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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by KathyM View Post
Hi AAAAA - would you feel the same way if one of your children chose this as a profession? If so, would it be a source of pride or shame to share your kid's career choice with your friends, neighbors and other family members.
Respectfully, I don't think that an individuals pride or shame is a valid way for me to choose what should be legal or illegal.

For instance, sixty years ago interracial marriage was illegal. If we were debating whether or not interracial marriage should be legal and someone asked, "Would you feel the same way if one of your children chose a black person to marry? If so, would it be a source of pride or shame to share your kid's spousal choice with your friends, neighbors and other family members?" I've no doubt that a mod would step in. Back sixty years ago societal norms thought it seemed like a pretty good argument.

Pride and shame come from societal programming.and society gets it wrong so very many times that I am extremely hesitant to use that as a yeardstick.
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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by lynn P. View Post
I always wondered - how does a person feel when they have to PAY for sex?
not paticulary good. Some people, due to physically deformaties, lack of social abilities, etc... do not have an alternative except for self gratification

Libertarian Neal Boortz sighted a case a while back in which a fellow at a health club made overtures to a female employee and was ridiculed for his physical appearence. Sometime later he came in an murded said woman, very tragic event and of course deserving of full punishment.

The man wrote about his inability to get dates and how lonely he was. Neal speculated that perhaps if he had a legitimate means to relieve his sexual frustrations, the life of the health club employee would not have ended tragically...

Of course he has no proof that this is true, but it does make one think...
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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by (JD) View Post
MYTH: Legalization of prostitution will stop illegal prostitution
FACT: Legalization of prostitution in Nevada, Germany,
Australia and the Netherlands has resulted in an increase in
illegal, hidden, and street prostitution.
I have a condo in Vegas and have lived there many times; I can't speak at all for the other countries. Prostitution is legal in Nevada on a county by county basis. Currently twelve counties allow prostitution but only eight have operating brothels. Since prostitution is not legal in Clark County (Las Vegas) every prostitute there would fall under the illegal, hidden or street label.

I would blame a population and tourism explosion (over the last thirty years) as the reason for an increase in illegal prostitution, not that prostitution is legal in outlying counties.
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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by KathyM View Post
Hi AAAAA - would you feel the same way if one of your children chose this as a profession? If so, would it be a source of pride or shame to share your kid's career choice with your friends, neighbors and other family members.
Provided that it is legal, I would feel no shame what-so-ever if one of my children chose this profession. Nobody wants to admit it, but prostitutes fill a niche, if it didn't, this wouldn't be the oldest profession known to man. I do not depend upon outside sources to find my pride and joy in my children.

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Heart Jul 13, 2010 at 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by AAAAA View Post
Provided that it is legal, I would feel no shame what-so-ever if one of my children chose this profession. Nobody wants to admit it, but prostitutes fill a niche, if it didn't, this wouldn't be the oldest profession known to man. I do not depend upon outside sources to find my pride and joy in my children.
I don't either, but the moral issue got me thinking. I wasn't singling you out. In general, parents and grandparents like to boast of their children's development and achievements in life.

I can imagine a scenario of a dinner party with family and friends and the subject of children comes up. One says "My child is a doctor," another "My child is a lawyer." People would generally be impressed and possibly ask for a business card. Would the reception be the same if a parent proudly proclaimed "My child is a prostitute?" Would the parent feel good if all the men in the room asked for their child's business card? How would their wives react if the parent handed their husband a business card?

I'm not singling you out. I'm just in a pondering mood.
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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by KathyM View Post
I don't either, but the moral issue got me thinking. I wasn't singling you out. In general, parents and grandparents like to boast of their children's development and achievements in life.

This is difficult for me because I do not think it is a moral issue... or rather, if it is a moral issue it is a contrived one, not an absolute one. You seem to be coming from a religious standpoint (which I very much respect) and so we would see this differently, For you, I believe, morality is an absolute as it would pertain to whatever religious documents or doctrines you ascribe to. From a secular position, it is a moral issue because we as a society says it is but it is much less absolute.

