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Default Jun 25, 2021 at 07:44 AM
Made it to Friday. Mostly a drifting week and have an acupuncture appt this afternoon. Theme: fixing fatigue.

Otherwise, several open due projects, as always. Keep putting off when I'll seriously take them up. A good sign as it shows rest remains a priority.

Plus, a "heat bomb" rolling through with temps as high as 100°F/38°C the next 3 days. Good thing we have many fans in working order.


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Default Jun 25, 2021 at 10:41 AM
HI, Rm

I've been curious about St. John's Wort. It's an antidepressant, I know. I thought it was a stimulant rather than a sleeping aid??????
I've been going out more. Eating at restaurants with friends and family. I had my first back-yard party last week. Fun. Remember the fixing the swing saga? My son-in-law and my grandkids sat on it swinging and laughing and eating. I'm so glad someone got some enjoyment out of it besides me. The big plus is that it forces me to clean up the house and garden. My housekeeping became very lax, I have to admit, during the COVID months.
As for my writing - it's moving along. Every so often it has to pause when I hit a snag in the plot line. I've decided to focus more on typos. In the past, I've left them to the end figuring five or six, or fifteen rounds of editing with take care of them. That doesn't seem to work, as I still find typos and eventually just say, "it's good enough." I'm going to try aiming for perfect in the beginning and see what happens.
I've joined "Hanging Out" again. I'm not getting as much out of it as I did the first time around, but it's still fun getting a snippet of Barbara Sher and a computer chat afterwards.
That's all for now. Happy Stepping.
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Default Jun 30, 2021 at 04:23 PM
Nanowrimo starts tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm writing some each day, and I like where i'm going with it. Hope the world out there does too.
Otherwise - I'm catching up on all the medical appointments I've been putting off last year. Yes, it does seem as if I should be all caught up with them right now. Not the case. In August, I'll start physical therapy for my stiff knee. I need a shingles vaccine and the bridge in my mouth came loose again. I think there's more, but I'm too lazy to get up and look for the doctor list. Also, I need to get someone to replace the line from my house to the main sewer, and I need to get my stove fixed.

On the fun side, I have a couple of parties coming up in my back yard. Also, the gym has reopened, but I'm leaving that for a bit later.
I'm easing up on my social life for the next two weeks. At my book club we were all happy to be back in action. We hugged and had a good time. Then my flight attendant friend told everyone that she didn't believe in taking the vaccine. Oy vey! So I'm wearing a mask everywhere, using sanitizer, cutting back on things like going to the gym and visiting my MIL (nursing home.) It's probably overkill. It's not as if she was sick. But geez! Flight attendant! it makes me think twice about taking a plane ride.
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Default Jul 01, 2021 at 01:12 AM
Hi D, and The World Wide Web. Parties be good. Our state (WA) just today lifted the last restrictions for vaxxed folk. Interesting to hear your friend the flt attendant won't vax. Some businesses are requiring it—get ready courts.

My city's Parks Dept is putting our weekly bridge game in the Japanese Gardens because our regular place will be overrun by kids. Further away for me, but manageable. Already plotting beautiful trips through the arboretum by bike to get there drenched in sweat.

I've fancied an ambition to interview someone, and now, with time opening up, I'm getting moving. Ordered 3 of his books today. Interesting, the Kindle price was 10% (marked down) of the used book price. Still, got the books because I have challenges getting digital books to bookmark and highlight in a way that feels intuitive.

Our freezer's motor is kaput. Called the repair folks and they may come mid-week, next week if all the parts and service hours align.

I'm a subject in a medical research study and they've had a lot of problems. Let that not be an omen for the freezer.



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Default Jul 02, 2021 at 04:22 PM
Good luck with your freezer, your interviews, and your research study. I've been reading about your heat wave. What's with that??????
Me, speaking of heat waves, I might be going to Washington DC.
Other than that, I'm writing up a storm.
Take care,
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Default Jul 11, 2021 at 11:23 AM
I had a backyard party with one of my writing groups. Yay! I have a second one happening next week.
Here's an issue I'm grappling with right now. I have a lot of friends who are great people except for some quirk that drives me crazy. Usually it's that they talk non-stop or that they are control freaks. Here's the thing. They are good people otherwise, and I don't want to throw away friendships because they're not perfect. So I'm trying to 1. accept and find ways to deal with the issues in such a way that I get to enjoy the good things about these people. and 2. make my feelings known in such a way that doesn't hurt anyone. Not an easy task.

Meanwhile, I'm having fun writing. I looked up Louisiana accents on the Internet and found a couple of helpful You Tube videos. Amazing what you can find.
Jody might get dumped into a swamp. And she might go over to the dark side. I'm posting that info, because Jody lead a life so much more interesting than mine. And because writing about Jody and talking about her gives me ideas.
. I'll be going to my all-you-can-eat- Indian/Pakistani restaurant, and hopefully I'll figure out what to do with Jody.

Take care.
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Default Jul 12, 2021 at 02:30 AM
Swoosh, more life happens.

