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Old Feb 25, 2017, 10:29 AM
sadbunny546 sadbunny546 is offline
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I'm 28 weeks, just moved back home from overseas, and I feel completely alone. My partner is not supportive, he's gone back to his life as it was before. His ex-Wife is intrusive, and he doesn't think it is a problem. Today I considered ending myself, I still do, but I'm a coward.

Last edited by sabby; Feb 25, 2017 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Administrative edit
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Old Feb 28, 2017, 06:47 PM
BlueMerleGirl BlueMerleGirl is offline
Member Since: Oct 2016
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Posts: 82
You poor thing. I'm so sorry you feel like this. In some ways my depression was better during pregnancy but it other ways it was much worse. Don't end yourself. Your baby needs you and you want to meet him/her. In what ways is your partner unsupportive? Does he just not care about the pregnancy? Or does he not do anything to help you at all? Does he know how you feel? Does he do anything to help with his ex wife's intrusiveness? Try to make a therapy appointment to get some help and you should also consider meds. I know it's not ideal while pregnant but if you feel this bad the benefits may outweigh the risks. Have you done anything to prepare for the baby? Shopping for clothes and stuff?
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