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Default Apr 04, 2017 at 11:09 PM
And we are at full stop. I was bummed about my cholesterol so I sulked for a few days then other stuff started some monday I went to get a dr appointment they decided to get me in that day and did a biopsy. So the last 4 days have been a blur I have 6 weeks to wait on result so I have to get back to my regularly scheduled life. Besides I have eaten so much chocolate in the last couple of days I think I'm in sugar shock. Hubby came home from work today and asked if I had take his car in to get the tire checked... little busy freaking out. So not particularly happy about anything or anyone right now.
So I will start over tomorrow past a smile on my face and pretend. Getting tired of starting over
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Default Apr 08, 2017 at 08:28 AM

I'm sorry - that all sounds overwhelming. I must have missed something, what was the biopsy for. But trust me, if they find something seriously wrong, you won't have to wait the full 6 weeks. If you wind up waiting for your scheduled appointment, it means it's probably ok. But good luck with it.

I'm trying to get back on track with eating healthy, but I'm still eating too much icecream. At this point, I'm sufficiently depressed, that I don't care.

I'm missing work too, which isn't good, but I just can't get motivated to care about going in.

Here's to hoping we can both get back on track.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default Apr 09, 2017 at 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post
I've been overweight all my adult life, but didn't really care. Now as I'm in my mid 40's, I'm starting to think about mobility issues as I get older, so i got serious about losing weight, and starting to exercise.

I found out about a program in my community that lets me see a dietitian for free, so I started seeing her in Aug. or Sept. I can't remember exactly. At that point I weighed 218 lbs.

I've been following the calorie target and eating plan we put together with a few slips over the holidays and when I weighed myself today I'm down to 198. That's 20 lbs! And it's the first time I've been under 200 lbs since 2007.

Now I'm trying to add in exercise. My goal is to walk for 15 minutes a day, and I'm trying to get into a free yoga program that would start in March, and I'm trying to decide if I can afford to take a tai-chi class. May let that wait until the summer. I know walking for 15 minutes doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, I'm very out of shape.

I'm going to use this thread to track my weight loss and exercise progress.

I have a dog and walking my dog is my exercise and some people use dog walkers who get paid for walking!
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Default Apr 12, 2017 at 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post

I'm sorry - that all sounds overwhelming. I must have missed something, what was the biopsy for. But trust me, if they find something seriously wrong, you won't have to wait the full 6 weeks. If you wind up waiting for your scheduled appointment, it means it's probably ok. But good luck with it.

I'm trying to get back on track with eating healthy, but I'm still eating too much icecream. At this point, I'm sufficiently depressed, that I don't care.

I'm missing work too, which isn't good, but I just can't get motivated to care about going in.

Here's to hoping we can both get back on track.

Thanks I was really freaked out but as you say no news is good news. A few people have reminded me of that too. They are looking for uterine cancer.

I'm not doing well on the hole starting over thing. Still sulking. On a plus note I haven't gained any weight. That's a shock considering I almost oded on chocolate. I felt sick for days after. Now I really have to get back to the gym I got the no out contract so I'm spending money regardless. I don't feel depressed but not happy either.

I really had more than enough stress in my life without this new load of crap.
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Default Apr 15, 2017 at 06:33 AM

Sorry about the cancer scare. Really hope it turns out to be nothing.

And good luck with getting back to the gym - I can really relate to that, signing up and then not going, but still paying. Dumb really. So I hope that you find the motivation to get back to it.

I'm still eating too much ice cream and not being overly concerned about my diet, but I did get a bunch of fruit when I did my grocery order this week, so hopefully that'll motivate me to eat healthier.

Haven't had the nerve to get on a scale in a couple of weeks now, but I know I've gained because of how my clothes are fitting.

I don't know what I need to do to motivate myself to get back on track.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default Apr 23, 2017 at 06:29 AM
Finally worked up the nerve to get back on the scale, and it was depressing. I've put 17 lbs that I'd lost back on, and am once again over 200 lbs.

So this is it. No more ice cream. I managed to stop drinking. I should be able to kick an ice cream habit.

And I've really got to be better about getting into work regularly. It's just so hard with the depression.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default Apr 25, 2017 at 06:31 PM
Hey Splitimage everything is hard with depression but you already know you can cause you did. I'm back up to 230 I've become a junk food junkie. That and I started forgetting to eat which for me means I gain big time. So back to eating regularly and working out.
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Default Apr 29, 2017 at 08:30 PM
I'm trying to cook healthy meals and exercise constantly. Standing throughout the day gives me stress. Cooking takes the meg out of me.
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Default Apr 29, 2017 at 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post
Finally worked up the nerve to get back on the scale, and it was depressing. I've put 17 lbs that I'd lost back on, and am once again over 200 lbs.

