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Old Aug 06, 2011, 01:16 AM
robberyvictum robberyvictum is offline
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Member Since: Aug 2011
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I was robbed at gun point at work and ever sence i am having a hard time getting started again. I have been going to therapy and it helped for a little bit but what can someone really say to make the fear go away. It is a real fear and a justified one. I really want to live but i am a mom and i have to live for him. If it was just me i think i would have been fine along time ago but i feel like if i go out there and work again i am being selfish because i could die and leave him alone and the anxiouty from that is so bad i cant breath sometimes. I want to work again i hate being home all the time but i just cant. I am so terrified to start again. I used to like to take walks at night and drive places alone i am a very alone kind of person but now i need someone to go with me almost everywhere. How do i get the fear to go away or at least subside so i can go back to living and feeling safe? Everyone says it takes time but it has been seven months. I can't live like this anymore it is making me really depressed and i am just not myself anymore. How do i get my life back?

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