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Default Sep 26, 2023 at 10:40 PM
It's about 4 items long. Began at the top and worked down. Then, after a meeting where I used my computer, left my adapter cord. Hope it's still there and I can pick up tomorrow.

What I'm dancing with is how these little things affect my moods. Right now, I'm miffed at myself for forgetting the cord. Last night, I was upset with USPS for sending back a certified letter when I never got a notice and thus a chance to pick it up. Talking with clerks is like a May-Nichols skit. I think it's the second worst managed Post Office in the country. Funny that PO are the initials for Post Office and Pissed Off.

Second worst is from Laugh In. Actually, when I make rankings I often call something the second or third best or worst. Prevents a lot of needless haggling on who's number one.

I guess I have to abandon my goal of getting my notes done of a book I'm peer-reviewing. My goal was to get most of it done before leaving for a 3 day staycation sleepover. If I can settle my nerves I might work some on it tonight. On the other hand, putting on music and working on it might settle me down. There's a hope. R.


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Default Sep 27, 2023 at 08:30 PM
I get your feelings, R. Things that wouldn't have bothered me twenty years ago drive me crazy. And I hate returning things. If it's not too expensive, I'd rather just throw it away.

Me - crossed fingers, I might be finished editing. We're having a fundraiser at our church - an Italian Extravaganza in a week and a half. and I'd like to have my book available then. Yay!

I started physical therapy for my frozen shoulder (rotator cup) Right now it's stiffer than it was before. Apparently, this is going to take a long time. I'm not surprised. The shoulder hardly moves.
Good wishes for all our challenges.
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Default Sep 27, 2023 at 08:31 PM
Good wishes that we defeat them, that is.
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Default Sep 28, 2023 at 08:21 PM
I had my neuropsychological exam two weeks ago. My primary care doctor let me know that the results are in and said I could make an appointment right away to discuss the results. Or, I could wait until my check-up in November. I'll try to get in next week -- I'd like to know what's going on before my next Quarterly Review.

Usually I can see test results in "The Portal." But this provider is outside the system.

Keep up the good work Revu2, delightful!
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Default Sep 28, 2023 at 10:11 PM
Whoa, SPG & Ms D, keep strong and get better through your medical issues.

My brain today is flat-lining it. It's after 8.00 pm and I'm calling the day a loss. This morning I couldn't focus much and then had a fund-raising lunch followed by a bit of shopping and errands.

Tomorrow's another chance at everything. Tonight I'm putting on music and doing catchup housekeeping like putting away my summer clothes and getting my warmer stuff out. G'night.


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Default Sep 30, 2023 at 12:29 PM
I'm plagued by mediocrity. My mediocrity, not someone else's. it's my first paragraph. It has to be really good because that, the title, and the blurb on the back is what sells a book. In addition, next Saturday, we're doing an "Italian Extravaganza" an Italian dinner plus a lot more, and I'll get a table to peddle my books. I want to have this one ready to go (might be wishful thinking) because it's the best one I've written.

In other news:
I have to call Apria and ask if they forgot me, or if I accidently hung up on them because I assumed they were a bogus call. They're supposed to contact me about a CPAP.

Physical therapy is going okay, but apparently, it's going to be going and going and going for over a year.

I've been watching too many medical movies. I started wondering if my hip is leaching cobalt. I'm tired, have mood swings, am dumber than I used to be and have no energy. There are many other explanations for this. but . . . Also my hips are titanium, which might have cobalt in it, but shouldn't have a lot of it. Also, per the internet, leaching cobalt is rare, but can happen.

I'm still throwing money at my house. (I thought I was done with expensive repairs.) The floor under my bathroom has rotten wood. I'm looking for someone who replaces rotten wood, but so far I haven't found anyone. Meanwhile they are withdrawing insurance on our lake property house. The house isn't worth anything, so it's probably no big deal, but . . .
Seriously, it isn''t worth anything.

That's most of the story of my life.
Good luck to all of us. May good things and easy fixes surround us. Also good friends and loved ones.
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Default Oct 01, 2023 at 02:35 AM
Hi Ms D. I remember the afternoon (or was it morning)? when the Lit teacher at Yale Summer High School broke down the first line of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. "In the town there were 2 mutes and they were always together."

Tale of 2 Cities: "It was the best of times and the worst of times."

Chromos by Felipe Alfau: The moment one learns English, complications set in."

