, in the very rare event you do get scratched. But the tip of that thing was smooth, round, and soft like a squishy bouncy ball, so idk how it could scratch you. lol.)

Even if everything went to sh_t during the procedure, the whole thing still takes maybe 5-10 mins, and that includes going into the small intestine.
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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post

I am very happy for you !
You have done a great job with focusing on your goals and working your way towards them! We cannot always meet them; yet, at least we have some goals to lead us in some direction!

Did your concentration improve or did you struggle through?
I am thnking the ritalin must have helped some?

Maybe you can be proactive with your therapist? I mean: Maybe you can identify some goals of your own? You can define/specify how you'd like your life. It's often a matter of identifying what we want and putting a plan in place.

Many of us spend our time in therapy reactiing to what is happening to us or around us, etc. Sometimes we need to do so. If/when we feel our major stressors have let up, we can then use the time to work as a team with our therapist on setting and reaching our life goals!

Can you tell I hope you'll have a happy, fulfilling life?
I do! I think you can have the life you want to have.
If we don't set goals, we tend to just float along, letting the wind blow us all over the place. You are blessed with many qualities that give you a "leg Up" on reaching any goals you set for your life.

Just a thought!
Love Ya!
My concentration improved for sure with the extra Ritalin.

Good idea about setting up goals with my therapist. I could do that.

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 08:37 PM
Supposedly my dr paperwork was filled out correctly and faxed. I will call tomorrow to confirm. Hopefully it really was bc I don’t feel like driving a half hour to the dr office then another hour down to the occupational health then another 45 minutes home. Really really don’t feel like it.

I’m going to be bored tomorrow. I have to clean and pack for our trip, and get cat food. But that’s about it.

I got more Christmas decorations today. I’m happy with them. RS is going to put lights up after thanksgiving. We don’t have any outlets outside so we are just going to be putting them up in the porch windows. But that’s ok.

My grandma and I discussed thanksgiving today. We are making so much food! I’m excited for that too. She’s a good cook. I’m bringing green bean casserole and stuffing. And three kinds of pies! Apple, pecan, and pumpkin. Pumpkin is my favorite.

Unfortunately she has had to put my grandfather in short term care so she could get a break. He has dementia and can’t get around very well. She needed a break from taking care of him. So it will be strange not having him there. But I completely understand her viewpoint. She’s 82 herself, and had major back surgery just a year ago. She needs a break!

Well I’m not sure how much internet I’ll be able to get in the mountains so I hope everyone has a good weekend! Take care of yourselves and practice self love!

Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
-Albus Dumbledore

That’s life. If nothing else, that is life. It’s real. Sometimes it
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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
yeah. If I were to describe how it felt, it'd be like taking a plastic straw and dragging it across your arm, except the scope has rounded ends unlike a straw, so it doesn’t scratch you. (The drs say the scope "may scratch you and irritate your throat," but nahhh, I was fine. Throat felt perfectly normal. I think they just have to say it for legal reasons, in the very rare event you do get scratched. But the tip of that thing was smooth, round, and soft like a squishy bouncy ball, so idk how it could scratch you. lol.)

Even if everything went to sh_t during the procedure, the whole thing still takes maybe 5-10 mins, and that includes going into the small intestine.
Thanks for this! I too will most likely have to have an endoscopy (if I ever get to the dr for my stomach pain) and I was very nervous. You made me feel better.

Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
-Albus Dumbledore

That’s life. If nothing else, that is life. It’s real. Sometimes it
f—-ing hurts. But it’s sort of all we have.
-Garden State
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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 09:32 PM
Whoa, lots has happened in this thread. I've read almost everything but it's hard to respond to so much. I did get a good laugh out of @BirdDancer's comment about her parents life magically improving after she left for college. Haha! I am also cozy in my apartment as some mentioned. I have an exquisite mirror-frame faux fireplace and a super ceramic heater going at the same time and am warm and toasty.

I found the funnest light-up Christmas sweater at Walmart today! It's soooooooooo cool! Just like the ones on "The Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow to Overeaters Anonymous (OA). I start celebrating Christmas early because my mood often doesn't make it to December 25th and our building Christmas decorating is at the end of November and our party in early December -- my two main Christmas events. Looking forward to Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiistmas!!!

I went to OA last night and the sweetest young woman sought me out after and engaged me in conversation. She was just a delight and tuned right into my concerns about the OA text book being fat-shaming. She said it is really outdated and has a lot of prejudicial old-school health ideas and to just ignore stuff that's offensive and obsolete and take what i want and leave the rest. I don't think i will read the book anymore. It just pisses me off. I so enjoyed talking to a young person tho! So bright and excited and urgent and charming and passionate and positive!

I took public transit to the meeting last night and even took the subway for the first time in about four weeks. I was expecting a challenge as it was a new address and new station and i encountered one but it's not the end of the world and it's a mistake i won't make again. I'm glad to have figured out the route to this Wednesday meeting as it's more young women and not all tiny senior women raised by Twiggy who think thin is the only way to be beautiful.

