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Old Aug 27, 2018, 02:44 PM
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giddykitty giddykitty is offline
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hello all!

I've been a member of PC forums now for a few months for various things, but my newest diagnosis is dependent personality disorder, although I'd like to add that there is a co-dependancy factor here that aids my fear in losing certain people. But I guess I do fit the description that I feel I always need somebody around or that I do what other people want to do because of some deep seated fear of losing them. I think it comes more down to a lack of self confidence and/or I feel what I do is less important that I set my things aside for others. I guess!! I'm guessing what all might be considered in my case. The report didn't necessarily 100% resonate, or it depends on my mood (I've also been diagnosed with unspecified bipolar disorder), so it's hard to fully test for these things, maybe. So anyway, I guess I'm here just trying to figure things out and talk to others who've been through this.

Celexa (Citalopram) 20mg
Levothyroxine .75mg
Liothyronine 5MCG (2x daily)
And a whole slew of vitamin and herbal supplements.
Hugs from:
AzulOscuro, Goforward, Lazaros, Nowlosingsanity
Thanks for this!

Old Feb 13, 2019, 02:12 AM
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Travelinglady Travelinglady is offline
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Hi, giddykiddy, and welcome to this forum!
Thanks for this!
Old Feb 13, 2019, 04:52 PM
Goforward Goforward is offline
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Hi and welcome!
Thanks for this!
Old Dec 25, 2019, 03:23 PM
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giddykitty giddykitty is offline
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I just said this in another post, but anybody who wants to PM or friend me can feel free to do so! Would appreciate any insight into this disorder as I still have doubts about my diagnosis. Thanks!
Celexa (Citalopram) 20mg
Levothyroxine .75mg
Liothyronine 5MCG (2x daily)
And a whole slew of vitamin and herbal supplements.
Old Jan 19, 2020, 04:40 PM
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AzulOscuro AzulOscuro is offline
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How do you feel after the diagnosis?
Social Anxiety and Depression. Cluster C traits.
Trying to improve my English. My apologies for errors and mistakes in advance.

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Old Jan 21, 2020, 02:47 PM
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giddykitty giddykitty is offline
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Originally Posted by AzulOscuro View Post
How do you feel after the diagnosis?
I still feel the same. Confused. I feel like I'm codependent (I do the depending) on my husband, but at the same time, my physical and mental illnesses prevent me from taking care of things myself a lot of the time. The illness stuff isn't a choice, but it is a choice that I have my husband go with me everywhere. I mean, I don't NEED him, but I chose to have him go with me...or have someone trustworthy go with me. But it's a choice, so I'm not sure that's really dpd . But I mean the MI I mentioned was anxiety and that could prevent me from wanting to drive somewhere, for instance, and i instead insist my husband drive instead...although I do brave it up sometimes when he asks.

But yeah, I really think my test simply reflected the choice that I made to have husband or people with me when doing things...i CAN do things alone...although it is harder now that I've been out of the habit.

Make sense? I'm sorry for people who really do suffer from this. I mean, from my anxiety standpoint, I can relate.
Old Jan 24, 2020, 03:26 PM
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So, maybe you have social anxiety as I do?
Social Anxiety and Depression. Cluster C traits.
Trying to improve my English. My apologies for errors and mistakes in advance.

Mankind is complex: Make deserts blossom and lakes die. ( GIL SCOTT-HERSON)
Old Jan 25, 2020, 08:24 PM
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giddykitty giddykitty is offline
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Originally Posted by AzulOscuro View Post
So, maybe you have social anxiety as I do?
General anxiety disorder I think.
Thanks for this!
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