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Default Jun 15, 2013 at 12:31 PM
Hi sweetie,

I am so sorry your husband is treating you so poorly. Why won't your husband go on medication? Bipolar Disorder is a serious major medical illness and needs to be treated like Diabetes or Heart Disease is treated--With both Diet and Medication. Bipolar Disorder is Serious, there is a potential for suicide if not treated properly. I would do some research on the internet, read all about Bipolar and have your husband read about it too! Medications will straighten out his moods and help him feel less irritated and abusive to you. It is a mood disorder and is not a character flaw and admitting that you need help to change the way you feel is the 1st start. If he loves you and is truly sorry for the way he is treating you, tell him you want him to get help and go with him to the psychiatrist's office. I have had Bipolar Disorder since I was a child. A serious medical illness gave it to me, I had viral encephalitis as a child, (similar to meneghitis) and the brain damage left me with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 2-1/2). I was not officially dx with Bipolar until 2002 by my pdoc and have been on medication ever since. I do have mood shifts now and then but for the most part I am pretty stable and am finally happy. I feel balanced and stable and normal with my meds and fish oil. If things are really bad you might want to call your pastor or a psychiatrist/psychologiost or social worker to see what would be the best way for your husband to get the help he needs. You always have the opportunity to call 911 and have him committed. My husband did that for me when I had an adverse reaction to prednisone and it helped me a great deal to be in a safe place.

Going on medications is not admitting you have a character flaw but is admitting that you need help and will be a much happier person because of it, and your husband once stable will no longer be verbally abusive towards you.
Your hubby has a serious disease, he cannot help it and until he does see a doctor/(psychiatrist) he will most likely continue to be abusive and very irritable towards you. I hope you will consider seeing a mental health professional and talk things over if you feel you are at the end of your rope.

Originally Posted by worried0107 View Post
hi i am new to this forum and am married to a man who was diagnosed with mental illness/bipolar 5-6 years ago. he doesnt take any meds and does not want to see a doctor. we have been married for 4 years and things are escalating. his bouts of anger are more frequent. he is verbally abusive and mentally abusive. i know that the most important thing one needs when dealing with bipolar/IED is patience but i am at my breaking point. all i do now is cry and its hard for me to even look at him in the face because of all the words he has used. he always says sorry but i seriously don't know what to do. please anyone give me advice. how do i cope? how do i help him?
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Default Jun 23, 2013 at 06:27 AM
Going on medications is not admitting you have a character flaw but is admitting that you need help and will be a much happier person because of it, and your husband once stable will no longer be verbally abusive towards you.
eh. Meds do not cure abuse. Unmedicated abuser once he gets on meds becomes... a medicated abuser.

and please do not excuse abusers as "cannot help it". Yes, they can. It's not a "disease" that makes one abusive... being abuser IS a character flaw, plain and simple.

Many bipolars are pretty damn nice people, even if our meds don't work (or if we aren't medicated). Snapping once in a while is human characteristic. If it's constant thing, it's a different matter.

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Default Jul 13, 2013 at 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by ne1410s View Post
is it really associated with ADHD? if that's the case then i have a puzzle.
my grandfather has bipolar I, as do i- and my brother has ADHD. does he have a chance of getting bipolar? is bipolar even hereditary?
Having ADHD does not "predispose" someone to developing Bipolar, but they mania part of bipolar can sometimes be misdiagnosed as ADHD. Try going to the Bipolar definition on this web site and it will describe the symptoms. I have done a lot of online research and read books on it since I was diagnosed about 10 years ago. Good luck!
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Default Jul 20, 2013 at 08:35 AM
I neeeed help! Its an extremely long story but i think i have bipolar disorder. i cant be diagnosed by a doctor because my mum has a mental illness (has attempted suicide) meaning that i would be put into a children's home if they found anything severe. I dont know what to do, my condition is getting worse and i cant cope. Im fifteen and have been traumatised by past life events.
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Default Jul 22, 2013 at 11:20 AM
Why would you be put into a children's home if you have a mental illness too? It's common for them to run in families...

But, either way, if you feel that going to a doctor is out of the question... then I guess the best thing to do would be to try to find resources to help you learn to manage your behaviour.

