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Old Feb 20, 2016, 06:24 PM
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Nike007 Nike007 is offline
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Hello. I started taking vitamin B12 yesterday, but I know there a lot more vitamin B's than B12, but I was wondering which one is better to take daily for mental health reasons? It's not for medical reasons at all, just for my personal use over-the-counter stuff. Anyways, what do you take and how much of it? Thanks.

Social anxiety disorder, GAD, OCD, and panic attacks

Lexapro, 10 mg
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DX: GAD; ASD; recurrent, treatment-resistant MDD; PTSD

RX: Prozac 20 mg; BuSpar 10 mg 2x a day; Ativan 0.5 mg PRN; Omega 3 Fish Oil; Trazodone, 50 mg (sleep); Melatonin 3-9 mg

Previous RX: Zoloft, 25-75mg; Lexapro 5-15mg; Luvox 25-50mg; Effexor XR 37.5-225mg

I have ASD so please be kind if I say something socially unacceptable. Thank you.

Old Feb 21, 2016, 01:20 AM
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Hi, Nike007 - B vitamins in general are just so important. Have you considered a B-complex? They are available in capsules and sublingual formulas. B-12, B-6, B-3 and folate are the Bs mentioned most in relation to depression and such. Make sure they are good quality ones. For B vitamins to work, they need to go through a process of "methylation" in our bodies. However, many people possess a genetic mutation in their MTHFR gene that inhibits the methylation process. These folks have to look for the methylated versions of B vitamins (more costly). Just mentioning it in the event that you find B supplementation not benefitting you. You can test for the genetic mutation.

Also, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fish oils are highly recommended for mental health (and overall health!) Best way to get D is through lunchtime direct sunlight. But, if using a supplement, D3 is what you are looking for. D is fat-soluble, so you need to take it with good fats or fish oil.
Thanks for this!
barbella, Nike007
Old Feb 21, 2016, 11:01 AM
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Nike007 Nike007 is offline
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Originally Posted by Onward View Post
Hi, Nike007 - B vitamins in general are just so important. Have you considered a B-complex? They are available in capsules and sublingual formulas. B-12, B-6, B-3 and folate are the Bs mentioned most in relation to depression and such. Make sure they are good quality ones. For B vitamins to work, they need to go through a process of "methylation" in our bodies. However, many people possess a genetic mutation in their MTHFR gene that inhibits the methylation process. These folks have to look for the methylated versions of B vitamins (more costly). Just mentioning it in the event that you find B supplementation not benefitting you. You can test for the genetic mutation.

Also, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fish oils are highly recommended for mental health (and overall health!) Best way to get D is through lunchtime direct sunlight. But, if using a supplement, D3 is what you are looking for. D is fat-soluble, so you need to take it with good fats or fish oil.

Hello. Thanks for your reply. I already take vitamin D and I think it helps. I wasn't super depressed this winter so, that's a good thing. I don't take omega-3. Maybe I'll consider it idk. Anyways, never heard of the mutation. I'll look more into B-complex.

Social anxiety disorder, GAD, OCD, and panic attacks

Lexapro, 10 mg
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DX: GAD; ASD; recurrent, treatment-resistant MDD; PTSD

RX: Prozac 20 mg; BuSpar 10 mg 2x a day; Ativan 0.5 mg PRN; Omega 3 Fish Oil; Trazodone, 50 mg (sleep); Melatonin 3-9 mg

Previous RX: Zoloft, 25-75mg; Lexapro 5-15mg; Luvox 25-50mg; Effexor XR 37.5-225mg

I have ASD so please be kind if I say something socially unacceptable. Thank you.
Old Feb 21, 2016, 12:32 PM
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This is a good question! I need to get back to taking B supplements myself.
"Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can see the top." -Wildflower

Thanks for this!
Old Feb 21, 2016, 08:49 PM
barbella barbella is offline
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I really like Onward's reply! Thanks for posing the question Nike007! I didn't know about the mutation either.
Thanks for this!
Old Mar 04, 2016, 05:31 PM
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Thanks for posting this about the vitamin B's, I have acid reflux and take prevacid every day and I was reading some where that I might not get the B vitamin absorbed right because of that, I asked my doctor if I could get Vitamin B shots instead and I am waiting for the test results to come back, I use to get the shots years ago, I might do that again, And what B complex vitamin is the best and same with the Omega 3, I already take vitamin D3, Good topic, Thanks
Thanks for this!
Old Mar 17, 2016, 08:46 PM
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I take Nordic Naturals omegas - great reviews by consumers and healthcare practitioners. However, krill oil has recently become THE big thing for superior omega nutrition . . . not sure what brand is best, although Mercola can be trusted IMO. I need to follow up with this myself since I'm running low on my Omega 3 supply and may go the krill oil route.

I'm not sure which brands have the best B-complex . . . something else I need to check into. Thorne and Pure are 2 brands generally highly respected, but are quite pricey. I shad decent results with Nature's Bounty sublingual b-complex. Could be better out there. For magnesium citrate my favorite is Now brand and Vit C is Solgar - just saying that because I personally have not found 1 supplement brand to be fantastic for all supplements. I'd be interested in others' recommendations on the Vit Bs.
Old Mar 18, 2016, 12:40 PM
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Nike007 Nike007 is offline
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I use Jamieson. It's a big vitamin producer in Canada and like their brand. I use their vitamin D and B12. I haven't gotten a B-complex though. Interested in getting it.

Social anxiety disorder, GAD, OCD, and panic attacks

Lexapro, 10 mg
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DX: GAD; ASD; recurrent, treatment-resistant MDD; PTSD

RX: Prozac 20 mg; BuSpar 10 mg 2x a day; Ativan 0.5 mg PRN; Omega 3 Fish Oil; Trazodone, 50 mg (sleep); Melatonin 3-9 mg

Previous RX: Zoloft, 25-75mg; Lexapro 5-15mg; Luvox 25-50mg; Effexor XR 37.5-225mg

I have ASD so please be kind if I say something socially unacceptable. Thank you.
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