So this is it. No more ice cream. I managed to stop drinking. I should be able to kick an ice cream habit.

And I've really got to be better about getting into work regularly. It's just so hard with the depression.
I hear you. Up until recently, I was in a super stressful school program that took a lot out of me and probably contributed to depression...I ended up gaining the 20 pounds back that I worked hard to lose.
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Default May 02, 2017 at 09:24 PM
Tomorrow is my training day with a gym coach. It's one evaluation and it's free, so I want to make the most of it.
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Default May 10, 2017 at 11:58 PM
I lost thirty pounds and I gained back four pounds. Now I'm trying to lose weight more. I keep getting these binges at night. Now I am dealing with insomnia. I eat at around 3
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Default May 13, 2017 at 10:17 PM
It's not cancer!!! I haven't been working out so well so same old same old. I have to drive my daughter to her place tomorrow and back monday so I will have to start over later in the week
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Default May 17, 2017 at 11:16 PM
Starting over easier said than done. Started my stretchs but haven't got back to the gym yet
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Default May 19, 2017 at 08:48 AM

So glad it's not cancer - that's worth celebrating.

Starting over is really hard. I've been better about the ice cream, but I'm still eating more of it that I should.

I'm having real problems with motivation, to do anything.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default May 19, 2017 at 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post

So glad it's not cancer - that's worth celebrating.

Starting over is really hard. I've been better about the ice cream, but I'm still eating more of it that I should.

I'm having real problems with motivation, to do anything.

My Kids were all at home when we found out so it was a really a good celebration. I got family photos for Mother's Day. It was a big surprise that my youngest set up.

I hear yeah. I'm having a real problem with motivation too. I haven't been eating well, I just forget. Which means I'm dragging through the day. We really need to find our motivation.
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Default Sep 15, 2017 at 09:48 AM
ok - so I totally blew it, and am starting over completely from scratch.

I binge ate ice cream and chips all summer, and put on all the weight I had lost. I may have even gained more, but I've been afraid to step on the scale.

I'm completely out of shape. I went on a road trip to an artsy community this summer with a friend, and I couldn't even walk 10 minutes without getting out of breath. I had wanted to take a vocational retraining class to become a cook, starting in January, but they say you have to be capable of being on your feet and physically active 6-8 hours a day. There's no way I could do that. And I don't think I can get there by January.

Worst of all, I relapsed on alcohol pretty badly, and am now on day 4 of sobriety, and feel really bad physically and emotionally.

So nowhere to go but up, right?

I've completely cut out the icecream, and am just going to finish the chips I have in the house, and then not buy more. Mon. I'm going to start writing down everything I eat and try to keep it to 1200 -1300 calories a day.

As for exercise, I can't decide if I want to do the bike or walk. At a minimum I'm going to dig out the Mayo Clinic walking plan, and try to start it on Mon.

I'm giving myself today and the weekend to recover from the drinking episode.

But I've restarted my Antabuse, and I contacted my addictions Dr. to see if I could do the IOP program again, as I think I need some structured support to build up some sober time again.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Sep 15, 2017 at 10:49 PM
splitimage, sorry to hear about your struggle and I hope you're able to get back on track.

(Ice cream was probably my biggest food nemesis. I can't just have a little.)
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Default Sep 16, 2017 at 08:51 AM
Try arctic zero. Theyve improved it. But it has to be slightly melty!
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Default Sep 26, 2017 at 04:57 AM
Well I'm back on track with my diet, and have dropped 9 lbs. Now I only have another 3 to go to get below 200 again.

Exercise is a whole other story. Haven't been able to motivate myself at all. We're in the middle of a heatwave which makes the thought of walking impossible. But once it cools off I'm going to try to start walking.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Sep 26, 2017 at 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post
Well I'm back on track with my diet, and have dropped 9 lbs. Now I only have another 3 to go to get below 200 again.

Exercise is a whole other story. Haven't been able to motivate myself at all. We're in the middle of a heatwave which makes the thought of walking impossible. But once it cools off I'm going to try to start walking.
Good for you on the weight loss! Glad to hear.

It's hot and icky here too, so my exercise has gone awry the last week. It's supposed to break sometime tomorrow. So I should be back at it Thursday.
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