What makes you think you might have bipolar? We can't diagnose you at all here, but we can always try to give suggestions on how to manage specific behaviours.

I would still recommend going to talk to someone though. You could still try to talk to a therapist or even a school counsellor?

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Book Jul 23, 2013 at 12:40 AM
I suffrer from hypo mania and panic attack i was an extacy user for a year i did it like every week because i had a deep depression and insecurities even thought everyone see me as a fun and confident person i had issues in my mind anyway one day i mixed it with antidepressants i dont why i just wanted to feel more good than than the extacy effect didnt go away forever i felt warm happy i felt it in my veins big eye pupils it had been 1 week like this you cant imagine how good and terrible it was both and then i have done check up every blood test but nothing seem to be wrong with my body im still feeling tipsy very stupid and happy and panicking all at the same through all this anyway my doctor advised to put me in a mental hospital but i realy didnt want to so im just using ativan and diazem for my panic attacks they realy cool me down but i feel weirdly confident and i can swear it feels like a drug in my blood when i go to club or do something exciting my heart beats realy fast like 120 per minute my eye pupils get big i feel warm happy i cant feel my face sometimes and my eye color has changed its not me saying it its everyone lol it was dark brown its turning into green when imhaving these hypomania attacks i cant hear a thing my vision gets blurry and lots of other things i realy dont know what to do it has passed a month like this its weird as hell...
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Default Aug 07, 2013 at 07:06 AM
Did you know you get a aid payment from the state for the bipolar condition

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Default Aug 09, 2013 at 08:11 AM
My double diagnosis of Bipolar II and BPD has made my life miserable since I was a pre-teen. Job and personal relationship instability. People do not react to me well, and then I get to a point where I no longer want to be in the presence of others because I feel they will probably reject me anyway. This is probably just an aberration of the mental illness -- I hate those words, "mental illness," but I am beginning to come to terms with the fact that I am, indeed, mentally ill and need help. Although on medication (which helps some) going to psychotherapy I fight tooth and nail, because who wants to reveal their most shameful acts to another in order to face these things? Why my wife has stayed with me all these years is a mystery, but I'm sure glad she did.

Last edited by Wren_; Aug 10, 2013 at 05:49 PM..
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Default Aug 27, 2013 at 02:28 PM
You're not crazy...but I know it can feel like it sometimes. When I get manic now the good feeling lasts only a short time and then I too feel very irritable cranky...so I feel your pain. It's a horrible place to be in. Has your doc given you any AP to help bring you down from.the mania? I have olanzapine that I use as a PRN in this type of situation. All the best to you.

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Help Sep 19, 2013 at 06:50 AM
What do you do when the idiot agency you deal with cuts off your meds.....Yes I was a fee patient...no insurance, no job...
was getting lithium and effexor and kpins....
The Meds person was a PA and not a MD. She would not consult the MD.
It was RHA/Phoenix in NC and because I was transferring from another agency that closed, she said you were off the Kpins for X weeks so I am not ever ever going to give you these again. I guess she might have said I was cured(LOL).
Also they have a substance abuse/DUI business that brings in the big bucks, thus everyone is "a druggie" and everyone must stop any meds that MIGHT be addictive(but are required for panic attacks)

Any navy yards around here?(JK) Don't people know not to mess with mental health people's meds? Unreal!!!!

In a panic cause I had a breakdown dream with some of the players from my original breakdown from 07.....UGGG

Rod B in NC (feel free to email me suggestions)
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Default Oct 03, 2013 at 06:06 PM
I was wondering how to search the forum for topics of interest?

