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Default Mar 12, 2012 at 01:06 AM
I am not a doctor and can't diagnose but he sounds like my nephew who is schizophrenic. If you live in the US, you can go to the county mental health department and see a psychiatrist on a sliding scale. He may qualify for SSI, which a case manager can help him get, medicare, and food stamps. You first step is getting him connected with county mental health services.
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Default Mar 12, 2012 at 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by erraticpendulum View Post
Are there any other manic depressives on this site?
Manic depression is the old name for bipolar disorder. You are on the bipolar site.
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Default Mar 12, 2012 at 01:23 AM
thank you. I am going to call around tomorrow and see what I can find. and yes i am on the bipolar site.. I just joined less than a month ago I think. its therapy without leaving the house.
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Default Mar 18, 2012 at 03:02 PM
I am Bipolar I and electroshock has not be proposed to me. I am currently on 100mg of Lamictal and 100mg of Wellbutrin SR, plus I am on 1.5 mg of Risperidal at night and 1.5mg of clonazapam split three times daily. I am hoping my doctor might change my Wellbutrin SR 100 to XL 300 or at least 150, I don't think what I am on is enough because of certain events that happened yesterday and the day before and the day before that. I have started smoking again because of the stress, and I had been doing so well in not smoking for a at least 3 weeks with no problems at all until all this unload of stress.
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Default Mar 18, 2012 at 07:02 PM
Yes I am Bipolar I. Manic Depressive. I am on several medications and still trying to get the correct amounts of the drugs. I have more manic days than depressive days, have trouble sleeping, but a good portion of my days are a combo. It is crazy.
Originally Posted by erraticpendulum View Post
Are there any other manic depressives on this site?
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Default Mar 19, 2012 at 12:34 AM
I do the same thing but I am Bipolar I and on Lamictal. It is helping, but I think they need to be higher doses. The only thing I can offer is to stop and think before speaking, and trust me it is not easy. I am guilty of it myself, but I do sometimes stop before speaking. What were the suggestions your therapist gave you?
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Confused Mar 21, 2012 at 06:57 AM
My 17 year old son was just diagnosed with bipolar and I am not sure I agree with the diagnosis
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Default Mar 23, 2012 at 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by ninjamel1644 View Post
Yes I am Bipolar I. Manic Depressive. I am on several medications and still trying to get the correct amounts of the drugs. I have more manic days than depressive days, have trouble sleeping, but a good portion of my days are a combo. It is crazy.
Hello ninjamel.
It is good to know someone understood what i meant and also has BP1. Mixed periods are hell i have to say i struggle allot with my temperment its like trying to balance an erratic swinging pendulum on a the razors edge. Lack of sleep sure does take its toll doesnt it, most people cant comprehend the fact that i have had periods of 6months were i slept less than an hour a night. Is it any wonder we get psychotic after 3-4 weeks without any sleep or food, its worse that it happens without even realising. One day you feel great next thing you know its been a months of excess destructive actions that you only have vauge recollections of. Just a empty bank account less friends and a notepad full of frantic scibbles associating song lyrics to newspaper headlines with obvious hidden meanings that had purposeful messages others are to slow and stupid to see.
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Default Mar 23, 2012 at 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anneinside View Post
Manic depression is the old name for bipolar disorder. You are on the bipolar site.
I was refering to people with Bipolar 1 as apposed to bp2 or cyclothymia.
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Default Mar 23, 2012 at 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by moodynh View Post
I have just recently been hospitalized for a little over three weeks and was diagnosed with bipolar. My therapist/psychiatrist have me diagnosed with borderline personality there has always been a question about my diagnosis because i suffer with severe PTSD, anxiety, and depression most hospitalizations have been for these disorders or dual diagnosis drugs and these disorders but during this hospitalization it was different since i have been sober for 3 years prior to just before i was hospitalized they went over my history of hospitalization and treatment as well as my behavioral history and came up with bipolar i am of depakote and feel more stable then i ever remember despite still having mood swings, unfocus, PTSD issues, sleeplessness or depression with excessive sleep and reoccurring suicidal thoughts. my question is what are the syptoms or differences between borderline personality and bipolar and if my doctors don't support the hospital diagnosis what if anything i should do
Borderline and bipolar have some common symptoms and traits. Borderlines are typically more unstable violent and manipulative. The borderline being the border between neurosis and psychosis, those with the disorder are believed to be torn between opposite feelings and ideas of what course of action to take constantly feeling conflicted. With a fragile sense of self, seeking constant reassurance, using attention seeking behaviour, self grandizement to try to ease there insecurity often self harming and self destructive. The duration of mood swings is vastly different, borderlines only lasting from minutes to a few days at the most but typically a few hours.
Bipolar mood swings last from 1 week to an undetermined amount of time sometimes years. Historically bipolar asylum patients often had "manic exhaustion" as cause of death.
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Default Apr 30, 2012 at 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by psychtech9 View Post
hello everyone,

I would like to know, if anyone who was diagnosed with bipolar I or II disorders has ever had electric-convulsive-therapy? Has it been effective in treating your bipolar illness? Any long-term side-effects such as short-term memory loss?

