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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 05:47 PM
Black eye still a hideous mess, and will be for some time. Co-workers recommended arnica, so I picked some up last night.

That's about it. Mood-wise alright I guess. More upset with myself than anything. Being such a klutz and all.


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Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 05:47 PM

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Well, got about 8 hours of sleep last night--continuous sleep. Just weird. Never would have thought I was capable of that. Maybe it is just a pleasant blip. Whatever, I'll take it.

I do think the Depakote has been really key, as I reflect on all this. But it makes me wonder, this recent 3ish month recurrence was mostly mania with a ton of psychosis. Thorazine did not do squat. Abilify at 25 did not prevent it. Does this Depakote benefit mean my mania caused my psychosis, and when the mania got better, so did the psychosis? What is the relationship between mania and psychosis exactly?

Anyhow, just sort of trying to understand what happened to me. But it doesn't really matter, I guess. Drive myself nuts trying to figure this all out. I am better and that is what matters.

Sending everyone love and hugs!!
I’m thrilled for you that you got 8 hours of sleep! That’s great!

How is your tooth doing?
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Black eye still a hideous mess, and will be for some time. Co-workers recommended arnica, so I picked some up last night.

That's about it. Mood-wise alright I guess. More upset with myself than anything. Being such a klutz and all.

By the way and just to be clear, that smiley face was intended for Wild Coyote, not to smile at your awful predicament. I hit the wrong button. Dummy.

I just also wanted to share with you that I fell off my bike right in front of a bunch of cars going basically zero miles per hour last week. Was trying to carefully cross some train tracks, which can be very dangerous, and lost all momentum and just fell. So, there you go. I am sometimes not the most coordinated person in the world.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
I’m thrilled for you that you got 8 hours of sleep! That’s great!

How is your tooth doing?
It is sore, but not as bad as it has been. Hope to get it taken care of this week. Very thoughtful of you to ask!!!

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Heart Feb 09, 2020 at 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Black eye still a hideous mess, and will be for some time. Co-workers recommended arnica, so I picked some up last night.

That's about it. Mood-wise alright I guess. More upset with myself than anything. Being such a klutz and all.


Yes, arnica is known to help with bruising.

If you ever want/need a revved up topical arnica, see Penetrex. Amazing stuff. It is arnica, plus. (can be found at Amazon, Walmart or Penetrex.com).

I think regular strength arnica will likely do fine with your bruising.
I use the heavy -duty arnica for muscle strains, neuropathy pain, etc.

You are amazing! I admire how you keep going to work, take public transportation to get there and back, etc.

I hope your bruises will be gone soon!

Much Love

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 07:57 PM
Having a pretty good day! Between exercising today and acupuncture yesterday, I feel more relaxed. I went to the gym and out to dinner with a friend. I am now trying to work on my paper. This is my best week of the month with my hormones and I need to take advantage and live life to the fullest haha. I had some good moments of insight into my brain during my acupuncture session. I guess it's also good for a moment of mindfulness as what else can you do at that moment? I was thinking about my relationships with others and how guarded I can be, almost suspicious at times. This is not healthy and I think comes from some bad experiences being picked on growing up and at work. I need to talk to my therapist more about this and how I could possibly work on my interactions with people.

Sending compassion to everyone!
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
My sister begged me to visit her at her new apartment yesterday with my parents and her boyfriend. What a nightmare! I don't know why I even went. It was awful in so many ways. For example, my dad partly came down to help her out with setting up curtains and her headboard for her bed. My dad had been working from like 2:30pm until 6pm setting everything up because the headboard's holes didn't align with the bed frame's holes, and the curtains were being a pain. Well, at 6pm, my dad said he was tired and couldn't finish the curtains, so he offered to come by the next day. My sister then screamed at him: "WHY DID YOU EVEN COME? YOU WERE GOING TO DO ALL OF THIS FOR ME AND NOW YOU DIDN'T DO IT. YOU DON'T LOVE ME, DO YOU?"

