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Old Oct 20, 2014, 03:05 AM
emmababy emmababy is offline
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I posted my story on this forum about what happened to me. Now I can't find it.

I was abused by my own mother until I was 6 or 7 yrs old. I am now in my early 60s and still angry at what happened. I lost a good portion of not only my innocence, but trust in other people.

I find that the therapists I have seen over the years take my money but don't have any methods that work for me.

I have been an anxious person all my life because of this abuse. What do other people do who have been in this situation? Thanks....
Hugs from:
Anonymous37781, SmileHere

Old Oct 20, 2014, 03:20 AM
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Well if you are like me and my family you just ignore it. Not a great option let me tell you. I spent so many years ignoring it and not talking about it that I've only gotten REALLY into the issue with one therapist. Definitely need to work on it some more but my life is such a crapstorm I don't know if I will ever get around to it. I understand about the anger. I've tried and tried and I just cannot figure out how to let it go.

Hopefully someone more enlightened than myself comes along and can actually add some insight for you.
Hugs from:
Old Oct 20, 2014, 05:56 AM
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Have you tried doing EFT (emofree.com) or TAT (tatlife.com) on the issue/s?
I haven't been in exactly such a situation, but TAT has been helpful for me for dealing with the past...

Sorry to hear this happened to you... ((hugz))
Old Nov 25, 2014, 11:52 AM
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similar situation.

first 14 years of my life (he started on me at 6 months old) my father abused me in many ways including sexually, and I am a male.

what I did, was in hindsight very difficult to do. (with the crappy way I was raised, I didn't know any better than to do this.) when was in my 30's I once asked him point blank about it. he told me he was molested as a child, and "Enjoyed the hell out of it". when I pressed him as to "what male member of the family" did that to him, he remained silent telling me that it wasn't a male member of the family. (my guess is either a female member of the family, or a babysitter). I then asked him "what made you think I would enjoy it?" and again he had no answer.

the entire discussion was not remorseful, or all that informative. he never admitted sorrow, nor asked for forgiveness.

me being the man I am on the other hand, I forgave him to his face. not for him, but for me. yes this still affects me, and I have become almost completely reclusive because of this and other issues, but the anger is now gone for the most part.

everyone should already know that when you forgive someone even if they never hear it your forgiveness is never for the other person, it is for you. just the act, and the words if truly believed can free you from some of the lingering effects of the harm done to you, and allows you to continue on with the trauma taking up less space so to speak.
why me? what did I do to deserve being treated this way? and for 54 years yet!

The guy who seemed unbreakable BROKE,
the guy who always laughed STOPPED,
the guy who never stopped trying finally GAVE UP,
he dropped the fake smile as a tear rolled down his cheek and he whispered "i cant do this anymore"
then collapsed and gave up the ghost.
Old Nov 25, 2014, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by emmababy View Post
I posted my story on this forum about what happened to me. Now I can't find it.

I was abused by my own mother until I was 6 or 7 yrs old. I am now in my early 60s and still angry at what happened. I lost a good portion of not only my innocence, but trust in other people.

I find that the therapists I have seen over the years take my money but don't have any methods that work for me.

I have been an anxious person all my life because of this abuse. What do other people do who have been in this situation? Thanks....
hi emmababy - you might find this forum helpful

Survivors of Abuse - Forums at Psych Central

i can relate to your struggles....and am very sorry that you were hurt
Dealing with childhood sexual abuse

Children's talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives.
~ Maya Angelou

Thank you SadNEmpty for my avatar and signature.
Old Nov 25, 2014, 12:08 PM
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Can't Stop Crying Can't Stop Crying is offline
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also, this might be the post you were referring to..


in this thread...


in this forum...

Addictions - Forums at Psych Central

hang in there....
Dealing with childhood sexual abuse

Children's talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives.
~ Maya Angelou

Thank you SadNEmpty for my avatar and signature.
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