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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by cogladaid View Post
I went and saw my doctor today. Told him all about this rash and everything I’ve been having. Fevers, chills, headache, etc. I feel fine now off the lamotrigine.

My doctor is away for a bit so he put in a referral to the psychiatrist to get advice what medication I should be on. He gave me a stop gap prescription for seroquel for now.

My lab results didn’t come back yet for some reason but hopefully they’re there when I see the allergist on Monday.

My doctor isn’t ready to completely write off the lamotrigine because my blood work isn’t there so this all could be something else but like idk I think it’s the lamotrigine because like I said I’m feeling physically better off of it.

Anyway I see him again in a couple weeks. See how things turn out. I just get frustrated by side effects and med switches. I just wish things would stay stable.

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Sorry cogladaid, med switches are frustrating. Hopefully your blood work is good so you can go back on the lamictal and if not hopefully the Seroquel works out. I have never been on lamictal as a mood stabilizer, the mood stabilizers I've been on have been depakote, trilelptal so I have no experience with lamictal
. But I have been on Seroquel before and it can be a good med for some people. Hope everything works out either way

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by SlumberKitty View Post
I hate the dentist. Good on you for going and getting stuff done! You are awesome!
Thank you I was visibly shaking during the appointment and they asked me if I was okay, I said yeah I just have really bad anxiety. (I didn't take my Klonopin before going this time, I wanted to see if I could manage it without it) they were really nice though about it. I like my new dentist though, she does a really good job. I felt zero pain not even a hint of pain. My last dentist I could feel pain sometimes when he was drilling/working on my teeth.

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 11:47 AM
You're awesome too SlumberKitty by the way how are you today?

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
You're awesome too SlumberKitty by the way how are you today?

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I'm struggling some. But I haven't SH-ed anymore since Wednesday so good on me. That has been really hard because I have been under a lot of distress. I don't want to reach out to my T again because it's a new therapeutic relationship and I am afraid of scaring her off but I will probably talk to a hotline just because I have been feeling pretty bad emotionally. I don't think I need to be hospitalized yet, but I think it might be coming. I just really don't want that $2,000 to $2,500 bill y'know....plus missing work. I know it affects my performance evaluations and that sucks because I only have so much control over my mental health. I probably needed to go to the ER the other day because of command hallucinations but I didn't. I am looking forward to the weekend. I need to wash my sheets, and maybe my comforter because Zoey sleeps with me and likes to roll up in the comforter. But hopefully I can just relax. I feel like isolating so I don't even feel like going to Church but I will probably make myself go because it is better to not isolate even though it is the opposite of what I feel like doing, y'know. I am so grateful for you all and for everyone on MSF! Everyone is so great here. At least here I belong.

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by SlumberKitty View Post
I'm struggling some. But I haven't SH-ed anymore since Wednesday so good on me. That has been really hard because I have been under a lot of distress. I don't want to reach out to my T again because it's a new therapeutic relationship and I am afraid of scaring her off but I will probably talk to a hotline just because I have been feeling pretty bad emotionally. I don't think I need to be hospitalized yet, but I think it might be coming. I just really don't want that $2,000 to $2,500 bill y'know....plus missing work. I know it affects my performance evaluations and that sucks because I only have so much control over my mental health. I probably needed to go to the ER the other day because of command hallucinations but I didn't. I am looking forward to the weekend. I need to wash my sheets, and maybe my comforter because Zoey sleeps with me and likes to roll up in the comforter. But hopefully I can just relax. I feel like isolating so I don't even feel like going to Church but I will probably make myself go because it is better to not isolate even though it is the opposite of what I feel like doing, y'know. I am so grateful for you all and for everyone on MSF! Everyone is so great here. At least here I belong.

I'm sorry you're struggling SK, I think talking to the hotline is a good idea. I have never used any of the hotlines but I heard they are helpful, and I'm glad they exist. I know you mentioned maybe checking out some of the DBT workbooks, that's a great idea as well. I have used several of them and they helped me a lot. Especially the sections on distress tolerance and soothing techniques.
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Also that's great that you haven't SH'd since wednesday! I hope you're able to have a relaxing weekend. That's so cute that Zoey likes rolling up in the comforter, Mustachio does as well I'm grateful that you're here as well, you have been a great friend, I love this group we have here, it's very nice

I have a list of 101 coping skills I have printed out in a folder under my nightstand. I'll see if I can find the list and link it here. Sometimes when I'm at a loss for what to do when I'm struggling I pull that out and look at those and try to just choose something from there and do it. It's hard to when you're not feeling well but I think over the years it's gotten easier for me. I hope things get better for you soon


R.I.P mom 8/6/55-1/15/16

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Here's the pdf to the same 99 coping skills thing I printed out a long time ago



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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by SlumberKitty View Post
I am struggling but I am trying to feel better. I woke up at 2 AM this morning because I was so distressed.

I went to urgent care yesterday because my GP was full. Urgent care didn't do crap. They were like, oh you're a cutter?! (I hate that term. I prefer self harmer.)

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But they blew me off. They just rewrapped it, not even as good as I had it wrapped. No after care instructions. No what to look for if it gets infected. Nothing. Total waste of time.

I got home and I called my GP to see if there had been any cancellations. My GP got on the phone. I tried to explain that I needed sutures. But she said if urgent care didn't do them, she wouldn't. I tried to explain that I had been discriminated against because they were self inflicted but she blew me off. She told me to leave the bandage alone and to come see her next week. UGH. I was so frustrated. I thought about going to the ER but I've had bad experiences there getting care too. Sometimes they just rewrap it and send me home. One doctor got verbally and physically angry with me. Sometimes they send me for a psych consult. Once I ended up hospitalized. So I decided to just deal with it myself even though they really needed to be taken care of better.