People think I am being obtuse or difficult when they ask me about my children and grandchildren and I respond differently than they like. For instance,

"What does your daughter do?"

"She is a loving, kind person."

"No, I mean for work?"

"That is her most important work."

But I'm not trying to be difficult. We show pride for achievements, money, education, 'things'. We brag about their promotion at work, the new house they bought or the vacation they just took but seem to ignore the fact that she makes her children feel special every day or that today she forgave someone who wronged her terribly. I have one daughter on welfare who struggles to raise two children and deal with her mental illness. I don't care what she does in life as long as she continues to be the wonderful person that she is. Doctor or stay at home mom - I remain just as proud of her.

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Default Jul 13, 2010 at 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by KathyM View Post
I don't either, but the moral issue got me thinking. I wasn't singling you out. In general, parents and grandparents like to boast of their children's development and achievements in life.

I can imagine a scenario of a dinner party with family and friends and the subject of children comes up. One says "My child is a doctor," another "My child is a lawyer." People would generally be impressed and possibly ask for a business card. Would the reception be the same if a parent proudly proclaimed "My child is a prostitute?" Would the parent feel good if all the men in the room asked for their child's business card? How would their wives react if the parent handed their husband a business card?

I'm not singling you out. I'm just in a pondering mood.
Here's some food for thought. One of my daughter's friends is a stripper. Pre-med 4.0. As my daughter toils away six days a week to earn money to sustain her through her college months, this young woman earns more money working Friday and Saturday nights. She has five nights a week to study and prepare for the upcoming year.

Now this is not a field my own daughter would be comfortable with. She put on a bra at 11 and has not been without one since with the exception of bathing. I've preached until I was blue in the face that she should at least give her body a rest while she's sleeping.

In my own opinion, morals are subjective. I think we would all agree that stealing is wrong, but if someone steals food because they are hungry I don't think it makes them a bad person. I don't think a person's career defines their character. It is not unheard of to have an honest prostitute and a dishonest clergy for example.

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Default Jul 14, 2010 at 02:08 AM
Does any one wonder if maybe part of the reason prostitution is illegal and strippers are frequently frowned upon has to do with our country's Puritan upbringing? I'm not trying to bash religion, but I feel that religion in the US has put a lot of constraints on sexuality. I feel like a lot of people can't even enjoy sex once they are married because of how ingrained "sex = sin" has become in their heads. I can't imagine it is healthy for the human mind to constantly restrain itself from something natural, which Adam and Eve enjoyed freely until the Fall. I guess this leads me back to the morals discussion... Is this a moral dilemma because of how society was raised generation to generation?

I just feel, like someone else mentioned earlier, that if we could legalize and tax prostitution then funds and resources and man power used to currently track down prostitutes could go after the people who deserve to gone after, such as the pimps trafficking young girls. I'm sure this is a bit of idealist thinking, but I also think it could be put into play as long as people were serious about stopping child trafficking and accepting legal prostitution.

I also wouldn't be surprised if legal prostitution in places like Amsterdam partially has a bad rap for the same reasons as those mentioned in Nevada -- tourists eager to try something forbidden to them else where.

Also, JD, I was just curious how you found that article? It's very interesting

Oh, and this is just a side note. Someone mentioned earlier about having parts of theme parks have brothels or something in them. Well, in China they tried to open a sex theme park, but it didn't work out. In South Korea, there is a sculpture park dedicated to sex -- it used to be part sex ed for honeymooning couples.

Okay, I've rambled enough... Just some more musing and ponderings like the rest of you I'm really enjoying this civil discussion, I'm very impressed
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Default Jul 14, 2010 at 03:05 AM
I think our Puritan heritage has a lot to do with the USA's often-hypocritical views on sexuality and related laws.


