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Anonymous 42424
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Default Oct 31, 2021 at 11:49 AM
My day has been good. Some small and young children celebrating Halloweeny have been here with their mothers. I hope that there will not come more because now I have very little "goodies" left.

I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow and will not set up other plans for tomorrow then buying groceries and to work for a couple of hours.

Send my best wishes for everyone's doings!
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Default Oct 31, 2021 at 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by GoGo2 View Post
Oh, I am glad to hear that America is still America. Mothers sometimes think they own us because they raised us, but they don't! Many years ago I read a book about mothers' strategies (to control their daughters) and how to use some strategies back on them. It talks about different "mother strategies", and helps us to identify with one or more "mother type" and then we are given beneficial strategies to not have to "bow for their wishes" but still be friends in one way or another. It really helped me.

It is still in print and they have it at Amazon or maybe you can borrow it from the library if interested.

"How to Manage Your Mother: Skills and Strategies to Improve Mother-Daughter Relationships" Hardcover – May 1, 1992
by Nancy Wasserman Cocola (Author), Arlene Modica Matthews (Author)

Brilliant idea! Thanks for recommending it!
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Default Nov 01, 2021 at 05:44 AM
It was nice having a low stakes, puttering type day. I finished a book, exercised, and did some more work on my goals. I also did the dishes and some cleaning. I had cleared out some furniture to make room for a project a few weeks ago and was able to put everything back yesterday, so that was nice.

Today ...

1. Finish and post homework. Only one more hour on this.
2. Revision. Really dreading this. Would like to start rather than think about it.
3. Reading assignment
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Anonymous 42424
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Thumbs up Nov 01, 2021 at 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Brilliant idea! Thanks for recommending it!
Hope you will benefit as much as I did from reading it!
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Anonymous 42424
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Default Nov 01, 2021 at 02:18 PM
My appointment with the doctor was OK.

I have got a brilliant idea today. Somebody stole my sewing machine. I want to buy a new one. When I was young I liked to sew some of my own clothes by myself. I want to take up that habit again. I am pensioned and can work if I want to or not work if that is the the option. For now my time is occupied, but later on I am free to use my time on sewing if I want to do that. After I decided that this is what I want, I felt much better and my breath became more regular.

Why should not old ladies feel well dressed and special? (By the way I think I will repeat the "mother-daughter" book). I want to have a life and live better. I cannot become younger. I will still become more tired then when I was younger, but I want to have that inner feeling of being well dressed. Old people can be beautiful too.

Plans for tomorrow

- Up early
- Rest after breakfast
- Coffee
- 09:30 House-work
- 10: 30 House-work
- Lunch
- 12:00 House-work
- 13:00 House-work
- Make dinner
- Rest and enjoy life.

I wish everybody well with their doings!
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Default Nov 01, 2021 at 03:32 PM
I've had a busy day. I opened a lot of packages. I need to clean the cats' water dispenser. And then I will be done for the day. I hope all of you are well.

‘Live for now,’

‘This too shall pass,’

‘Everything is happening for my good.’
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Default Nov 02, 2021 at 05:35 AM
I hope you get that sewing machine!

Yesterday was a pretty productive day. I posted my homework without spending too much more time on it, exercised, did some errands, applied for a job, and started my revisions. I also reached out to some people with questions about something and got some extremely helpful responses back.

I have two meetings today, one this afternoon and one tonight. Other than that, I am going to keep pushing forward. Using my lists helps a lot.

1. More revisions. Just throw time at it.
2. NaNo
3. At least 15 minutes cleaning out garden.
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Default Nov 02, 2021 at 12:11 PM
Today has been a productive day since early this morning with the added bonus of it being a beautiful, sunny, breezy fall day so I’m taking breaks out on the porch with a good novel and a mug of eggnog frequently. I have therapy later on and my sister is coming by to help out. It’s a good day.

I hope everybody has a peaceful day.
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Default Nov 03, 2021 at 05:34 AM
Yesterday was pretty good. I would like to make more progress on my revisions than I have been, but I will take what I can get. Right now I will settle for building momentum. I am juggling some competing priorities but trying to move everything forward.

1. Revisions.
2. Test prep
3. Exercise

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Anonymous 42424
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Default Nov 03, 2021 at 05:48 AM
Yesterday was fine. Today I am going to use the whole day on decluttering a small room.

Send my best wishes for everybody's wellbeing!
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Default Nov 03, 2021 at 02:50 PM
Took brother to an emergency surgeon’s appointment this morning. He’ll need another surgery. I’m catching up on stuff around the house and taking the trash to the curb. Later, I’ll take mom’s car to the mechanic for early day service tomorrow. I’m a little sleepy. I may take a nap. I’ve been productive today.

I hope everyone is having a peaceful day.
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Default Nov 04, 2021 at 05:42 AM
Another pretty good day yesterday. This morning I woke up with a headache and feel demotivated. I have two meetings today, neither of which I'm looking forward to. I am not sure what I will do today. I already want to go back to bed.
1. Yard work. Running out of time.
2. A walk.
3. Revisions
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Default Nov 04, 2021 at 11:49 AM
I’m finally going to the orthopedist today to see about my hurt arm. Hallelujah! Relief in sight. I’ve been working on business affairs up to this point. When I get home I’ll work on the house and bring the trash can in.

