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Old Jan 28, 2023, 03:05 PM
ManDss ManDss is offline
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I don't think that "Life is to procreate and die?", no, I dont see that life is to... a specific thing.

Life is. Just life

Then you see what to do with it.

I always think life is to enjoy.

Ive always liked things, never got to a point where I didnt like something.

I like pretty simple things, eat... run... watch a soccer game, nature... watch a landscape, walk... talk...

Last edited by CANDC; Jan 28, 2023 at 04:28 PM. Reason: Old thread move to own thread
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Old Jan 30, 2023, 11:12 AM
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Yaowen Yaowen is offline
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I'm glad you have always liked things. It is one of the joy of life, I think, to always be interesting in things.
Old Jan 30, 2023, 04:39 PM
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Mendingmysoul Mendingmysoul is offline
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Life to different people is to do different things. No two persons have the same goals or experiences. Every one is on their personal journey.
Old Feb 22, 2023, 01:46 AM
KublaKhan KublaKhan is offline
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I agree. I've heard life described (in an Adlerian psychology book) as a dance. I've found that helpful: You simply DO it and make it as beautiful as you can. It's not a means to an end, doing the dance of life IS the goal. And yours will not be exactly the same as anyone else's, so don't negatively contrast it with what you see others doing. Just make it the best you can.

Thumbs up on the simple things as well. I've been getting into mindfulness practice (helpful stuff; would definitely recommend) and it has shown me how joyful it can be to just stand on the back porch with a cup of tea and listen to leaves rustle in the wind. We live in a hyper-stimulated, "always connected" era, and I think a lot of our emotional issues would improve at least a little bit if we could just simplify and slow down.

(I'm not implying that everyone would be cured if they'd just stand around in the backyard with a cup of Earl Gray like me... Just that emotional problems will be made worse by this constant pressure to check all five social media accounts, respond to that text, look at that news item that just popped up, rinse and repeat. Very unhealthy.)
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