I colored my hair lavender today! It looks great! I'm trying to ally myself more with young people as i am just 53 and feel so dated by my hair, tho it is a nice silver-white shade, but i still look like a senior when i am only 53. A young man complimented me on it already!

Be well my friends!

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Hopefully one 0fthe drug manufacturers will help out!

It's critical he get the IV antibiotics now.

i've had 2 family members go septic due ti infections getting out of control.

Sometimes, another option is to go to the pastor of his church, or a church, explain the situation and ask for help. Many churches have money set aside in their budgets for this type of service to the community..

I am sure I'll have some additional ideas for your brother. I am having difficulty thinking at 3 a,m. My heart goes out!

Your state seems s to have their own way . Your state leaders have done so many wrong!!! it's. ..so very. tragic!!!

Of course you love him and are worried! Breathe! :

He will make a call as soon as he can. Maybe try to chill a bit and until you know more? i hate to see you putyour self through hell while waiting.

I am around Christina!

Much love to all!

Yes thank you for Ideas. It’s kind of a hurry up and wait right now , I don’t wait well

Love you bunches

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
I've been busy as all get out, these past few days, researching rehab options and housing options for my dad. Sis has, too. We are taking tours of two assisted living places today. I've also looked at 30 day addictions/dual diagnosis rehab places, but the best option for those seems to be a few states away, in New England. We're in NJ.

I started my Czech Christmas cookie blog post series. This morning I posted cookie # 4. I've made them twice to tweak the recipe. Attached is the one I posted today called Moroccan Cookies (Marokanky). They are a unique cookie made first in a saucepan with heavy whipping cream, confectioner's sugar, a tablespoon flour, chopped orange peel, chopped Craisins, almond slices, and chopped walnuts. Then they are baked, cooled, and have the bottoms dipped in bittersweet chocolate.

Yes, I'm a little nutty about these Christmas cookies! In total, my blog will contain at least 8 Czech Christmas cookie recipes (maybe 9) and a Christmas sweet bread recipe. I thought about also adding some from my side of the family, but most are pretty well-known recipes. Maybe not.

I hope you can find a good place for your Dad

Dang those cookies look amazing

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by MarcusAurelius View Post
I'm new here so I would like to say hi! I'll kind of recap my week so far:

After briefly considering growing my hair out (which I was kind of excited about), I went ahead and got it cut.I do look better I think. My hair was at that length between actually growing long long and being too thick and long to wear it the same as I used to. It's for the best I guess, since the only other voice in my head other than my own is my mother telling me how awful I look. However, that and a shower does a lot for the spirit. I feel pretty good today.

I did kind of freak out at my new job and while it may have ended in a miracle offer... I still don't feel confident in it. We'll see how that goes.

I suffer from very frequent headaches, and of course stress can induce them. I have to find ways to destress that will help prevent headaches like that. During training I thought I was dying from a headache. I actually threw up I got so sick on the first day even. 8 hours of that was torture but like most things in life I just suffered through it.

All in all I'm doing OK today -- nothing planned and nothing to do. Just waiting to hear form my work to see if I can start the new position (pending on a background check coming back). We'll see.

Welcome to PC

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Checking in. I’m doing okay. I am meeting M halfway this weekend so I am looking forward to that.

It looks like we’ll be having Thanksgiving here this year. My sister’s home got bed bugs from traveling and they’ve had the house treated twice and replaced many pieces of furniture and some more just showed up. Can you imagine? Although having Thanksgiving here feels beyond my capabilities, I don’t want to risk bed bugs.

It’s getting to be bittersweet. Of mom’s three grandkids, one is about to go into the Navy (we’re all proud), one goes to college in another city and doesn’t want to move back to her home town and the other is making plans to move up and away. I’ll cherish having everyone together for the holidays as the kids go out into the world. It goes by in the wink of an eye.

Well I better keep moving. Warm wishes to all and hugs to those that are struggling.

So glad you are seeing M !!!!!

Oh eekkk bed bugs ! Every trip to Florida I go in the hotel room first and look everywhere in the bedding etc.. just the though freaks me out.

I’m sure others will be bring side dishes or even turkey or whatever meat you all will have.

Kids sure grow up so fast ! My daughter is 27 and I swear seems like last year she was 6

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Saw my dr. Boy he's lost weight! He was running late so I didn't ask about him, I'm sure he's sick of talking about it too. We spent all the time on the vomiting issue and chest pain. He ordered Prilosec and a scope. He thinks two separate issues are going on. A narrowing of the esophagus and maybe GERD but it also sounds like there may be a metabolic problem going on. He thinks the latuda may be causing that! But I'm not to adjust any meds till we find out more. We took up so much time with this issue I forgot to bring up the sleep meds.

Oh, he said we could skip the barium for now and see what the scope results are.

I’m so glad you got to see him sucks you need a scope, but you néed answers. Metabolic, ugh... You know my experience with Latuda. Seems I hear more and more problems about is as time goes by.

Stupid psych meds !

