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Old Aug 22, 2016, 09:15 PM
triplewater11 triplewater11 is offline
Member Since: Aug 2016
Location: CA
Posts: 102
I am not sure if I am reading into this, but I feel like it must be one of my medications or a combo or something..

I get this like tingling feeling in my jaw and down my neck, and it seems to radiate into my chest sorta. It's not unpleasant, almost like a cooling sensation (not like burning or painful). It was happening saturday night, and maybe has happened some since then but at the moment it's bugging me because I don't know what's causing it and if I should be worried or not.

I re-started sertraline on friday (so today is day 4 of the meds). I generally take it at lunchtime with food. The tingling started about 4 hours after I took it. I also take a beta blocker (metoprolol) and blood pressure med (losartan) and neither of those ever caused something like this, although I did just notice it more after I took my beta blocker around 5pm.

I am trying hard not to freak out and go to the ER. I really need to sleep tonight! I hope someone can clarify. I also have acid reflex, my mom said maybe it's that but I don't know. The weird irritation feeling on the sides of my neck seem to be connected to acid reflux, but the tingling is odd.

Old Aug 22, 2016, 09:19 PM
MobiusPsyche's Avatar
MobiusPsyche MobiusPsyche is offline
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I've had that type of tingling in my lips about half an hour after talking Trileptal, so yes some medications can cause that type of thing.
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers which can't be questioned." --Richard Feynman
Old Aug 22, 2016, 09:26 PM
triplewater11 triplewater11 is offline
Member Since: Aug 2016
Location: CA
Posts: 102
Okay, that's reassuring. I am trying to stay calm but anxiety is through the roof.
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