The thing is... it took my dad over an hour to drive there and back, and he had already spent part of his day buying supplies to even set that stuff up in her apartment. (Electric screwdriver, curtain rods, etc..) So all in all, he was out from like 8am until 6pm and was exhausted. But no, she could not be thankful. She just screamed at him, and IN FRONT OF HER BOYFRIEND.

I don't know why she is so abusive and manipulative!! Awful human being!! She treats people like trash when they don't do everything she wants. Plus, she didn't even BUY anything. Didn't buy the electric screwdriver, didn't buy the curtain rods, didn't buy the curtains, didn't buy the headboard, etc. etc..

Anyway, it was awkward for me to stand there and watch her yell at him. I was helping my dad out with stuff, and I told my sister to calm down, but she was like, "NO!!!!! HE TOLD ME HE WOULD DO ALL OF THIS TODAY!!!!! STAY OUT OF IT!!!!!!"

Whatever. That's the last time I go to visit her. I can't stand her. I only went because she wanted me to see it before she starts her new job. She was being manipulative about it and I gave in. I shouldn't have.

Oh Blue

She’s so nasty and hateful. I wish your parents would also just flat refuse to help her or even see her. Maybe” that will be the only thing that will require she looks at her behavior. Her boyfriend is absolutely stupid if he stays with her.

She’s a horrible nasty person.. I am glad you are just done done and done .. You do not need that on your life, at all.

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Moose72 View Post
I've been reading today. Talked with my dad finally. Last week I dreamed that he died! AND so did my sister! I hadn't been able to get ahold of him until today. He called me back. He said he was perfectly alive and all was well. We had a nice conversation. Makes me happy. He's 72. He's not in the best of health but he's plugging along. He lives alone. Sometimes, I wish he didn't.

I am sitting across the table from my friend Cr. She's feverishly doing homework. She's in grad school for occupational therapy. I wrote my penpal an email while I've been sitting here. One of the managers here just ran like a bat outta hell out the front doors to his car. No coat on either. Im wondering if something happened to his daughter or his pregnant wife.

N3 is at his gf's house. Its her birthday. I hope he is having a good time.

My mom and her husband are going to Disney on Thursday. Im jealous. I have zero idea when I'd be able to afford going there again. For a whole month, I have to get the mail and water the plants. That's going to add up quickly!

I've been thinking that it would help if I got a job. But I haven't had one in so long. And last time, I got so confused at all the rules and instructions how to cook this and that. My memory couldn't keep up. Then I think "what about volunteering"? I keep thinking of the humane society for some reason. But then I'd have to deal with them putting animals down. I get so conflicted about this.

I’m glad your dad is okay. Yes N3 out, your friend busy with school work.

I can understand why having busy people around you would get you thinking about finding a parttime job or volunteer... it’s a hard decision to think on. You have to watch so you don’t make to much to put your SSDI and housing at risk.

Yes I often think of volunteering at our local pound, yes them putting down would be really hard for me to handle, I’d probably be smuggling lots out the back door to save and take home.

Maybe you can start scrimping and savings any way you can and can afford a trip next year ??

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 09:14 PM
@bpcyclist: So glad to hear you got some sleep! Yay!

In my news, i have started several supportive posts and erased them. I just don't like anything i say! So my intentions are good but i can't follow thru.

I sometimes feel that my lack of friends is getting me down so i asked a woman from my Scrabble club to meet for some games tomorrow night. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now i don't really care if it happens or not. She said it depends on her health so it could go either way.

We saw a bit of sun today so i got out and enjoyed the city. Ate too much tho and am unhappy with this swelling body but too depressed to do anything about it. I've got a big butter belly, a guacamole gluteus, lasagne love-handles, a bagel belt, mayo midriff, chip/cheese chins and poutine pants -- can anyone think of others?

Last edited by Anonymous41462; Feb 09, 2020 at 10:06 PM..
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Black eye still a hideous mess, and will be for some time. Co-workers recommended arnica, so I picked some up last night.