So thrilled you had a successful party. Social gathering building momentum all around.

Freezer: new compressor and some other parts. Still within their 10 year parts warranty we didn't know about. No warranty on the service.

Sprint phone. Got a message last week that Tello needed me to change my phone to one that works with T-Mobile. Did so surprisingly fast, but considering I've idled several hours looking at phone the past year, not really.

Going with the Alcatel Go Flip 3 "feature phone." Activating and porting went amazing well. Had the idea of moving my 32GB mini disk into the new phone and it imported all my saved contacts.

Tested the sound and it's great. What's also interesting is that it uses wifi for calls when it can, so I don't spend minutes since I pay as I go.

It has a few other perks, which I view with caution as I want to be alert and attentive when I'm about.

Now, what do I do with the two prior flip phones? Sometimes I use them as timers/alarms.

I guess I've needed to catch up on rest as I've been napping/sleeping more than usual.

Enjoy all you can Pakistan and write like the wind.


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Default Jul 16, 2021 at 01:11 AM
Resting feels so nice. Just keep putting off the non-resting stuff. Still, a busy week.

Teeth cleaned. Always stressful, but I managed. They staff ask, "how are you today?" Not a great beginning. While in the chair I began to think what else might they say? A. Hi John, i hope the commute wasn't too bad. B. Hello again. Have you been managing the [recent weather conditions or season] ok? C. Miss you. Anything sparking joy of late?

On the way home the car stalled when I shifted gears. We've been suspicious something might need checking. So, rather than risk another stall I called for roadside service. Five (5) hours later, a tow truck arrived and took the car, and me, to a new garage for us. The next day I got a call. They found nothing wrong. Went to pick it up. NO CHARGE. I said, you guys really know how to build your business.

Oh, I just got a new flip phone active on Sunday and was testing to see how long the charge lasted, naturally, when I had this stalling problem.

Other than that, nothing much of note.


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Default Jul 17, 2021 at 04:51 PM
5 hours!!!! Eek. Was there some sort of disaster in Washington that I'm not aware of that might have caused the delay? (My inappropriate sense of humor at work.)

Me - I'm hitting a lazy streak - which is too bad because there are things I should be doing. My writing - I almost like where my plot is going, I have Jody in a tight spot - and - a not-very-interesting way to get her out. There has to be something better, but I don't know what it is. Meanwhile, I think I insulted a friend. We both have fragile egos, and I think I may have done a number on hers. Not on purpose. She pointed out that my indenting is inconsistent. I told her that I was copying some of the books I've read. She apologized and said she'd quit commenting on my grammar. I don't want her to stop. She catches all my typos and other mistakes. That's valuable. And I don't want to lose a good friend.
I think I'll go shopping.
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Default Jul 18, 2021 at 03:33 AM
Hi world. The backstory on the other side of the text messages is a carefully kept secret of State Farm. My own assessment is they should contract with several tow companies and, like the ambulances, the first company to the client gets the business and the rest get nothing. What they do now is send to one company that is overwhelmed (more cars out breaking down, lower staff due to covid, yada yada) and so there's a delay. THEN SF asks another tow truck to come help.

The good side is that I have found our new mechanic!

Bridge playing two days in a row! Rusty as a vintage iron nail. So these games are my spring training to shake me awake.

Tomorrow brunch, then getting our small deck ready for repair/resurfacing.

Mon - Wed, the actual work.


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Default Jul 19, 2021 at 10:39 AM
I wonder what other tow services do. I think one hour is the longest I've ever had to wait.
My friend who is an English professor and who has helped me with typos emailed me. She had misunderstood my comments, she wasn't offended, and she'll continue catching my grammar and spelling mistakes if I like. Yes! I like. Sometimes it pays to look for the good.

I do hope that today ends my lazy streak - in writing and in life. One of the hazards of retirement.
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Default Jul 19, 2021 at 10:15 PM
Happy you & your friend worked things out. Keep writing.

Ay, I wasn't calling a towing company, I called State Farm insurance, and they called the towing companies. The competition, AAA by name, has it's own fleet of contracted trucks and makes a point of quick service. SF contracts out, as I mentioned, and their bot said lower staffing and higher demand than staff on hand could handle would mean delays. They thought 2 hours, and couldn't get the est. time of arrival right. Kinks to work through, for sure.

ST's system is broken, clearly.

I suffered a tiny bit from it, but a First World concern. Given that it's road service, my first time in 15 years calling on it, I'm good to let it go. If they ask, I'm happy to help them refine their communications. Not holding my breath.

Also, we pay $9 a year for this coverage, vs a 2-person membership $101 for AAA. Assuming with adjustments for inflation an average of about $70-$80 saved per year for 15 years left $1050 to $1200 in our pockets.

The only change I would make is to keep my phone charged so I can keep calling back. My partner picked this up for me from home and this shook something loose and the truck finally arrived.