From Google Search AI:
The best opening lines can serve multiple functions, including:
Setting the scene
Introducing characters
Setting the tone
Piquing curiosity
Evoking shock
Introducing conflict
Starting in the middle of action
Provoking thought

Here are some famous opening lines from novels:
1984: "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen". This line sets the tone for the dystopian world of the story.

Invisible Man: "I am an invisible man". This line is enigmatic and introduces a man who is ignored by society.

A Frolic of His Own: "Justice?—You get justice in the next world, in this world you have the law".

The End of the Affair: "A story has no beginning or end; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead".

Moby-D i c k: "Call me Ishmael".

Pride and Prejudice: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife".

Gravity's Rainbow: "A screaming comes across the sky".

Actually, technically, "Call me Ishmaei." Is after a chapter or 2 on, I dunno, the history of whaiing? Found this:

Yes, Chapter 1 ("Loomings") of the novel begins with Ishmael introducing himself. But the so-called first chapter is more like the book's third, thanks to two rambling introductory chapters respectively titled "Etymology" and "Extracts." In these sections, Melville introduces us to two fictitious researchers (a grammar school usher and a "sub-sub-librarian") who begin to educate us on cetology, the study of whales. Many novels begin with an epigraph, a little apropos quotation that precedes the opening lines. But these two chapters go way beyond that, supplying no fewer than eighty epigraphs. They foreshadow the novel's frequent digressions away from the nominal plot into the minutiae and lore of whales and whaling. And they're absolutely part of the novel proper, which means that the first line of Moby D*ck is not "Call me Ishmael," but rather this beauty: "The pale Usher—threadbare in coat, heart, body, and brain; I see him now." Hmm, maybe Melville would have sold more copies if he'd tightened that beginning up a little.

My note: HM started this way to mimic the long periods of boredom involved with this trade.

No pressure, R.


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Default Oct 08, 2023 at 11:38 AM
It's Sunday, cloudy - gray skies. much like the interior of my mind. Still, I'm up and can get to some things.

In the final hours of edits of a review of a book for a publisher. It's been messy and will delight in hitting "send."

What's then up is looking at this shift to retirement through 15 domains. Things like dependents, finances, health, life satisfaction. I have about 16 weeks left till I'm Out. So, it's a good fit.

A couple of interesting stats I've come across: (a) 2/3 of all people through human evolution who lived past age 65 are alive today.

(b) Planner who compute this stuff project I have about 23 more years to live. I'll be 93. My mom died at 92 plus 2 months.

But really what's on my heart as I sip my tea is writing back to a couple of friends who sent lovely email messages over the weekend.


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Default Oct 09, 2023 at 01:41 PM
R, Good wishes for your retirement. May you have some amazing adventures, and some peaceful quality time doing little.
Square Peg, good luck and good wishes with your health issues.

Me. The original first line of "The Molly Chronicles" was "They call me Molly" None of my friends caught my humor.

Our Italian extravaganza was a success. And I sold a few books, which boosted my spirits. Also, I look at "Through Unfamiliar WAters," and think of all the things that are wrong with it. Everyone at the extravaganza said they liked it. Also a boost. And I put Molly in for a review on Pubby, and got a five star review. Also a hit. So a lot of positives. I hate to admit it, but I do require external validation. I guess I can keep going without it, since I have done so for years. But OMG if feels good. And I have gotten a lot of negative comments - some good suggestions for improvement. Some ????
So fueled by good stuff, I'll see if I can get my latest book out by the end of the week. (So probably by the end of two weeks??? a month???
With that, I'll

I'm still almost finished with editing "Refuge and Warm Tea."
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Default Oct 10, 2023 at 10:26 AM
Thanks for the good wishes. I have 80 odd days left. Or 80 even. Not sure.

Soak up the approval! If it keeps you going, absorb it. Writing is mostly solo, so hearing people like the work is good feedback. Ignore most of the negative stuff.

It's interesting how we deal with reactions. I take chances when I facilitate and many people like it and a few don't. Same workshop, same topic, but I'll still try various tweaks or variations. So I rarely got 5.0 stars. Out of a group of 30 people, say, 27 liked it and 2 had minor issues, and 1 hated it. My co-leaders would look at those 3 and work themselves into a tizzy: should we change the approach? I never liked how we did that 2nd exercise. Etc. I'll take in what feels right. Once I got a comment that I shouldn't talk over the reflection time and allow people to have silence to think. Spot on and I've not done that since.

But I, on the other hand, would say, 27/30 = 90%. OK. I have no idea what was going on in the lives of those 3 outliers. Difficult news from home? Just told they are being laid off? No bonus for the holidays? So I let them be.

