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Old Jan 31, 2015, 01:41 AM
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The purpose of this life is to become wise, strong and loving beings.
Everything that happens in your life happens for that purpose.
All things are working out for good.
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Anonymous59898, avlady, Fuzzybear, nervous puppy, sideblinded
Thanks for this!
nervous puppy

Old Jan 31, 2015, 02:08 AM
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Lovely and so true!! Thank you for this.
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Anonymous100241, avlady
Old Jan 31, 2015, 08:40 AM
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Maybe things are working out good for you but they are not good for everyone. Clearly the people who can say that are in a good place in their life. Not everyone is and not everyone believes that the bad things that happen were meant to happen. I don't.

PS: but good for you that you are so happy. Enjoy it while you can.
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Anonymous100241, avlady
Thanks for this!
Almeera, HourHand
Old Jan 31, 2015, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Simmering View Post
Maybe things are working out good for you but they are not good for everyone. Clearly the people who can say that are in a good place in their life. Not everyone is and not everyone believes that the bad things that happen were meant to happen. I don't.

PS: but good for you that you are so happy. Enjoy it while you can.
The truth is in effect whether one feels it and believes it or not.
You assume that all is well with me. You are wrong.
We don't know what we don't know.

Carry on...
There will be Peace when You are done
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Anonymous59898, avlady
Old Jan 31, 2015, 10:08 AM
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The truth is that a person does not come to know the truth until they have suffered enough.
We suffer because of our ignorance.
(I said, 'OUR' ignorance. We are all connected and other people's ignorance will make themselves and you suffer just as your ignorance makes yourself and others suffer)

You cannot take my or anybodies word on such matters.
You have to find out for yourself.

The only person you need to prove things to is yourself.

Seek and you will find that you did not find because you were seeking the wrong things.

We all have been there and done that or will be there and do that.

Last edited by Anonymous100241; Jan 31, 2015 at 10:21 AM.
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Old Jan 31, 2015, 10:53 AM
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One cannot teach spiritual truth (which determines reality and one's perception of reality) to others. One can only confirm what the other has already learned for themselves.
The higher truths sound like nonsense to those who have not learned them.

We are all on different levels of awareness and functionality.
It is essential that we all are on different levels as we advance through our interactions and conflicts with each other.

It is common that some people will remain at or close to the same level their entire Earthly lifespan.
They will become angry and indignant when exposed to things that they do not believe.
They think and act according to their nature and understanding as we all do.
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Thanks for this!
BLUEDOVE, Mindful55
Old Feb 24, 2015, 04:34 PM
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Old Mar 02, 2015, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Indefatigable View Post
We are all on different levels of awareness and functionality.
It is essential that we all are on different levels as we advance through our interactions and conflicts with each other.
I understand that this would be true, but I'm not sure I understand why it's essential? In an ideal world, wouldn't we all be on an equally high level of awareness and functionality? Or have I simply misunderstood you?

I do agree with the other things you're saying, but I wanted to add that I believe another major purpose in life is to use the gifts and talents we were born with for the betterment of mankind. As opposed to using it to harm others or not using it at all.

Although I realize that these gifts and talents manifest themselves in subtle ways in a lot of people and can be difficult to know (I suppose that would go back to self-awareness).
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Anonymous100241, avlady
Old Mar 03, 2015, 03:09 AM
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I understand that this would be true, but I'm not sure I understand why it's essential? In an ideal world, wouldn't we all be on an equally high level of awareness and functionality? Or have I simply misunderstood you?
We have not yet advanced to the "ideal world" (perfection) We are on different levels as we advance.

I do agree with the other things you're saying, but I wanted to add that I believe another major purpose in life is to use the gifts and talents we were born with for the betterment of mankind. As opposed to using it to harm others or not using it at all.

Although I realize that these gifts and talents manifest themselves in subtle ways in a lot of people and can be difficult to know (I suppose that would go back to self-awareness).
I agree with everything you say!

We are never wrong. Whatever we think is right, We think according to the level we are on.
What we were certain was right to us last year (arbitrary length of time) is now obviously wrong today.
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Old Mar 03, 2015, 10:35 AM
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i once recieved a piece of advice, about others, love them for where they are now, build them up to where God wants them to be, do Gods work, he will provide and give means to help us.He will give us what He wants anyway, just a thought i reflected on several times.
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Old Mar 03, 2015, 10:51 AM
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avlady So True
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