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Default Dec 14, 2011 at 09:14 AM
so i have this issue. the ssi/ssdi office wants me to have someone other than a business, therapist, doctor, nurse, social worker, ect, that sees me everyday to fill out paper work.

The problem is.. the only people that see me everyday is my parents. other than doctors and such. And i've presented this to both my parents and the case manager over my case, and by my parents not filling out the paper work sent to them they will cancle my benifets....
AND MY PARENTS WONT!! THEY SAY I'M OVER 18 AND THEY AREN'T GOING TO DO A THING! Why do they have to be so difficult!
I dont get out except for seeing docs and such.
And my pets cant be there for me... as in that way...

There's gotta be a way around this QUICKLY since it's due within 6 more days!!
I dont know what else to do. i've tried talking with both sides, and reasoning with both sides. but both sides leave me with ziltch!

bah.. reevaulating my disability
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Default Dec 14, 2011 at 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Lexi232 View Post
so i have this issue. the ssi/ssdi office wants me to have someone other than a business, therapist, doctor, nurse, social worker, ect, that sees me everyday to fill out paper work.

The problem is.. the only people that see me everyday is my parents. other than doctors and such. And i've presented this to both my parents and the case manager over my case, and by my parents not filling out the paper work sent to them they will cancle my benifets....
AND MY PARENTS WONT!! THEY SAY I'M OVER 18 AND THEY AREN'T GOING TO DO A THING! Why do they have to be so difficult!
I dont get out except for seeing docs and such.
And my pets cant be there for me... as in that way...

There's gotta be a way around this QUICKLY since it's due within 6 more days!!
I dont know what else to do. i've tried talking with both sides, and reasoning with both sides. but both sides leave me with ziltch!
Wow ! This is a tough one. Do you have any neighbors that might be willing to? You may only be an acquaintance, but they do see you just about every day. Or, do you have an acquaintance at the local convenience store that you like to talk to that might help you out? Do you have any acquaintances on FaceBook that would have your back and write something for you? Any old high school buddies around? You will have to think outside the box on this issue. I might even consider the mailman if you thought he/she was kind enough.Do you go to a church and have any buddies there that might help?

This is a tough situation. I wish you the best.
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Default Dec 14, 2011 at 01:09 PM
You really are in a tough spot. I would have your doctor call the Social Security case manager and explain your situation. The doc may be able to present your parents uncooperativeness in a more convincing light. I noticed in your profile that you sometimes volunteer places. Do you feel comfortable enough with any of those people, who would see your limitations and possibly testify to your inability to provide consistent service in a regular work environment?

I would definitely get your doctor or another clinician on board and have them try to intervene.

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Default Dec 14, 2011 at 02:40 PM
Why are you not filling out the forms? If you get the check, I think they want you or someone who you live with/lives with you to work with you filling out the form or you aren't well enough to take care of yourself/receive and manage the check. The details of your life need to be asked/known by the person filling out the forms, not just anyone you tell whatever to; the person has to verify they are "true". The SSI is for specific things, to supplement your living expenses, and if you are getting money for rent, for example, only someone who knows/sees you everyday is likely to know those details, personally, and be willing to answer that, yes, you live at X place and pay Y rent, etc.

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Default Dec 15, 2011 at 12:25 AM
My disability is currently being reviewed (crossing my fingers & praying that it'll be renewed).

I had to fill out the paperwork myself because it was for me
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Default Dec 15, 2011 at 02:02 AM
:[ nope... no one... i have no transportation, so i rarely get out other than doctors and such.. and the only neighbors we have, theres like this bad thing going on between them and us. and i moved into the middle of it unknowingly. and have already gotten attacked twice by their large dog... and once being in our own fenced in yard and it jumped the fence after me while i was trying to get my small puppy up and run for it.
Idont know.. im pretty hopeless right now.. things just seem to keep getting worse, and my parents dont have my best intrest in their mind(NOT EVEN CLOSE) they want to do harm... i was crazy for moving back..

I haven't volunteered since i've been here in sept of this year.. and they want someone who sees me on a daily basis that isnt a doctor and such.

And my parent was actualy like "Whats to keep people from lieing about the person on here if they want to do them harm? *laughs* I mean theres nothing stoping them. They should really do something about that *laughs more*"
And thats how she thinks...

I filled out the paper work, but they want a second person as part of it, and if they dont then my claim gets cancled. I honestly am not sure why they are, but they said they do that to everyone because its social security's law or something or another. and I am my own payee, and my own self. no one is a caretaker or otherwise.
The questions they are asking are like 13 pages long (and plus more if you have to add room for more answers space), it asks things like "can you sit?" stand, walk, talk, bathe, care for yourself, what diagnoses do you have, it actually never asks about my income other than if i can manage my own checking acount or own savings acount. and such. but what meds I take, what doctors I see. and my hobbies, and what the last time i worked was, and when was it, and what was it, and what i do throughout my day in specific details from waking up to falling asleep.

