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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 11:40 AM
Of all the many, many psych meds I've been on Geodon is by far the strangest one for me. If I take it in the morning I get very tired and have to take a nap mid-day. Absolutely cannot keep my eyes open. Take it at night and I'm energized, hypo-manic at times, and cannot fall asleep. Aside from these side-effects, Geodon is helpful...and that's what is so frustrating. It's stabilizing (mood). I'm beside myself with aggravating over this medication. I did speak with my p-doc; she basically left it up to me as to what to do with the Geodon. After another night of not being able to fall asleep, after 4 or 5 weeks of this, I'm thinking of giving up on the Geodon. Grrrr

I'm also wondering if part of the problem I'm having is from withdrawal from Seroquel. I've been on a moderate dose of Seroquel for a couple of years and while I haven't been extremely impressed with it, it does provide excellent sleep.

Ugh. I dunno. Anyone have any experience with Geodon, with coming off Seroquel? Anyone use a low dose of Geodon AND a low dose of Seroquel (for sleep)?

Last edited by *Laurie*; Jul 17, 2015 at 12:00 PM..
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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 05:17 PM
45 people viewed this and not one reply. No one has any experience with Geodon or Geodon and Seroquel?
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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 05:52 PM
There are a few GeoDon threads in Bipolar Sub-Forum.

Current Status: Stable/High Functioning/Clean and Sober

Dx: Bipolar 2, GAD

Current Meds: Prozac 30mg, Lamictal 150mg, Latuda 40mg, Wellbutrin 150 XL

Previous meds I can share experiences from:
AAPs - Risperdal, Abilify, Seroquel
SSRIs - Lexapro, Paxil, Zoloft
Mood Stabilizers - Tegretol, Depakote, Neurontin
Other - Buspar, Xanax

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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 07:11 PM
Poppy, I feel your pain. I thought I was the only one going through this. Its been almost 2 months since I have been on the Geodon. Its been almost that time since I have gotten much sleep. I can't function! I take it twice a day. I am tired all day. I pass out on the train. The sad thing is that even if I try to go to sleep, I don't really sleep--it's just bad insomnia (even at night), the worst I have ever experienced in my life. I am normally a great sleeper.
How many milligrams are you taking? I am taking 60 mgs twice a day.
I have also been taking Melatonin, an over the counter sleep aid. It only helped somewhat, but I spent half the day today with the same insomnia.
I talked to my psychiatrist about this. I saw him twice this week over this Geodon issue. (Plus its got major drug interactions with antidepressants, which is supposed to be "rare.") He prescribed Trazadone, an antidepressant sleep med. According to him, it is not habit forming and it is for major depression, which I have. I am hesitant about the drug interaction with the effexor, which he prescribed with the Trazadone, because it can cause serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal. All these drug interactions scare me. Plus, I did not want to take the Effexor with the Geodon because of QT levels with the heart. According to my psych, it is only congenital meaning from birth, which I don't have. Yes, I share your frustration level.
My system is out of whack as well, because I stopped taking the Effexor for a day, which has withdrawal symptoms and I am introducing new medications as well. I was doing really well on the Zyprexa, the major drawback was weight gain--and I was not getting much exercise--so my psych wanted to stick me with the Geodon for that reason. Like you said the Geodon has been helpful, except for this major side effect.
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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Moogieotter View Post
There are a few GeoDon threads in Bipolar Sub-Forum.
Yeah. I know. And I bothered to reply to them with my experience.
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Default Jul 17, 2015 at 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Chuds View Post
Poppy, I feel your pain. I thought I was the only one going through this. Its been almost 2 months since I have been on the Geodon. Its been almost that time since I have gotten much sleep. I can't function! I take it twice a day. I am tired all day. I pass out on the train. The sad thing is that even if I try to go to sleep, I don't really sleep--it's just bad insomnia (even at night), the worst I have ever experienced in my life. I am normally a great sleeper.
How many milligrams are you taking? I am taking 60 mgs twice a day.
I have also been taking Melatonin, an over the counter sleep aid. It only helped somewhat, but I spent half the day today with the same insomnia.
I talked to my psychiatrist about this. I saw him twice this week over this Geodon issue. (Plus its got major drug interactions with antidepressants, which is supposed to be "rare.") He prescribed Trazadone, an antidepressant sleep med. According to him, it is not habit forming and it is for major depression, which I have. I am hesitant about the drug interaction with the effexor, which he prescribed with the Trazadone, because it can cause serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal. All these drug interactions scare me. Plus, I did not want to take the Effexor with the Geodon because of QT levels with the heart. According to my psych, it is only congenital meaning from birth, which I don't have. Yes, I share your frustration level.
My system is out of whack as well, because I stopped taking the Effexor for a day, which has withdrawal symptoms and I am introducing new medications as well. I was doing really well on the Zyprexa, the major drawback was weight gain--and I was not getting much exercise--so my psych wanted to stick me with the Geodon for that reason. Like you said the Geodon has been helpful, except for this major side effect.
Chuds, thank you so much for sharing your experience with Geodon. You know that feeling...like...'Am I some kind of freak because I'm having this reaction?' What you've described sounds exactly like what I'm going through. Furthermore, when I do sleep (finally) I have dreams that are absolutely draining in their intensity and strangeness. I've only been able to make it up to 40mgs. of the Geodon. I'm prescribed 60mgs.