It felt like no one cared. I expressed that frustration to a friend and she ripped me a new one. So I had to apologize and tell her I was just venting. That was what it felt like at that moment. That's what I get for trying to express my feelings.

I am trying to feel better today and to turn the page and get back to healthier coping methods. I tried to get a sooner appointment with my pdoc but he is full until April and I have an appointment in April anyway. Besides I already know he isn't going to do anything about this.

I felt bad because my new T texted me a bunch yesterday. I told her she could charge me for a session but she said no. I hope I don't push her away.

I'm frustrated with my symptoms. (hallucinations played a big role yesterday) and I am frustrated with my actions. And I am frustrated that I couldn't get good care. And I am frustrated that my friends didn't seem to understand. But I am trying to breathe and relax and just be chill today. I had to come to work, which maybe is better because it will take my mind off of things. I am looking forward to this weekend when I can hopefully get a nap or two.

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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 04:41 PM
Hugs Kit .. You are more brilliant than you know

Have a good weekend - Do what ever you want. Anything! The possibilities are endless, you are free - Or do what you planned, but with insight of this (I plant the spiritual seed now...)

We are all free, in this beautiful hallucination. What ever goes around, comes around.

I learn a lot of things from my mom and dad... They divorced long ago.. But I couldn't have had better parents. They really are dysfunctional nuts.
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Default Mar 10, 2023 at 06:25 PM
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Found a place that sells ground kangaroo. Made a burger. With onion relish, Brie, and arugula. So good and reminds me of lamb.

I have to post it everywhere.

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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 11:49 AM
My doctor gave me a prescription for seroquel so I filled it. Says to take 50mg-100mg at bedtime. So silly me took 100mg right off the bat.

I slept for 12 hours woke up groggy in a daze. I went grocery shopping right after I got up and boy that probably wasn’t smart to do. I felt out of it. Bought snacks because my brain said SNACKS.


Im drinking more coffee now so hopefully I feel less groggy soon.

Will only take 50mg going forward.

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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 12:07 PM
Finished painting the figure I started. I feel like it didn’t come out as good as my first one but I think it’s okay. I will get better with practice
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R.I.P mom 8/6/55-1/15/16

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 02:26 PM
Microdoses yesterday and early sleep last night. Good today. I'll take 1x 5mg olanzepine (Instead of 2x 5mg) cuz I gained ~15lbs total (I don't agree with that!)

It's so cold outside.. Has been for a while. I want to do things outside as well (I'll be healthier that way too) like hiking, running, mountain biking... Winter is taking it's sweet time. I don't feel as depressed as I was.
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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 03:17 PM
I still feel groggy and tired. It’s like 2pm I almost fell asleep watching this holocaust documentary.

Seroquel munchies got me too. I ate chips and taco dip for lunch, then a bag of dried broccoli, and just ate a whole bag of bbq sweet potato chips.

At least I’m not super worried about calories and stuff right now. I’m just too groggy to care.

Ah didn’t miss seroquel for this stuff. I guess you can’t be manic if you’re groggy and eating all the time.

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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 05:54 PM
Honestly I have this feeling of spring. Makes me think of mania. I feel I’ve done this before with seroquel and spring and mania.

Idk just this feeling I have.

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Default Mar 11, 2023 at 06:23 PM
My mind hurts

But all is okay, if a mental schism happens.

I need the olanzepine =/
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Chat Mar 12, 2023 at 01:19 AM
I actually feel normal for once, and now halving the olanzepine. I'll just take the other 5mg as PRN. I have an option to do this though - My psychiatrist gave me 2x 5mg tablets instead of 1x 10mg. I hope it's not a problem.

Crap though why does olanzepine work so well but kill metabolism..

A psychiatrist told me "5, 10, 15lbs is okay - But if it starts to be 20lbs etc, then we switch to something else"

But olanzepine is the God antipsychotic...

No wonder schiz is like 20 years pre death diabetes + the cigarettes and suicides, etc.
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Default Mar 12, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Everything in me is telling me not to take the seroquel. I just feel so groggy. I can’t focus I can’t do anything all I want to do is sleep. How am I supposed to work if I’m so sedated.

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Default Mar 12, 2023 at 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by cogladaid View Post
Everything in me is telling me not to take the seroquel. I just feel so groggy. I can’t focus I can’t do anything all I want to do is sleep. How am I supposed to work if I’m so sedated.

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I took seroquel for like three days, I couldn’t stand it…I thought I was going to faint.

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Default Mar 12, 2023 at 12:07 PM
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I took seroquel for like three days, I couldn’t stand it…I thought I was going to faint.

Years ago I was quite unwell and needed some sedating so seroquel wasn’t so bad but now I just can’t do it. I’m barely functioning. Sleeping 12 hours and being zoned out all the time.

I just can’t do it. Hopefully my doctor won’t be mad at me.

I drank cold brew then 5 shots of espresso and now an energy drink and I’m only now starting to feel less groggy. And it’s noon. How am I supposed to wake up and go to work like this tomorrow - I can’t.

Sigh. I’ll just stick with my Latuda alone and hope for the best until I can see my doctor again.

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Default Mar 12, 2023 at 01:49 PM
I'm so agitated
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