1. Orthopedist
2. Expedia refund (done)
3. Buy sunflowers
4. Straighten the house.

I hope everyone has a peaceful, good day.
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Anonymous 42424
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Thumbs up Nov 04, 2021 at 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
I’m finally going to the orthopedist today to see about my hurt arm. Hallelujah! Relief in sight.
I am glad to hear that!
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Anonymous 42424
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Default Nov 04, 2021 at 04:06 PM
I have had a good day today. The Gym for the elderly was hard, but hopefully beneficial. I had to rest for some time afterward and did not have enough time to do anything in the house. That is OK. To be able to take extra time for myself when needed is exactly how I want to live with a lot of different physical diseases, now, in "my life's evening". (I don't want to specify, but I am in the age group between 70 - 80). I take care of my home by myself and I even still work at my own office sometimes. I feel proud.

Well there wasn't time to do much inside the house, but I did shop a load of groceries for the whole week. That took it's time!

For now I am going to make a milk soup with raisins. It will make me sleepy. I will plan my goals for tomorrow in the morning.

I hope everyone will have a good day tomorrow!
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Anonymous 42424
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Thumbs up Nov 05, 2021 at 04:31 AM
GRATEFUL: I am in the philosophical corner today. I feel grateful to God who has given me so much and been there for me in good an bad days.

I think that we grow and learn even in the bad days. When I was young God gave me a good therapist for analytical therapy. One does the job by looking into oneself , learning about inner mother- and father pictures, gets help with old grief and other hurtful former experiences. One grows as a person by meeting old hurts in a grown up way and to take responsibility for ones own life. My therapist never saw my depression as sickness. Analytical therapists seldom do that. I never saw it that way either. I mean as long as one do not have psychotic features or any other mood disturbances in ones life one is not sick. It is a modern though made up by Psychiatrists that depression is an illness. Life is something one live and relates to or even fights for. That is quite normal. But there can be an inherited component that make it more easy to react in a depressed manner. We just have to learn to live with that vulnerability, take responsibility for our own vulnerabilities and find coping strategies. I think that the learning theories are the best for being prepared and ready for the fight. I love "The Decider" book (from Ayres and Vivian in uk) , not because I don't know how to decide, but because it's topic is to repeat, repeat and repeat again very old truths that always have worked well for humanity. The repetition is helpful and strengthens the bonds between the neurons).

I got a good education (it was hard work) and a good job. I loved my husband and he loved me. Isn't that much to be grateful for? Now our grandchildren do it well as students. I feel that fighting for my life was well worth it. It gives results even in the next generations (hopefully because good therapy gives better ways to cope with our children then our own parents did with us).

When I had passed my middle ages I experienced a trauma so ugly and dirty that is not describable. I became more depressed then ever for a long time. (Good former therapy cannot prevent normal sad feelings and anger related to extreme happenings) .My former therapist was pensioned, but after some years I found another worth waiting for. We used some time to raise me up again. I am not in therapy now. Unfortunately this period with deep depression also brought fire to some physical dieases that were laying there snoozed in my genes. I have learned to live with them one by one.

Life never comes with a guarantee! I think that is the best we can teach the young ones! Especially is this important now in this time with environmental changes. In The United Kingdom they are rolling out a program for children at school to help them to cope with life and own emotions.

I feel that I have found a way to live my now pensioned life. I place a good weight on physical activity , relaxation exercises and social company and am proud to still have some work capacity left.

I would have loved to share these last years with my husband. We always dreamed about growing old and hold hands together. But so is life. It never comes with a guarantee ...

I hope I didn't bore you with these thoughts early in the morning. I just woke up in a philosophical mood. May be some will like to think trough the fact about that we have to live in the here and now. Going to therapy or feeling depressed is not about that one day we will be cured and then life starts. There is no cure for life. We have to live it when we have it.

Enough for today. If it bored you, I, at least felt relieved by writing. I am going to read a bit in the Bible for now. After that I am going to use most of the day on de-cluttering. Tomorrow I will leave early to visit a church. I will meet others and I will use the rest of the day to relax.

May your weekend be good and may those of you who believe in God live well with Him!
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Default Nov 05, 2021 at 06:19 AM
@GoGo2 - excellent post! Thank you for sharing.

Today I’m taking brother for an emergency CAT scan and mom’s car to the garage. I will also work on the house and practice some much needed self care. I got relief from the orthopedist yesterday with an injection into an injured tendon. I’m really pleased about that.

1. Brother’s appointment
2. Mom’s car to mechanic
3. Work on house
4. Self care plan and implementation
5. Grocery

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend!
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Default Nov 05, 2021 at 06:38 AM
I am at job. Working here 10 to 7. Then will spend some time with the family.
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Default Nov 05, 2021 at 07:09 AM
I fell off the productivity wagon yesterday. I did what I could but skipped some of the good habits I've been trying to build, like staying on top of the dishes. Gogo2, you are right that we can't cure life!

I am not going to plan much for today. I have one thing scheduled that may take up the entire day and a meeting this afternoon that hopefully doesn't conflict.

1. Revisions.
2. Submit a quote.
3. Scheduled stuff
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Anonymous 42424
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Default Nov 05, 2021 at 12:26 PM
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Thanks for this!

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