Hmm. I dunno about this stuff, this Geodon.

btw, trazadone - it's a commonly used tried-n-true med for sleep. I was on it many years ago & I know some people who take it now. Kind of frustrating, though, when you have to take another med to counteract the side-effects of the med that's supposed to be helping you.

Not a fun game, this
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Default Jul 21, 2015 at 09:38 PM
After 6 weeks of sticking with Geodon I think I have finally become stabilized. I'm taking 40mg./day (1a.m., 1p.m.) and am now thinking of venturing up to the prescribed 60mg. The medication is not making me very sleepy, nor is it causing that energized sensation it did originally. Seems to be - finally - a really good, generally calming medication.

I didn't get much response to this thread, but hopefully my experience can help someone out.
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Default Jul 25, 2015 at 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by PoppyRoad View Post
Chuds, thank you so much for sharing your experience with Geodon. You know that feeling...like...'Am I some kind of freak because I'm having this reaction?' What you've described sounds exactly like what I'm going through. Furthermore, when I do sleep (finally) I have dreams that are absolutely draining in their intensity and strangeness. I've only been able to make it up to 40mgs. of the Geodon. I'm prescribed 60mgs.

Hmm. I dunno about this stuff, this Geodon.

btw, trazadone - it's a commonly used tried-n-true med for sleep. I was on it many years ago & I know some people who take it now. Kind of frustrating, though, when you have to take another med to counteract the side-effects of the med that's supposed to be helping you.

Not a fun game, this
Being on the Geodon feels outerworldly. I am up to the point where I feel as though I am part sleeping when I am awake. I am not alert or invigorated at all.
I was prescribed 40 mg in late May from the zyprexa which was causing a lot of weight gain. I slept on average 9 hrs a night on it and slept very well in fact. So that was when my psych. thought to switch me to the Geodon. I started on 40 mgs. I noticed I slept on average 6 hrs a night. I did not think much of it since I was not tired during the day. Without all these meds, I sleep a good 8 hrs per night.
When I was prescribed the 60mgs in late June. I noticed the tiredness during the day and the real insomnia at night. Sometimes, I sleep only 3 hours. Most of the time, I am up all night.
So I turned to sleep aids. Initally, I took the 0.5 mg of the Ativan. It didn't work. I did not want to up the dosage since it was habit forming. I bought Melatonin. I was still lucky if I had 6 hrs of sleep.
The psych. prescribed Trazodone, which I took Monday night. I barely slept that night. When I woke up, I was tired but barely sleepy. I took a nap that afternoon. When I woke up, I felt like I was under the influence. I did not go outside like I planned because something didn't feel right. It was around 8pm that same day, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I went to put the glass of water on the counter, I don't know what happened next. The next thing I knew the glass splattered on the floor which was covered in water. (The next day, I noticed a huge black and blue mark on my arm) I completely blacked out. That was a scary experience.
Now I want to go back on the Zyprexa. I was very stable on it. The only thing was the weight gain. I called past closing time yesterday and my psych. was not in the office. Now, I have to wait until Monday. I have an appt. with him next Wednesday, but I cannot wait that long to be switched off of the medication. I am completely crashed. I am so out of whack.
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Default Jul 25, 2015 at 09:20 PM
I am so, so sorry you're having such trouble with the Geodon, Chuds. 'Otherworldy' is an excellent way to describe being on Geodon. It's a heavy hitter, that's for sure. I just cannot decide what to do with the suff...I decide I'm sticking with it, then have such nighttime insomnia (and daytime sleepiness) that I think 'No. No more.' My problem is that Geodon is acting as an excellent anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med for me. I'm also not starving hungry all the time (like I was on Seroquel). BUT the sleep problem is miserable. It sounds to me like you're choice to go back on Zyprexa is a wise one, since the Geodon has you really messed up.

Keep me posted on what your p-doc says on Monday. In the meantime, you're in my caring thoughts.
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Default Jul 26, 2015 at 11:52 AM
...Sorry, I meant 'outerworldly' up there.