Last edited by Revu2; Jul 19, 2021 at 11:59 PM..
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Default Jul 25, 2021 at 07:09 PM
Good news, of sorts. SF customer service rep called and took my details. At the end of the chat, he said SF was giving me a $50 VISA balance.

Very good. Pays for this coverage for 5 years.

We've finished our deck work, so tonight putting stuff back on it.

This weeks goal is to enjoy an online conference I signed up for and help a friend get onto an app I recommended to her.



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Default Aug 02, 2021 at 01:36 AM
Dealing with a repair. I have a rolltop backpack with vertical zipper on the front pocket. The zipper broke. Two requests from repair places turns out it'll be at least $65 to replace it.

Put on the solution-searching hat. Velcro! bought very thin dual sided (one side the hook, other other the loop) but my glue failed me. Cost $6.59.

Mosied over to Daiso $1.50 store and got half-inch tacky backed velcro. With tax: $1.65.

The glue failed again. Went to Tandy Leather and bot their leather cement. $16.50. But I only used maybe 12˘ worth. The glue is holding.

All totaled: 6.59 + 1.65 + .12 = $8.36.

Now, the bag looks different. Rather than a flat zippered front it's got a new ridgeback look. And it works to seal the pocket. My Dear Partner can only see it's not flat, not like the original bag. I just tell her I might be the first to kick off a new fashion.

Ah—some people, just refuse to enjoy the flow of innovation they're drowning in it's from someone they live with every day. Let an "artist" or a "designer" do it, well then it's great. Sigh.



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Default Aug 03, 2021 at 09:09 AM
Ingenuity! I get it.
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Default Aug 11, 2021 at 11:14 AM
So I've been out of town. Washington D.C. with the kids and grandkids. We saw most of the museums and monuments. The Smithsonian was opening up; we saw the Native American museum the day that it opened. Highlights of the trip - hands down - being with the grandkids who are getting bigger by the minute. For me the Native American Museum was the most interesting because one of the characters I'm writing about is a First Nations elder of Canada. No, it wasn't as great as visiting the Yukon; native tribes each have their own history, culture, legends, traditions. But It was the best I could do.
Low point. The day we were to leave, I felt sick. Not really all that sick - just a little bit like something was wrong. Tom got me a COVID test kit, and Lisa gave me the test. Negative. Whew! I wasn't sure what you do if you come down with you-know-what in a strange city.
Anyway, a good time was had by all.
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Default Aug 12, 2021 at 12:58 AM
Hi world. D, happy your trip was mostly successful. I have no idea what one might do if sick with The Virus out of town. I guess millions of people over the past year had this experience, but now with vaccines ... like with most things one might have to improvise.

For a month I've worked hard to get read to ask questions of a Famous Author. Read his books, blog, and tweets. I reached out a few days ago and asked if he would mind answering 5 questions. I've asked 2, and both times he said "I find it impossible to answer ... " whatever I'd asked.

So, I wanted to reach out, I did, I'm basically rebuffed in a way. So I'm calling it, and stopped asking my questions and apologized for troubling him.

His works still resonate and will be quite helpful.

I did my part and asked, and must resign myself with either having missed how to frame my questions or picking the wrong topics, or some other X factor.

Sigh, dusting myself off, and getting back in the race,


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Default Aug 16, 2021 at 10:09 PM
Hi, have a boost in my spirits from completing something quietly necessary but under-done about my condo situation. Namely, we have one owner who has studiously not participated actively in the 7 years of ownership. I made it my goal to reach out and offered a proposal at the annual meeting to get official, collective, clearance to proceed. This turned into a clown's routine of misunderstanding, cross purposes, and more so I officially stopped the committee and later reached out again, alone.

And eventually I got handed to the adult children of the stated owners, who are partners in their LLC, and who we never had heard about before. Talked with them yesterday and the conversation went well. They agreed to be added to the googlegroup and that I send them 8 articles about condo governance I had sent to the other owners right before our annual meeting.

Can't say exactly why this lifts my heart so, but it has to do with a feeling that this is our first step up from our collective "bottom." All intuitive sensing, yet that is 'data' as clear as a math equation sometimes.

Fresh Goals
Finish the Introduction and Start-up Kit for my Mutual Muster concept.
Reach out to Mutual Aid and Disaster Aid groups to learn what they need and create more.
Post works on a google site and announce on twitter/linked-in.
Prep every day for a bridge event at an official bridge center. Most of the games I've been playing have been rubber bridge in people's houses or as part of the Parks N Rec dept.

Yuck Goal

My MacBook Pro needs a new battery, $220. Also needed new adapter today, $90. 3 to 5 days in the shop, but I have my MacBook Air for backup service, the e and o keys stick or jam. I'll d- my b-st n-t t- us- th-m.


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Default Aug 18, 2021 at 05:43 AM
Be sober. Wash dishes. Exercise. Watch a movie or part of a movie.
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Default Aug 23, 2021 at 01:05 AM
Goals tomorrow/keep daily gainlinking™ for a new major grant I'm drafting; 2 or 3 conference calls; practice bridge for 30 minutes.


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