If you care to share, it will be very helpful to me. I will be ongoing this surgical procedure within a week to 10 days? Any thoughts or comments for me, would be extremely helpful for me!
i had 13 did not help but it does help some people good luck
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Default May 02, 2012 at 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by erraticpendulum View Post
Hello ninjamel.
It is good to know someone understood what i meant and also has BP1. Mixed periods are hell i have to say i struggle allot with my temperment its like trying to balance an erratic swinging pendulum on a the razors edge. Lack of sleep sure does take its toll doesnt it, most people cant comprehend the fact that i have had periods of 6months were i slept less than an hour a night. Is it any wonder we get psychotic after 3-4 weeks without any sleep or food, its worse that it happens without even realising. One day you feel great next thing you know its been a months of excess destructive actions that you only have vauge recollections of. Just a empty bank account less friends and a notepad full of frantic scibbles associating song lyrics to newspaper headlines with obvious hidden meanings that had purposeful messages others are to slow and stupid to see.

That's exactly what happened to me a year ago with a major melt down.
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Default May 08, 2012 at 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by msGina23 View Post
I Suffer from Mania and Hypo Mania. I hate it!!! im always well more now then ever very angry at the world and people i dont even know lol, ALWAYs Irritable more then ever. I think i have well i know i have bipolar Mania, i think i have ADD, im suffering with insomina, oh and last but not least i thought about killing my self sunday smh i dont even remember why i was severly depressed for no reason at all..i a different person every day!! its like at a point right now where i hate people period lol like ugh!!! im irritated.... now tell me i aint crazy lol
You just described me, evey day. I suffer more from hypomania, rarely if ever from full blown mania, but I have periods of absolutely soul-crushing depression mixed with anxiety, irritability and outbursts of anger.

When you say you're a differen person every day.. Me too. Every day I look in the mirror and see a different person.

Right now I'm hiding out in the bathroom at work with an an anxiety attack contemplating going home early.
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Default May 10, 2012 at 12:14 AM
So I recently discovered Im cyclothymiac...All I can say is WHAT A RELIEF to know what the issue is and now that I know Im like "Wow, that explains alot!" I was MISdiagnosed as a child as having ADD...which apparently is common. Im devouring as much info on the topic as I possibly can...However, textbooks dont give u personal experiences...For example, Im at the end of my hypomania...and I kinda miss it PLUS i dont want to feel depressed...And I dont know HOW im going to feel...thats whats bothering me at this point...
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Default May 21, 2012 at 01:58 PM
I am Bi Polar. Glad I found this site. I have been diagnosed Hypomania. Now, I know why. I react or detach or anything else that has needed a reaction according to my lifes journey. Now, I can come to this site. I don't need an appointment. I don't haft to drive anywhere. I don't even haft to make a phone call. Whew what a relief.
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Default Jun 19, 2012 at 04:27 PM
I'm really curious as to whether or not I'm Bipolar. I have mood swings, but not extreme, and to me anyways, it doesn't seem like they are too frequent. I just know I'm more than depressed. When I was first diagnosed when I was 16, I'm 40 now, I was told I had depression and was borderline bipolar. I'm just someone who needs answers.

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Default Jul 04, 2012 at 06:39 AM
I suffer from Type 2 Bipolar and Generalized Anxiety disorder and ADHD and Attachment Disorder. I was wondering if people have used Epilim®. Sodium Valproate as a mood stabilizer? If so what dose? How long did it take to stabilize in your system? Did it make u feel very tired? Thanks in advance. Cimi
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Default Jul 14, 2012 at 09:20 AM
I get very manic much of the time, on bad days it turns to panic and when the panic attack is over I usually crash. hard. Then I suffer from a really dark mood and usually sleep for awhile before returning to norm.
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Default Jul 15, 2012 at 08:28 PM
Wondering how to control moods
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Default Jul 27, 2012 at 11:06 AM
Not sure if they can be controlled. But sometimes when I feel either depression or mania coming I can fight it off for a little bit. When I start to get depressed, before it grabs hold and it's work just to get out of bed, I make myself do things. Leave the house, call a friend, shower. I try and continue doing as many of my normal activities as possible. Mania is different....its a fight for me to air still or have any kind of meaningful interaction. Mostly I rely on meds to keep that in check.
Hope that helps.
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