This is my first time in this state to get this, as i was in Texas prior to this. Indiana is really diffrent in things from texas, such as they have state taxes, and medicaid is seperate and less open, than it is in TX as texas u get it when you get ssi, and you don't stop getting it until you dont have ssi in that state anymore. and such... so i dont know...

my food stamps went down really badly as well.. i was getting 200 and now i only get 78 a month. and i'm on strick multiple diets, but i can't nearly even keep one of them for a month that amount and the food here is outragous compaired to texas' food prices.. i never knew there was a diffrence in food costs, but there is.
sorry, im just really depressed.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I'll keep them all in mind as i keep trying to figure this out. They are all really good suggestions!

And I hope your disability will be renewed as well nicoleb2

bah.. reevaulating my disability
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Default Dec 16, 2011 at 01:50 AM


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Default Dec 17, 2011 at 01:37 PM
Arrrgggghhhh!!!!! That's my frustration coming out for you ((((( Lexi!))))) I don't know what to add for suggestions; I think they've all been made. But I hope by the time you see this there is some resolution to your dilemma. Thinking of you.......grey
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Frown Dec 17, 2011 at 02:21 PM
Do you have the access to an Indiana State Rights Specialist? I think the problem is coming from the fact that you do not live on your own and you are not 21 yet. Indiana is very particular in its benefits. I have a sister who lives in that state and tells me of the horror stories that exist there. You are not alone! Why not get away from Mom and Dad if you have to do so. I went through the same things years ago here in Wisc and it was tough. I was forced to go back to work or school through a rehab project ... I choose school and moved away from Mich. so that I was totally dependent on myself ... rent, utilities, food, telephone, medical insurance not covered by MA, etc.

Currently, my food stamps have been cut 50% and I am on a spec. diet as well, my utility assitance has been cut 30%, My food costs have risen 30%, my medical has gone up ... and I am a widow, 68 yrs old with no children ... I am in the same boat with a hole in the bottom. Hang in there and hang on to the "oar."


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Default Dec 26, 2011 at 08:14 PM
Thanks ((((Greylove))))
Sadly no good yet..
And medicaid was denied again due to the parents that was suposed to send a thing in saying I lived here, and they said they did.. and well... Medicaid say they never got it. Everything else points to yes i get medicaid here. but each time i'm lacking in that one thing they want, and they only want it from the people i'm living with, (I've already tried to give them my internet bill that comes to me at the address with my name, and post dated, but they can't accept that for it). Stating that i'm living here and paying rent and such... And frankly i believe them over my parents. because my parents do this kind of thing ALL the time, then lie about it, when i know good and well that they are lieing..

Originally Posted by wackywidow View Post
Do you have the access to an Indiana State Rights Specialist?
Wuts that?
Lol, i guess that answers for me. No I don't. I have no clue what it is. But I will go google and see what i can find. Thanks!

Originally Posted by wackywidow View Post
I think the problem is coming from the fact that you do not live on your own and you are not 21 yet. Indiana is very particular in its benefits. I have a sister who lives in that state and tells me of the horror stories that exist there. You are not alone! Why not get away from Mom and Dad if you have to do so. I went through the same things years ago here in Wisc and it was tough. I was forced to go back to work or school through a rehab project ... I choose school and moved away from Mich. so that I was totally dependent on myself ... rent, utilities, food, telephone, medical insurance not covered by MA, etc.
actually i'm 24... going on 25 in less than a month. But I was living out away from this place before i was stupid and came back, and am hopeless of anything right now really... but moving out is my goal.. I just dont know how im going to do that, or when. When, is more known as "as soon as i can", but how... that's something i've been trying to figure out for a good few months now.. Along with where...
Congrats with school

Originally Posted by wackywidow View Post
Currently, my food stamps have been cut 50% and I am on a spec. diet as well, my utility assitance has been cut 30%, My food costs have risen 30%, my medical has gone up ... and I am a widow, 68 yrs old with no children ... I am in the same boat with a hole in the bottom. Hang in there and hang on to the "oar."
YIKES!! Yeah.... I'm on quite a few special diets, that seem to change as many times as i get blood tests. So i know exactly how that can be. And I was getting 200 in Texas when i lived there with roomates and such(and food was cheaper there), and now i get 60 something that drops down from 70 something next month. And here food is a good amount more expensive than it was in Texas... even the resturants are higher than they were in Texas for the same exact food! ..
Wow that's rough! I'll keep you in my thoughts, and hope things get better for you as well!

bah.. reevaulating my disability
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Default Dec 28, 2011 at 08:49 PM
Can you move back to Texas?? Maybe just get out there by bus and "fall on the mercy of the court" so to speak? Just go to a homeless shelter and then get on ssi there again, and get back on your feet without your parents, as they seem to be really unhelpful and downright wrong to you. I've been where you are, but I had the support of my mom, and I know how hard it still was for me. I am so sorry this is happening to you. You are in my thoughts.

Lauru-------------That's me, Bipolar and Watching TV

bah.. reevaulating my disability

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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
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