After finally falling asleep near midnight and awakening at 3:30, completely unable to fall back to sleep, I have decided that the Geodon is a no-go. I can't stand this anymore. I feel like I'm outside of my body, completely haywire, almost manicky (mnd racing with ideas of 'stuff' I want to do) but purely exhausted. But then, not exactly exhausted...more like...asleep/awake. And anxious and down. It's awful enough to constantly battle depression and anxiety, but not being able to sleep - real insomnia - this is BS. I feel like I am TRULY 'out of my mind'

I'm going to stick with a low dose of Seroquel for now, even though I HATE the weight gain. This...this is not a way to live a life.
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Default Jul 26, 2015 at 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by LauraBeth View Post
I am so, so sorry you're having such trouble with the Geodon, Chuds. 'Otherworldy' is an excellent way to describe being on Geodon. It's a heavy hitter, that's for sure. I just cannot decide what to do with the suff...I decide I'm sticking with it, then have such nighttime insomnia (and daytime sleepiness) that I think 'No. No more.' My problem is that Geodon is acting as an excellent anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med for me. I'm also not starving hungry all the time (like I was on Seroquel). BUT the sleep problem is miserable. It sounds to me like you're choice to go back on Zyprexa is a wise one, since the Geodon has you really messed up.

Keep me posted on what your p-doc says on Monday. In the meantime, you're in my caring thoughts.

I'll let you know
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Default Jul 26, 2015 at 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by LauraBeth View Post
...Sorry, I meant 'outerworldly' up there.

After finally falling asleep near midnight and awakening at 3:30, completely unable to fall back to sleep, I have decided that the Geodon is a no-go. I can't stand this anymore. I feel like I'm outside of my body, completely haywire, almost manicky (mnd racing with ideas of 'stuff' I want to do) but purely exhausted. But then, not exactly exhausted...more like...asleep/awake. And anxious and down. It's awful enough to constantly battle depression and anxiety, but not being able to sleep - real insomnia - this is BS. I feel like I am TRULY 'out of my mind'

I'm going to stick with a low dose of Seroquel for now, even though I HATE the weight gain. This...this is not a way to live a life.
LauraBeth, that is exactly how I feel with the insomnia. I would sleep a few hours and would be up in the middle of the night, not sure if I am actually sleeping. It made me also a very light sleeper.
I also know the sleep/awake feeling that you are talking about. Having a lack of sleep is nothing to take lightly. It sets the foundation of the entire day in addition to having coping skills. Sleep has so many benefits that to have it compromised is cumbersome.
It seems as though we are in the same boat. We are leaving a drug that cause so much frustration to a more stable one that causes weight gain. Good luck with everything. Keep us posted.
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Default Jul 26, 2015 at 08:46 PM
We are in the same boat ----->

Thank you so much, Chuds, for sharing this part of your life with me and with others who read this thread.
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Tongue Jul 28, 2015 at 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by LauraBeth View Post
We are in the same boat ----->

Thank you so much, Chuds, for sharing this part of your life with me and with others who read this thread.
Lol, I saw my psych. yesterday and now I am back on the Zyprexa. I slept through the night and got a fully 8hrs! However, I am trying to fight the food cravings. Good luck! Keep us posted if you still decide to switch meds.
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Default Aug 02, 2015 at 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by LauraBeth View Post
Of all the many, many psych meds I've been on Geodon is by far the strangest one for me. If I take it in the morning I get very tired and have to take a nap mid-day. Absolutely cannot keep my eyes open. Take it at night and I'm energized, hypo-manic at times, and cannot fall asleep. Aside from these side-effects, Geodon is helpful...and that's what is so frustrating. It's stabilizing (mood). I'm beside myself with aggravating over this medication. I did speak with my p-doc; she basically left it up to me as to what to do with the Geodon. After another night of not being able to fall asleep, after 4 or 5 weeks of this, I'm thinking of giving up on the Geodon. Grrrr

I'm also wondering if part of the problem I'm having is from withdrawal from Seroquel. I've been on a moderate dose of Seroquel for a couple of years and while I haven't been extremely impressed with it, it does provide excellent sleep.

Ugh. I dunno. Anyone have any experience with Geodon, with coming off Seroquel? Anyone use a low dose of Geodon AND a low dose of Seroquel (for sleep)?
Hi there, I talked to my psychiatrist about Geodon yesterday. He said that compared to the medications I have tried, Geodon is usually less effective. Have you tried Abilify before? Latuda seems to help a lot of people as well, although it does not help me so much. Lithium helps me.

Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, GAD, Social Anxiety, Specific Phobias
Previous Medications:
Cipralex (Escitalopram), Celexa (Citalopram), Cymbalta (Duloxetine), Zoloft (Sertraline), Seroquel (Quetiapine), Latuda, Abilify (Aripiprazole), Lectopam (Bromazepam), Concerta (Methylphenidate)
Current Medications:
Lithium 900 mg, Vyvanse 60 mg (twice per day), Pristiq 100 mg, Clonazepam (Klonopin) 3 mg, Haldol 2-4 mg + Ativan (Lorazepam) 1-2 mg
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Default Aug 03, 2015 at 05:30 AM
I take my entire dose of Geodon at in the evening/night per doc's instructions. I cannot imagine taking it during the day as it makes me dopey right after I take it. As a result I sleep through the night and it controls the symptoms during the day/evening. I don't know if this might help but wanted to share this just in case it hadn't been mentioned.

I would definitely talk to my doc if experiencing these side effects; please let them know this is going on so they can help adjust things. Good luck finding what works best for you.


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