At conferences I have some fun with this. I'll get started and when it's clear to a few people that my style isn't what they expected, some folks will quietly get up and leave. After they are clearly out of the room I say to the crowd, that's great because they probably won't fill out evaluations!

My day: Dealing with a MR BIV* problem. I was having trouble with wifi printing and top advice on one site was "reset" the printers. Ha! It's actually delete the printers! So, I've managed to get the corded printing to work for my computer. But that doesn't work for my partner's computer. And wifi printing works on neither one now. After a bath I'll take that up. As long as it takes. Putting on relaxing music and taking plenty of mental health breaks.

I was tired and thought the fix would be easy. Lessons: Proceed with caution. Just use the cord for a while and delay a better fix till rested and can take time to read up on how to deal with it. Consult the appropriate sub/reddit or other forums.

Annoyed with self. Just as I'm finishing up a rack of work I give myself this problem. Note to gremlins: back off. I've had more than a lifetime of problems, thank you very much.

* MR BIV = mistakes, redos, breakage, inefficiencies, and variations. Courtesy of Ritz-Carlton Hotels


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Default Oct 10, 2023 at 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Revu2 View Post
My day: Dealing with a MR BIV* problem. I was having trouble with wifi printing and top advice on one site was "reset" the printers. Ha! It's actually delete the printers! So, I've managed to get the corded printing to work for my computer. But that doesn't work for my partner's computer. And wifi printing works on neither one now.
Fixed & DONE. Updated my OS, backed everything up, unplugged and replugged in the printer, opened a file, dialog box said "nearby printers" (a good sign), selected my printer, and ... it worked! And also with the other computer, too. Sigh of relief and back to a quiet day.


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Default Oct 11, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Turns out that with my upgrade to 12.6.7 my space bar stopped working. AND, the battery icon is missing from the menu bar, PLUS the battery isn't charging.

While pondering these disruptions, I considered if I might have to get a whole new computer to use turbotax. Just checked, I'm still good with system 12.6.7.

We have an apple genius bar (what, no drinks, I thought this was a bar!) 20 minutes away.

Ms D, I caught your plagued by mediocrity line. Funny. Can't find the originator of the phrase. Any ideas?


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Default Oct 13, 2023 at 12:46 AM
Visited the Apple Genius Bar, and they reset my P-RAM which fixed the charging, battery, and icon on the menu bar problems.

Then he tested the space bar and said it probably needed replacing. A few minutes later they brought it back from the wizards in the back room all working.

Now the printer isn't printing from wifi again ... but I think it's a matter of unplugging the printer and plugging it back in.

Let's test ... yup works fine. Case Closed.

Another case closer happened today ... the utilities dept took our broken recycling bins. They just put them in the back of the dumpster and they disappeared from view to be reincarnated.


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Default Oct 15, 2023 at 07:23 PM
Hi, R.

For the record, 27 out of thirty is better than ok.

I've had a couple of weeks of nobody returning my calls. A bummer. I was persistent , and finally got someone from Apria (they never got an order for a CPAP for me. And I finally got my computer back. My computer freezes up and goes black a lot. This time, it froze, and wouldn't reboot. Scary! Plus I've been sleeping badly, so it's harder for me to function. Last night was pretty good. A writer friend turned me on to Pubby, and I tried it. It's a good deal. You read other people's books, and rate them on Amazon, and they read your books and rate them. Pretty slick. Unfortunately, (funny how often my sentences begin with unfortunately.) Anyway, I couldn't leave a comment for the two books I read, due to my computer being in the hospital. Meanwhile, the credit union froze my card and declined Pubby's bill. So I'm trying to fix all that. You have to publish the review pretty quickly, so I probably can't get the review in for the two books I read. I'd publish them anyway, so that the writer can get credit for them.

For our book club, we're reading "The Island of Missing Trees" It's about Cypress during the fighting between Greeks and Turks. I bri ng up the book, because one of the characters is superstitious and believes in the evil eye. I never thought about it. My family wan't particularly superstitious, but my mom used to dry-spit into the and say some like "So we don't jinx it by looking at it." (doesn't translate well.) My background is Russian, but I think the evil eye is in that culture as well. Anyway, it got me thinking. It seems as if as soon as something good happens, something messes it up. I don't consciously believe that, but geeze!

Okay, that's all for me.

