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I am pleased that you were able to get past your Christmas blip Marilyn . It is not an easy thing to do. Hmm.. losing eyesight would be a dreadful thing. How did you get control of your eating habits and sugar addiction?
Possum,once I understood that I was addicted to sugar,and also when I understood the damage that the sugar was doing to my eyes,I stopped eating sugary treats every day,I focused on my blood sugar levels and readings and getting them down lowers and losing weight.I am not saying it is easy though but it can be done and knowing my eye sight was in danger motivated me.I understand my sugar addiction now and how to break the vicious cycle of eating it and wanting more and more and more...I guess I took a long time to learn my lesson.generally now most days I don't eat anything much with added sugar,I allow it only once in a long while.And no more fruit juices.
possum220, unaluna
possum220, unaluna
I went to see my GP to check in with my blood tests. Mostly everything was good. My iron levels are low but not not low enough to have an iron infusion. My average BAC1 levels are above 8.2 so I was given the next three months to make a concerted effort to get it lower or go on insulin.
My stress levels are already through the roof at the moment. Insurance issues and a house inspection. I just want the whole world to go away. |
Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I didnt buy any jelly beans or candy. No biscuits. All of the Christmas cake is gone. I went through three Christmas cakes over three months. My house contains no sugary foods. Yay. I do hope that by not eating that stuff that my blood sugar levels drops and that I can avoid the insulin.
Well done Possum,if you aren't eating sugar products your blood sugars will come down most certainly,that's what I did and I halved my sugar levels.
You are better not to go on insulin,the insulin makes you ravenous and you will want to eat everything in sight all day long.When I went on insulin I gained 42 pounds. My sugar levels weren't brought down by insulin cos I was craving foods and eating them the blood sugar levels stayed sky high.It was the worse thing I coud do to go on insulin. |
Thanks @Marylin Iwonder if I can stay on Trulicity if I have to go on insulin as that makes my appetite so much better.
Yesterday I went to my craft group and they were sharing a very decadent chocolate cake around to celebrate some ones birthday. I was so proud of myself when I said no to a piece of it twice. Yay me. It is okay to say no. Normally I would have had two pieces. Maybe it won’t be as hard as I think. |
Well, Friday the 13th was certainly a bad day for me! Doctor gave me results of annual blood test as I'm on meds for hereditary high blood pressure. Told me I've got high cholesterol and Type 2. Can't say I was surprised but it still shocked me. My diet hasn't been great for a number of reasons.
Doc wants another blood test, plus urine in 3 weeks' time (early April) then appointment with him is 2 weeks after that, to confirm T2 diagnosis. Realise this problem can't be resolved overnight, but felt there was a hidden message in his request. Already cut down on chocolate, having plain only. Reading more labels, careful with amount of fruit I eat (yes, counting grapes!). Do drink a lot of water, although add no added sugar squash because it's horrible without. Only use about a teaspoon anyway. Because of Covid-19 have been unable to get dried or tinned beans, but will be buying when they're back on the shelves. Already seeing signs of weight loss, as belly and middle fat now has rippled effect. A sign that something's happening. Also noticed not as tired as I was. Will come back to this forum regularly to read experiences and contribute. Know there's a long way to go, but really have to address this problem! |
possum220, unaluna
Good on you for taking a proactive approach. Adjusting is not easy. I trust that you are still on the right track.
Well, i didnt taken my diuretic for 3 days (usually take it every 2 or 3) and i weighed myself expecting it to be a little high, but it was a little low, so that is good news. Also i hadnt checked my blood sugar for two months, so i did that yesterday, and it was 151 fasting, which is not great, but still pretty good for me.
Not getting out to get groceries, and a little depressed about covid, and afraid to order in, and trying to eat more simply and conserve because who knows, right? But i was able to order a variety of foodstuffs from amazon today. All shelf stable, mostly dietetic. Its weird. Half the time im depressed and suicidal, but when the rubber meets the road - when all i would have to do is go out and lick a door handle somewhere - i get all, ooh, i gotta take care of myself. |
At the back of my mind was expecting this. Had text earlier from doctors cancelling my confirmatory blood test this Friday. Realise that covid-19 is more important but feel it's also affirmation I'm being given time to sort this out myself. Will see if they've got the same joined up thinking with the follow-up docs appointment booked for two weeks time.