DX: BP1, OCD tendencies, anxiety
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Default Oct 04, 2013 at 02:39 AM
There is a search tab on the blue bar near the top of the page. Should direct you to a search feature.
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Default Nov 04, 2013 at 11:00 AM
All of this information is very helpful, it is going to take me a while to get through it….
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Default Jan 09, 2014 at 02:29 PM
I have to add to the verbally abusive husband with untreated BP. First, men much more than women see mental illness as weakness. And therefore seeking help and treating his illness is resisted as seeking help only makes them feel more weak because they feel they can't do it on their own. People who feel this way, say to themselves "I can handle this", "I don't need some shrink giving me a bunch of pills" ..etc and it sound to me that your hubby feel like this as well. I must add that I disagree with the comment regarding medication not helping abuse. I disagree, your right that if a person is indeed an abuser, they will continue being an abuser, but anger, hostility and aggressiveness to hand in hand with BP. Until I found the right meds for me I was constantly verbally abusive, hostile and darn right nasty..almost all the time. So, if your inappropriate behaviors are caused by the illness which I am sure of, then treatment with meds & therapy will lower his aggressive and hostile behavior. Mine got better. I had a lot of soul searching to do also and that helped as much as if not more than the meds regarding resentments I had carried for years, which were exacerbated by my illness. And though I was behaving abusively, it was purely a symptom of my illness and not a personality trait.
Back to your husband thou (sorry I am jumping around here and not using names, but just joined last night and using the phone app which offers fewer options when replying) like I stated above I was hostile and it was all due to the BP which I hadn't yet found the right meds for me, therefore were not relieving me of my irrational anger. He probably doesn't realize he's behaving badly in the moment, I just hits you like a 16 wheeler, and there doesn't even need to have a reason to show itself. I could sit all by myself in my favorite chair and out of nowhere, bam, I was PO'ed....then I'd get irritated that I was irritated...it sound insane because it is! but do you research, learn all you can about BP, it's a spectrum disorder which means it has varying degrees of severity. One person with BP can live a normal life, another with a more severe form of BP may be incapable of just keeping up with daily chores let alone holding down a job! Learning what he's experiencing will help you see that this is not about you, if it wasn't you it would be someone else. You're just handy...and even people w/o mental illness take things out on the ones they love....so, your really getting nailed. There is a wealth of information out there & here! You should read about his illness, being a spouse of a BP, convincing a loved one to get help and so on. He needs help and you need to get that across to him, pick a time when he's relatively calm & approach him with understanding and as much kindness as you can muster. Berating him or judging will make him hostile and more rebellious about accepting that he is sick and needs help. Sending you hugs, love and prayers.

Much love, Diane
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Default Jan 17, 2014 at 11:24 AM
How do I know when my medication is working and its not my HAPPY moment of my BP2?

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Default Jan 17, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Kewkky View Post
Is it really hereditary with ADHD? Because I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was but a baby, and about a year and a few months ago I started worrying about being bipolar, due to my humongous mood swings from angry to sad... That would give me one more reason to look for help!
ME TOO! i just found out im BP2 and im 28

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Default Jan 21, 2014 at 08:04 PM
I looking for answers about bipolar it get bad sometime I like to have and friend to chat with
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Default Jan 23, 2014 at 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by billie69 View Post
hi im pretty sure i may be suffering with bipolar disorder.
me and my friend who ironically enough thinks she has it to are planning to get checked out asap.
can u tell me what i should expect if im diagnosed?
Well, once you get diagnosed with something, you will be better able to handle it because you will know what you're actually fighting against. Plus they will probably want you on medication and maybe see a counselor as well. Bipolar is so unpredictable and it has to be treated.

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Question Feb 10, 2014 at 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by blue_eyes23 View Post
How do I know when my medication is working and its not my HAPPY moment of my BP2?

I am wondering about this also...started lamictal two weeks ago and felt like it helped a little immediately but now I am not feeling so hot again...doctor says it takes 6 weeks to reach therapeutic dose and what I felt at first is probably placebo affect which kind of made me feel crazier when she said that. now I am wondering if I was just in an "up" phase? one of my biggest symptoms of my depression is fatigue and that disappeared almost completely within maybe three days of starting the lamictal so I don't think that part is in my head.
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Default Mar 22, 2014 at 11:42 AM
Hi all, hope your all ok ? I'll be brief, is it common for people with bipolar to experience complete and utter memory loss ?
I don't mean the occasional missed appointment or forget to do basic things, I'm talking about not recalling the past 3/4 days. I've absolutely no idea where I've been or what I've done what I do know is I've emptied my bank account and that's it. Really need some professional advice before it happens again

Thanks Brian

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