Good stuff to you.
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Default Oct 17, 2023 at 12:57 AM
Ya know, this got me to thinking about Great Customer Service. It does exist. So here's a list of 10 stories. I'm touched,

10 Unforgettable Customer Service Stories

I've got a couple of current customer service challenged companies that might take a lesson from these examples.

Just in from a short vacay to a nearby city and an overnight with a writing buddy of my partner's. Trip had a few rainy moments, but otherwise nothing much to improve it. I like getaways like that.

Hold any feeling of success as long as you can. I know that good stuff followed by a problem rhythm. The worse.

Measly steps for Tuesday: crunch through email. Work about an hour. Doodle a bit. Walk.

Keep smiling cos when you're smiling the whole world smiles with you.


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Default Oct 18, 2023 at 09:16 PM
My good customer service experience: (or at least one of them.) When I got a computer virus - a bad one that just about killed the computer, Stuart from Staples put in about five hours of overtime cleaning it out of my computer. Com to think of it, When the IRS totally screwed up and told me I owed I forget how many thousands of dollars, this wonderful H&R Block person, explained the problem in terms that an untrained monkey could understand, and the IRS was satisfied. (I was a nervous wreck.)

My bad customer experience - Comcast texted me. There's a problem with my wifi. Do I want to make an appointment with a tech to fix it? Press 1 for yes. (Yes, the text was from Comcast.) I pressed 1. The robot on the other end couldn't understand.

Please keep smiling and looking for the good. It's out there. We just notice the bad easier.
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Default Oct 19, 2023 at 11:29 AM
Probably too many times to recall, but when I'm focused on what will turn out to be a great idea for my life the gremlins show up in force! A routine stock transfer that should have been completed in less than a week is now at the 4 months mark and still counting.

Did seem to get news of a possibility that part of this is coming to a close. The other part might be near resolution but I have much to do on my end to double check their work.

So, I'm mellowing out this morning by sipping tea & putting some thought and feeling into a card for a talented artisan bread baker we've supported. Found out about him through Instagram and his home popup happened to be a few blocks from us.

Michael Pollan's Cooked has a chapter on baking bread. Gifting the book with a note when I pick up a loaf today. The calm part is the note ... R.


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Default Oct 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Revu2 View Post
Ya know, this got me to thinking about Great Customer Service. It does exist. So here's a list of 10 stories. I'm touched,

10 Unforgettable Customer Service Stories

Keep smiling cos when you're smiling the whole world smiles with you.
Both things made me smile; thank you!
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Default Oct 22, 2023 at 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by delightful View Post
My family wan't particularly superstitious, but my mom used to dry-spit into the and say some like "So we don't jinx it by looking at it." (doesn't translate well.) My background is Russian, but I think the evil eye is in that culture as well. Anyway, it got me thinking. It seems as if as soon as something good happens, something messes it up. I don't consciously believe that, but geeze!
I get the gist of that saying, "Don't jinx it by looking at it." When my washing machine broke during the pandemic, the cheapest replacements were $600+ and two week's delivery. Then I saw one that was "gently used" for $300. I didn't hesitate -- I just bought it and got it in two days. It was my first High Efficiency washer, and I got awful results. I could've "looked at it" and decided that it was lemon and returned it. But no. Eventually I learned how to tweak the settings and get it to perform well (less efficiently).

BTW, when it was delivered, the back door had to be removed, and the guy smashed the frosted globe from a nearby overhead light. He was very apologetic and said to send a bill for it's replacement. But I already had a spare because I bought one for another light that didn't fit. So I didn't care.

My wife does believe that when something good happens, something bad must follow. It was her mother's philosophy, too, and my wife adopted it even though she despises her mother. Also, bad things come in threes. I try to reject all negative belief systems that I'm aware of -- they serve no good.

Hope you and Revu2 are doing very well!
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Default Oct 22, 2023 at 02:39 PM
Hello pards,

When I correctly foretold that Barbara Sher would shutter her forums pages, I began to archive whole threads to archive today (also archive.is, and archive.pn) This was after I'd been booted off due to a price issue at Harvard's perma.cc service. I think I still have a few things left there.

So, now archive today seems a goner! I had 570 pages archived there!

So, my latest strategy will be to see if I can save a pdf of the page. Most times the links save as live and working. There's an extension for browsers which created links and archives a page to the Wayback Machine. Just read the consent agreement about the Internet Archive's injunction on distributing ebooks. Makes me nervous that some big corp won't sue them for saving their home pages or ads or video content. Etc.

Sad loss, life drifts on. R.


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