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Old Sep 05, 2013, 11:39 PM
tealBumblebee's Avatar
tealBumblebee tealBumblebee is offline
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So i'm not asking for a big group round up or anything - but i kind of wanted to learn about how others diagnosed with Schizotypal related to my own (new) experience. But it seems there aren't too many around here... Are there any? I know I can talk to T about it, and google (which i don't love for this particular topic) - but in regards to other people, there just doesn't seem to be anyone around. Why is that?
A majorly depressed, anxious and dependent, schizotypal hypomanic beautiful mess ...[just a rebel to the world with no place to go...]

Old Sep 06, 2013, 12:21 PM
Atypical_Disaster's Avatar
Atypical_Disaster Atypical_Disaster is offline
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Most people with personality disorders don't seek out help, I think that's a lot of the reason this part of the boards is so quiet with the exception of the borderline PD forum. The borderlines are more likely to seek out help than a lot of other people with PD's so I think that's why there's so many of them compared to the rest of us that are personality disordered.

I've seen a few other schizotypals post here, but what happens is people show up in these forums like you... see nobody here, and then leave. What would be awesome is if all of you would log on all at once for a change so you guys could stop missing each other.
Thanks for this!
Old Sep 06, 2013, 01:34 PM
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tealBumblebee tealBumblebee is offline
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I think that you have a valid point Atypical Disaster. The Major Depressive Disorder symptoms is what led me to go... I agree with that random unanimous log on (though I don't see that being realistic lol). Oh well, here's to hoping i'll be around to catch the next Thanks!
A majorly depressed, anxious and dependent, schizotypal hypomanic beautiful mess ...[just a rebel to the world with no place to go...]
Old Sep 10, 2013, 08:44 AM
taramas taramas is offline
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On a whim of a friend's suggestion I've just started to write it down
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