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
I went out this afternoon to get n3 from work. Took hi home. Went back out. N3 called ad said he was on a walk. When I got home, the shower was on, bathroom door locked. I heard n3 and his gf talking inside. So I asked them to open the door- it took about 30 seconds! Then I told N3 that she needs to be on reliable birth cotrol. He just closed his eyes and acted like he was ignoring me. I texted the gf's mom. She was surprised and said she will take her daughter to a local clinic for birth control. I took n2 to that same health center years back too. I knew this would come up- just didnt know it would be today! Lol

Oh boy , yes Birth control pills but that child needs to use condoms every damn time. Glad you got ahold of her Mom !’n Lot of young girls out there trap guys by getting pregnant. One of Amanda’s friends back in high school did that to her boyfriend. Sad

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Tucson View Post
Hello all! I am right now listening to quality streaming music on my new headphones and DAC/Amp. It is during the free trial period. Spending more money on the credit card. Oh well, Time to sell some other stuff. I think I am going through some sort of existential crisis.

Just when my life was taking off, I ended up on disability. I am 60 years old. I may have only 15 or so years left, soon to be 14, of my life left. What have I accomplished in my life? Most everyone else has and is making accomplishments in their life, as successful people. Looking back, I have done little of value for the past 20 years, and now can be unreliable, to myself and others. I want to make a difference in other people's life, but now am no longer able to do this. My daughter is not ready for life, for now she is getting herself into trouble, This is a good measure of my fault for being a poor, ignorant father,

So what now is the purpose of my life? All I do is sit around, My lack of money is not helping this situation of mine. Anyway, right at the moment I am managing albiet also struggling with my life. I wish there was a "do over" button I can press. I can whine some more, but I will stop it now. I am here. I am listening to nice music. My daughter is going through a court diversion program, which will give her a clean record, I have food in the fridge, And I have Netflix. That is all I can think of now.

I wish I had advice but I’m struggling with these things too. Know your not alone.

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by yellow_fleurs View Post
Feeling quite scatterbrained. I have started something like 5 responses to posts/threads here and just get distracted, lose motivation or concentration and stop. So, I am thinking of you all, but can't put it into words I guess. Not sure what my deal is, but this is affecting my work, too. I am anxious at times, but not overly so. It's more just my brain is not working. Like I forgot some very basic facts recently and was like what on earth? I should call up my psychiatrist, but for some reason am feeling like I don't want to bother him. I feel like I caused him enough stress last year with my med reactions. I know that's not a logical way of thinking about it, but I feel weird calling him back up a year later for an evaluation. I also feel a bit hopeless that something will help me and worry I am coming off as just dramatic or something. Like I am just a hypochondriac about everything. I think acupuncture would help, but it's too expensive and I cannot afford it right now. It's unfortunate, because it's a relatively side effect free way of dealing with my symptoms I have found. Oh and I am picking at my skin more again. It's gross, I know. I just keep around hand sanitizer to use when I catch myself doing it.

On a positive note I went to the gym yesterday and cooked dinner for myself today. Vegetarian "beef" and broccoli with teriyaki sauce.

Sorry, I know this post is all over the place, like my brain right now. Sending compassion!

Call and go see your Pdoc. Catch this sooner rather than later

Trust me he will be happy to see you being proactive.

We so often get overcome with Bipolar and limp into there office a beaten bloody train wreck and that’s so much harder to recover from.

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by wildflowerchild25 View Post
Supposedly my dr paperwork was filled out correctly and faxed. I will call tomorrow to confirm. Hopefully it really was bc I don’t feel like driving a half hour to the dr office then another hour down to the occupational health then another 45 minutes home. Really really don’t feel like it.

I’m going to be bored tomorrow. I have to clean and pack for our trip, and get cat food. But that’s about it.

I got more Christmas decorations today. I’m happy with them. RS is going to put lights up after thanksgiving. We don’t have any outlets outside so we are just going to be putting them up in the porch windows. But that’s ok.

My grandma and I discussed thanksgiving today. We are making so much food! I’m excited for that too. She’s a good cook. I’m bringing green bean casserole and stuffing. And three kinds of pies! Apple, pecan, and pumpkin. Pumpkin is my favorite.

Unfortunately she has had to put my grandfather in short term care so she could get a break. He has dementia and can’t get around very well. She needed a break from taking care of him. So it will be strange not having him there. But I completely understand her viewpoint. She’s 82 herself, and had major back surgery just a year ago. She needs a break!

Well I’m not sure how much internet I’ll be able to get in the mountains so I hope everyone has a good weekend! Take care of yourselves and practice self love!

Have a fantastic trip

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Default Nov 14, 2019 at 11:27 PM
Still struggling with pneumonia (I sound like a broken record) - but the Prednisone is really doing a number on my mood.

My therapist asked me today if I thought I should be hospitalized - I have no idea if she meant because of the pneumonia or the bipolar - LOL. I'd give almost anything for a tank of oxygen now. My birthday is coming up so I am trying to stay home and sane and not IP for any reason.

Financially, not working is going to wreak havoc on the bills (I am on SSDI and only work very part time but it makes a huge difference) - I will figure something out but I absolutely cannot go back to work until I can walk without becoming short of breath.

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Thanks for this!
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