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Default Feb 11, 2020 at 05:16 PM
There seems to be a developing trend for some members on some forums to create "journal" threads. They are not on specific topics of interest, requests for specific concerns, requests for feedback, questions, or the like. They are just more like "BirdDancer's thread # 6". [Note: I do not have a thread by that name or any other journal thread. That's just as an example.]

I will say that I don't tend to contribute to such "journal threads". Instead, I like my regular forum's "Check-in Thread", which is vibrant and pretty much serves the same purpose as any specific member's "journal thread".

I am only bringing this up, because I fear that if more and more people jump on the "My journal" thread bandwagon, that they will somewhat overwhelm certain groups main forums. If they are threads that people enjoy seeing, I really wish they were separated from a main forums's general thread list. Perhaps as part of a subforums called something like "Member Journals"?????

Just a thought.

I hope this feedback/suggestion doesn't upset anyone. I'm only mentioning it because I see the issue from the perspective of someone who worked in marketing. Existing members may tire of such "journal threads" and any potential new members may see them and be turned off. Yes, right now, there are just a few I've noticed, but people do like jumping on such bandwagons, and then, before you know it, it's out of control. There are also other potential issues I could mention.
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Default Feb 11, 2020 at 05:34 PM
When I wanted to create a place to "think outloud", kind of what you are describing I asked Doc John for permission to start a blog. Would that work in place of the threads you mentioned?
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Default Feb 11, 2020 at 05:57 PM
I have one such thread I started in the Coping with Emotions forum, but I never thought of it from that perspective. I hope it didn't bother people. I wanted a place where I could 1) see my progress and/or write in it when I felt like it to "unload" on the particular topic and 2) to invite other members to share their similar struggles. Come to think of it, I forgot about the thread lately and haven't written there in a while.

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Default Feb 11, 2020 at 07:25 PM
I’ve noticed that having too many rules can kill a forum. In schizophrenia and psychosis we used to have a lot more posts, now it’s pretty much a check in thread. This all started when we had separate threads for food, music, movies, etc so everything you could talk about was compartmentalized....it was almost like you couldn’t post unless you posted in the right section. It’s easy for newcomers to get lost in these long community posts and check in threads especially if they are in their first five posts because the threads have often moved on before a mod approves their post. That’s why I appreciate the current format of PC where people can create whatever suits them.

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Default Feb 11, 2020 at 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Sometimes psychotic View Post
I’ve noticed that having too many rules can kill a forum. In schizophrenia and psychosis we used to have a lot more posts, now it’s pretty much a check in thread. This all started when we had separate threads for food, music, movies, etc so everything you could talk about was compartmentalized....it was almost like you couldn’t post unless you posted in the right section. It’s easy for newcomers to get lost in these long community posts and check in threads especially if they are in their first five posts because the threads have often moved on before a mod approves their post. That’s why I appreciate the current format of PC where people can create whatever suits them.
I also think too many rules can be harmful to a forum.

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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
There seems to be a developing trend for some members on some forums to create "journal" threads. They are not on specific topics of interest, requests for specific concerns, requests for feedback, questions, or the like. They are just more like "BirdDancer's thread # 6". [Note: I do not have a thread by that name or any other journal thread. That's just as an example.]

I will say that I don't tend to contribute to such "journal threads". Instead, I like my regular forum's "Check-in Thread", which is vibrant and pretty much serves the same purpose as any specific member's "journal thread".

I am only bringing this up, because I fear that if more and more people jump on the "My journal" thread bandwagon, that they will somewhat overwhelm certain groups main forums. If they are threads that people enjoy seeing, I really wish they were separated from a main forums's general thread list. Perhaps as part of a subforums called something like "Member Journals"?????

Just a thought.

I hope this feedback/suggestion doesn't upset anyone. I'm only mentioning it because I see the issue from the perspective of someone who worked in marketing. Existing members may tire of such "journal threads" and any potential new members may see them and be turned off. Yes, right now, there are just a few I've noticed, but people do like jumping on such bandwagons, and then, before you know it, it's out of control. There are also other potential issues I could mention.
first I want to say not everyone on psych central are in marketing so we don't look at long threads as a marketing, jump on the band wagon thing.

second yes some people post about their journeys with mental illness and sometimes the thread ends up with many pages. but psych central does close long threads once they reach a certain number of pages because of server and website issues behind the scenes that doc john sometimes lets us know about. when a thread is closed by a moderator because it has reached its limit of pages for the site they begin another thread. to new people this may seem like the original thread is still going, most times when you read long threads you discover the topic has evolved and since its still active it continues.

third yes some of us have long threads to some may seem like what other sites call "journey threads" but you need to take into consideration why those threads were started to begin with. for example my integration thread "reads" like a journey thread. but its not a journey thread. the reason behind that thread was because psych central does not have an integration forum for DID. the dissociative forums are the main area, the garden, the teen but theres nothing there for those of us dealing with pre integration, integration and post integration issues. So I made an integration thread, posted what I went through and what I still deal with, what integration is for me and how my treatment providers dealt with it. then others at integration level of healing form DID also posted in that thread. its a running thread where anyone going through integration of their DID alters can talk integration issues with out upsetting those that don't want to discuss integration.