Given their previous record of sending six texts in four days about visiting the surgery and nominating a pharmacy, will be interesting to see if they cancel that appointment too. |
possum220, unaluna
I haven't been on here for about a month.We are 3 weeks into lockdown here in the UK due to conorovirus.I am struggling again to keep my weight and blood sugars down.I may have early kidney disease.I have indulged in forbidden foods cos bored stuck at home with no company.I gotta get back on track.
possum220, unaluna
Are you allowed outside to go for a walk while observing social distancing rules in the UK ? @Marilyn How was Easter for you? Do you have an appointment lined up to see your GP, whether it is online or not, or you Diabetes Educator?
We can go for a walk here in Australia but cannot stop. So I have really short walks. If outside for no good reason police will fine a person $1652. No company is no fun either. |
my blood sugars are starting to get better and my last hbA1C 6.6 a big improvement for me. I am on actos, glipizide, and trulicity. The addition of the Trulicity made all the difference. The only thing I have to watch is the day after I take the trulicity my bs will drop into the 60s and I have to drink something to bring it up a bit, but for the most part its been good, nothing higher than 150 so steps in the right direction. I have a teleappointment on the 7th and I think it will be good. thanks , tams
Tams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Whgn_iE5uc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0 YOU LAUGH BECAUSE I AM DIFFERENT, I LAUGH BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME Don't only practice your Art, But force your way through into its secrets, For it and Knowledge can Raise men to the Divine. Beethoven |
possum220, unaluna
@Tamster How did your appointment go?
This past Thursday I went to the pathologist for my blood to be sampled. Like I said before if the doctor is not happy with my BAC1 levels and I have no reason to think that he will be then he is going to put me on insulin. In order to do this I will have to see the diabetes clinician. I feel uneasy about seeing both of them online. My blood sugar level kit is giving me the wrong readings. I have a sieve for a brain when it come to taking on new information. Injections? How will I manage that? Then again I wont know any of this until I can get in to see the doctor. I want to stick my head in the sand on this one and not do anything. It will be awhile before clinics open up again for face to face appointments. Anyway not for nothing the Trulicity is a monster for giving me a burp factor of 10. Hope everybody else out there is doing okay. |
Me again. I had a phone call from my gp about my blood sugar levels. He said it had gone up again. I have been walking in the morning but it is not enough. My increased use of Seroquel not helping.
He said that normally when a person is put on insulin that they need to see the diabetes nurse in person. Due to this covid stuff that will not happen. So I asked if we could increase my galvumet to see if that would help. He said yes to that. Wish me luck that the increase in galvumet will help. |
Anonymous445852, unaluna
I have brother in law, mom, two sister two niece one nephew who.has diabetes. My sister sugar been any high or dropped to low.
That is a few people who are affected by diabetes in your life. I am sorry about that. Maybe time for your sister to check in with her diabetes nurse or doctor to see if she needs a change of medications. Wow it's been a very long time since anybody has been in here. While the increased galvumet has slightly helped, the possibility of having a face to face with the diabetes educator is still nil. I wonder when the doctors office is going to open up again and see people face to face. How are the rest of you all doing? |
I have to say that I am struggling with how dry my mouth is all the time side effects of the Trulicity. This has been going on ever since I first started to take it. So over it.
Struggling with diabetes meds. Still. Galvumet was irritating my gut for years. So I just stopped taking it a week ago. That was horrid. ATook it again today. Grrrrr. I had my blood glucose test done at pathology and have an appointment to see my GP Tuesday.
My gp said my A1c was 8.3, and if it isnt lower in 3 months, he will have to change my med (2k metformin daily). So day 1 done. Following weight watchers purple plan / whole food plant based / keto-ish.
Hi unaluna. Fingers crossed that this helps. Please let us know how it works out.
I am in trouble again,got diagnosed with eating disorder in March 2020,had struggles with this all year with high sugars from March till now.Had check at eye clinic my eyes damaged by diabetic retinography and macular,my sight at risk,my sugars went sky high 468mg felt so ill thirsty weak no strength,sleepy and drowsy all day insomnia at night,stomach issues,bile in stomach and coming up my throat,severe depression.Ever since my eye checks on wednesday I ve been off the sugar and bad foods.I have sworn that thats it no more binging on bad foods no more eating sugary foods,this has to be a permanent lifestyle change.......I will come off the sugar addiction cycle and I will lose weight ,exercise and improve my health,there's no going back only forward........I have God on my side so won't fail.
possum220, unaluna