That's about it. Mood-wise alright I guess. More upset with myself than anything. Being such a klutz and all.


Ummmmm I have missed something !!!! OMG Black eye ?!!! What happened ?! Are you okay ?!

((((((((( IZ ))))))))))

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by yellow_fleurs View Post
Having a pretty good day! Between exercising today and acupuncture yesterday, I feel more relaxed. I went to the gym and out to dinner with a friend. I am now trying to work on my paper. This is my best week of the month with my hormones and I need to take advantage and live life to the fullest haha. I had some good moments of insight into my brain during my acupuncture session. I guess it's also good for a moment of mindfulness as what else can you do at that moment? I was thinking about my relationships with others and how guarded I can be, almost suspicious at times. This is not healthy and I think comes from some bad experiences being picked on growing up and at work. I need to talk to my therapist more about this and how I could possibly work on my interactions with people.

Sending compassion to everyone!

You are always busy busy and that’s great. I also think it’s wonderful that you know when you will be in top form mentally.

I think that is a good thing to explore in Therapy. It’s something I have needed to work on.

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 09:30 PM
My pains ? Oh blah I’m sick of all of it, so I’m just gonna ignore it.

Got another good nights sleep !

I just had a great day cooking and cleaning.... when everything just flows from one thing to the next to the next. ??!! I love days like this

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 10:09 PM
Glad to hear you got some more sleep Christina. I managed to get some too but was only left with an impression that I was on the enterprise, 1701, with Kirk and crew but no details

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Glad to hear you got some more sleep Christina. I managed to get some too but was only left with an impression that I was on the enterprise, 1701, with Kirk and crew but no details

Thanks !

Bummer I bet that could have been a fantastic dream ... maybe it will return tonight ?!!!

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 10:25 PM
Maybe I'll go further into the next generation?

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 10:28 PM
I made it back to church today for the first time since starting my elimination diet. It was really good to be there again. I spent the afternoon babysitting for a church function and now i'm really tired but mostly just so glad I got to do those things. I still have a long way to go but it is getting exciting. I think I"ll be done in 2 months being very cautious so hopefully sooner than that.

Bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD, OCD.
Clozapine 250 mg, Emsam 12 mg/day patch, topamax 25 mg, ,Gabapentin 1700 mg & 100-2 PRN,. 1.5 mg clonazepam., 50 mg Seroquel
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Red face Feb 09, 2020 at 11:30 PM
Tonight we Did Hatties awful dressing change.

8 inches by 6 inches dressing.

It could be much worse....
more drainage, more bleeding....
Thank goodness it is only draining a little.
How long can she continue?????
She is getting to look emaciated, though not as bad as could be......
she is still eating and drinking.....Hubby's requirements to keep her alive.

trying a new sleep aid. terry naturally


health food store. supposed to be for anxiety. going to try it tonight.
wish me luck!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by bizi View Post
Tonight we Did Hatties awful dressing change.

8 inches by 6 inches dressing.

It could be much worse....
more drainage, more bleeding....
Thank goodness it is only draining a little.
How long can she continue?????
She is getting to look emaciated, though not as bad as could be......
she is still eating and drinking.....Hubby's requirements to keep her alive.

trying a new sleep aid. terry naturally


health food store. supposed to be for anxiety. going to try it tonight.
wish me luck!
I'm sorry your kitty is doing poorly.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Feb 10, 2020 at 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by BeyondtheRainbow View Post
I made it back to church today for the first time since starting my elimination diet. It was really good to be there again. I spent the afternoon babysitting for a church function and now i'm really tired but mostly just so glad I got to do those things. I still have a long way to go but it is getting exciting. I think I"ll be done in 2 months being very cautious so hopefully sooner than that.

Oooo I’m so happy you were able to go !!! I bet it felt amazing to get out

You have unbelievable self control for following this elimination diet. Have you found foods you can’t tolerate yet?

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