Also here at psych central no one is required to read these long threads. everyone reads only what they want to read, and only those that ......….want to............participate in the long threads do and those who don't like reading long threads and don't like to participate in long threads they don't read or participate in them.
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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 01:53 AM
TBH I often avoid threads like that because they make me feel overwhelmed. Even if one of the threads includes people I am interested in I feel like I couldnt keep up with the thread. I dont necessarily think there needs to be a rule about it, I personally just move on. But I do wonder if those threads would get more support if the posts were in a more general section to encourage participation.

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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 02:08 AM
I have one of such threads myself. I know there was a time where own blogs were allowed but that’s not a feature anymore. I don’t feel bothered by it personally.

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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 04:03 AM
Good morning everyone from southern England.

I'm like Sarah who feels overwhelmed when reading these long messages. My only exception are posts that are relevantly paragraphed, the grammar is good and the content engaging, otherwise I'll skip it.

It is only courtesy to ask DocJohn the forum host for permission to post a blog and ask for advice.

I like the current format of PC that makes it easy to navigate the forum and to choose which category to post on. As I don't always have much time to post, then I'll bookmark my favourite categories making my time here easier.


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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 04:29 AM
I don’t think posters should be prevented from creating such threads.

They’re not my cup of tea, personally so I simply don’t read them or respond.
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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 06:42 AM
I'm also in favour of no new rules. We don't want to feel scared about what or where to post.
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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 08:18 PM
I kinda wish there were an option for a blog or something like that. And maybe it would be good that if the person wanted, they could keep it private, too. I don't know; it's just an idea. I say this because I recently posted one of those types of threads and now I kind of realized I don't want my issues out there like that.
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Default Feb 12, 2020 at 08:49 PM
I don’t think it’s a problem as I personally don’t usually read them. Some of the ones I ran across were mostly repeating of the same thing so I wasted time reading in hopes to discover something new. I now just don’t read those. But I think people have rights to create threads the way they see fit. I just skip them
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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 02:45 AM
Well I think having a ongoing one person thread is a good idea for some.

I’ll speak about the Bipolar forum. Since that my kind Home base got me

Some people can easily post 3-5 new threads each day, so it often will drop other threads by other members right on to page 2 and they often get little to no support.

I try and be mindful about going and be active to look to see if someones threads just got lost because a handful of people could have 3,4,even 5 new threads a day ? The Bipolar forum is typically a fast mover

So for some members that kind of flood the forum I think just having one thread helps keep the forum more neat and tidy and inviting for others to also post and receive proper support.

There are some threads that all just long and jumbled and I just choose not to try and keep up..so no one should feel forced to read something long. We can all pick and choose what to read

So for me I vote yes, for some members it plain just makes sense.

I mean any people posting about meds must now be reported because they get moved on the “ treatment thread” sun forum.
And the traffic on it has slowed way down, so lack of support

So why is it okay to clump all medication thread to there ? And let the forum be over run with so many threads from a few members ?

I’ve kicked around here for many years so I have my own opinion mot that it much matters.

Sorry if my post rambled a bit but I haven’t slept in a couple days. And I did make a insomnia check in thread and people seem happy to have it since insomnia is an ongoing issue

I just hush up now

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 03:06 AM
I think I would be more apt to participate if the subject was in the title. Like.."Sarah's bipolar questions thread#2" (just an example not an actual thread).

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
I think I would be more apt to participate if the subject was in the title. Like.."Sarah's bipolar questions thread#2" (just an example not an actual thread).

Yes those are the threads I’m talking about right now , there is one for Bizi she has had for a long time . And Giddy made one after numerous people including myself said her multiple threads were very confusing , to try to see what thread was oldest or most recent .., now she is just updating that thread numerous times a day instead of making 4 separate threads.

Again this is only my thoughts and opinions.

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 06:19 AM
@christina, you said the exact words I was thinking. We can all pick and choose what to read.

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Heart Feb 13, 2020 at 07:49 AM
I can see BirdDancer's. LizardLady's and ~Christina's points.

As I understand Liz, her suggestion that people start a separate blog is a reasonable option in my mind as well.

I have witnessed exactly what ~Christina has written about. It's true that members who would otherwise post several posts a day in a very disorganized, chaotic manner are encouraged (in the BP forum) to keep one thread going instead of overwhelming the forum. (In a sense, this is also BirdDancer's concern, that of overwhelming the forum.)

