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Old Dec 09, 2021, 05:52 PM
Froishwayish Froishwayish is offline
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I had a recent rupture with a new therapist I was seeing for 2 -3 months to the point of termination (just a few weeks ago), to which I realized that it may have mostly been my fault due to the fact that I was afraid to look deep into my trauma as well as having too high expectations from the therapist herself among other things from my own actions. I feel as if great disservice to myself and for what I had put her through, which thus decided to take a break. During break. I realized that many issues stemmed from my own issues with trusting, people pleasing, PTSD, and even abandonment issues (which may be the cause of what I am somewhat currently am going through). I want to write a thoughtful email as to what I did was wrong in my end and explain as to why I wasn’t a "good match" due to my own intrusive thoughts, projections, judgements of others, feelings, and issues rather than looking deep into them and understanding why. I want to send a deep heartfelt email and in hopes one day to work with her again. She has been most useful during our times in session, but I was too afraid to admit or expected too much of “being comforting” even though she did the best she could and provided the space to do so.
Hugs from:
ScarletPimpernel, Waterbear

Old Dec 10, 2021, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Froishwayish View Post
I had a recent rupture with a new therapist I was seeing for 2 -3 months to the point of termination (just a few weeks ago), to which I realized that it may have mostly been my fault due to the fact that I was afraid to look deep into my trauma as well as having too high expectations from the therapist herself among other things from my own actions. I feel as if great disservice to myself and for what I had put her through, which thus decided to take a break. During break. I realized that many issues stemmed from my own issues with trusting, people pleasing, PTSD, and even abandonment issues (which may be the cause of what I am somewhat currently am going through). I want to write a thoughtful email as to what I did was wrong in my end and explain as to why I wasn’t a "good match" due to my own intrusive thoughts, projections, judgements of others, feelings, and issues rather than looking deep into them and understanding why. I want to send a deep heartfelt email and in hopes one day to work with her again. She has been most useful during our times in session, but I was too afraid to admit or expected too much of “being comforting” even though she did the best she could and provided the space to do so.
Im sorry but we cannot tell you whether it's possible for you to see your ex-therapist again. only you and she can make that decision. what I can tell you is that for me it was possible in some situations and not in others. in the yes side of this the ex-therapist had some strict conditions that I had to follow in order to remain on her case load so that the same situation we had would not happen again.

if you feel you want to see this ex-therapist again contact her, she will tell you whether her case load is full or if she has the time available for seeing you, what conditions/ rules and so forth that you may have to follow and so forth.

in any case most therapists are open to having at least a "closure" session where client and therapist talk face to face about what happened and why and how with them or someone else the situation can be avoided next time.
Old Dec 10, 2021, 02:44 PM
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I agree with amandalouise. There is simply no way we can know. If you want to see this therapist again, you'll have to contact her and see if she is open to seeing you. Some therapists have an open door policy. When I stopped seeing one of my T's she was like, if I can ever be of service to you again, don't hesitate to contact me. Another therapist who I saw for 10 years initially when we ended had said something like, this isn't goodbye, but when I contacted her three years later when she was practicing again, she told me that she wouldn't accept me back as a client. That hurt but it was probably for the best. The only way you can know is if you contact the therapist and ask them. I hope you can either see this therapist again, or find someone else who is a good fit for you. Wishing you the best, Kit
Dum Spiro Spero
Thanks for this!
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