Last, but not least, I also see BirdDancer's point, which I think is at least in part about the forum(s) becoming overwhelmed should additional members choose to launch their own "diary type" threads.

~Christina has additionally noted the relatively recent decision to move "treatments" to it's own sub-forum (In BP forum) has resulted in the treatment threads not getting adequate responses/attention, which may be similar to what could occur if these threads by individuals are all turned into blogs.

I happen to think it's critical to be able to look quickly at a forum and to be able to discern which members need more immediate support. Some of us check-in briefly (and repeatedly) throughout the day (sometimes the night) in order to quickly help to support the more urgent requests for support/direction. Lengthy diary type, or even dietary types of threads can clog up the works at times; yet, these threads also serve members asking for support.

There are many valid points here.

It appears there is not, at this point, simply one reasonable approach.

Again, I do understand BirdDancer's concern these long threads will overwhelm the forum. I understand ~Christina's concern that multiple posts published in a chaotic/disorganized fashion will overwhelm the forum. I see value in having a quick and a clear vision of posts in more immediate need of support; thus, I, too, am voicing concern over the forum becoming overwhelmed..

So while we all hold this concern, has the forum yet become truly overwhelmed? I would have to say no, in my opinion. Not yet.
I am one to choose the middle ground when it comes to finding resolutions.
Since the forum is not yet overwhelmed by these types of threads, and may not ever become overwhelmed in this way, then it's possible any immediate change/decision is premature at this time.

I see Fuzzy's point regarding the value of fewer forum rules when possible.. Others voice this concern, as well.

I am all for promoting the optimal level of site/forum functioning in the least restrictive environment. (Thanks, Fuzzy.!)

In the meantime, this topic is certainly food for thought. I appreciate BirdDancer having brought attention to this topic, which may or may not need further discussion in the (perhaps near) future..

Just my two cents.
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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 08:18 AM
A few comments.... I appreciate the feedback and believe I understand the concern being expressed.

While we did indeed close down our member blogs, anyone is welcomed to blog on any of the free services available, such as Wordpress.com. Then you can include your personal blog in your signature here, if you'd like people to keep updated about what's going on with you or your life.

We don't have any rule against these long-running threads and at this time, I'm not inclined to make a new guideline about them because I don't believe they've become a problem in terms of the number of them or what-not. If a forum became overrun with them, however, we'd likely try and work out some solution that would satisfy most.

We do ask members always to be aware of the amount they are posting, especially if they are starting multiple new threads in a single forum in one day. Such member threads should be reported so we can look at them more closely and see if a warning is warranted.

Support groups such as ours work best when people contribute to other people's threads, when they can, when they're in an emotionally good place to do so. But I can completely understand that when someone is posting the equivalent of a journal/diary thread, how that person may not get much support in such a thread because it's very different kind of content (and may be harder to reply to or offer support).

We'll keep an eye on things and again, please report any thread you feel we should look at in particular. It doesn't mean we'll do anything about it, but it does bring it to the team's attention for further discussion and possible action. Thank you!

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Default Feb 13, 2020 at 09:58 AM
Thanks to all for your feedback on this and at least considering the potential issues increases in diary/journal threads on a particular forum could cause, in the future. I know there are still not an overwhelming number of them, but if there ever are, DocJohn, I am glad you will look at this issue again.

Wild Coyote, thanks for looking at the issue from all perspectives.

Christina, just to clarify, I am not referring to the insomnia thread, as I see that as a topic thread, and not a diary/journal thread.

I confess that I do not participate in the diary/journal threads because I find my regular forum's "Check-in" thread sufficient for journaling purposes and is more of a community thread about all of us. Sometimes I struggle to keep up with the posts there, but try hard. But that's just one thread for journaling purposes. I do like the members who have started their own journal threads. It's not that I don't, but unless it is more than just a journal thread focused solely on one member's miscellaneous mind meanderings, I steer clear. Yes, there may only be 3 or 4 such threads that are on page 1 of a particular forum, but if 5? Is that a bit much? Six? Seven? Imagine seeing on a forum's first page:
  • Igor's Thread #2
  • Jackie's Mind Meanderings #1
  • Racing Thoughts? (not a journal thread)
  • Ting Li's Thread #4
  • Those with insomnia (not a journal thread)
  • Allison's Thoughts Du Jour #2
  • Kim's Thread #3
  • Check-in Thread #9 (a general community thread)
  • Need Advice on Bipolar and Job (not journal)
  • Buggs' Daily Banter #6
  • I got fired (NOT a journal thread - topic)
  • Etc.
The above would be overwhelming to me, and would deter me from participating if it was the first time seeing the forum. I agree that too many rules, themselves, can be a deterrent, but there might come a time when, for a forum's well-being, that some limits (or relocations) could be beneficial, in my view.

I have seen other mental health forums (not PC) eventually fold because of various factors. My feedback here is offered out of a love for PC.
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