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Post Jul 14, 2010 at 03:12 AM
Almost all women in prostitution are there as a last resort, they don’t “choose”
prostitution the way someone chooses a career as an x-ray technician.
81% of the women in the Nevada legal brothels prostitution urgently want to escape it.
For information based on research interviews of the women in the legal brothels see Prostitution
and Trafficking in Nevada: Making the Connections which can be ordered at
Let’s focus on the real predators: the johns who assume that they are entitled to buy
women for sex. These are the perpetrators of sexual exploitation and abuse who should be
arrested, not the women who are bought.
I find things through resources at home, or searches online. I find that posing the issue/question that is being sought in the search bar brings up the information. I searched for "problems of legal prostitution".

why is prostitution illegal?
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Default Jul 14, 2010 at 04:27 AM
This has been a good discussion, lots of good points and views here, let me throw this out and then I will hang back and see if you guys react.

We all agree that the general definition of prostitution is the exchange of sexual gratification for money, right?

Now consider the following case, Hugh Hefner. The founder of Playboy is 84 years old and has at one time had 2 or 3 "GirlFriends" These young, attractive women in interviews have at times admitted to having sex with Mr. Hefner.

Let us be real here, if Viagra consuming Hugh, were just some regular 80 plus year old guy I seriously doubt that a gaggle of 20 something women would have the slightest interest in being with sexually. They are there because of the potential of possible earnings they may have being seen with him, and for the opportunities they may gain (financially) from being with him.

They traded sex for wealth, fame, etc... In other words that makes them..


Now to JD and others who wish to keep this illegal, should we have him and the women arrested? Or do we maintain some kind of double standard?

Such laws regarding "vice crimes" are so laden with hypocrisy.

For example in my state, one can get arrested and jailed for smoking a joint, on the other hand it is perfectly legal for a parent to have their child pumped full of pyschoactive drugs (Ritalin) if they cannot focus in class, drugs which do far more long term damage to brain activity than "mary jane"

My state also outlawed, online gambling from stations set up in storefronts, because it is "addictive to poor people" yet sponsors a lottery that is just as addictive, I guess you can hook the poor on gambling if it pays for a "public" Good, (schools)

sorry for the long post, I think you guys get my point... thanks for reading
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Heart Jul 14, 2010 at 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by AkAngel View Post

This is difficult for me because I do not think it is a moral issue... or rather, if it is a moral issue it is a contrived one, not an absolute one. You seem to be coming from a religious standpoint (which I very much respect) and so we would see this differently, For you, I believe, morality is an absolute as it would pertain to whatever religious documents or doctrines you ascribe to. From a secular position, it is a moral issue because we as a society says it is but it is much less absolute.

LOL AkAngel - I have no connection whatsoever to any religious organization. One of my favorite quotes is "Lord, protect me from your followers."

I completely agree with your post. I don't judge people by what they have or what they do either. The focus on money, status and possessions turns my stomach.

I question illegal versus legal. For instance, why are street drugs illegal, but alcohol and pharmaceutical companies who sell dangerous narcotics and chemicals legal - both can cause addiction and death?

The problem I have with making it legal would be in the promotion of the trade. I don't want to be bombarded with advertisements to young girls and boys about the "wonderful career opportunities" in the sex trade industry. I don't want parents sending their kids off to accredited schools to learn how to be "sexual napalm." I don't want young boys to objectify women, and I don't want young girls to think the perfect woman should behave like a prostitute. The profession will always exist. I just don't want to see it glorified and promoted as "legitimate" because someone will always push the boundaries.

I focus more on the moral issue of prostitution because I was raised to consider consequences in life and treat my body with respect - not for religious purposes, but because we only have one life and only one body. Once it's gone, our journey here on Earth is over. I didn't need to read a book to see for myself this is true.

It can be emotionally damaging to the prostitute - taking away the thrill of a good, solid sexual relationship. It can seriously alter her view and trust of men. It can damage the family life of their "clients." It can be emotionally damaging to any children born from these unions between prostitute and client. With the exception of earning some fast money, I see no other benefit for a woman (or man) who chooses prostitution as a career.
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Default Jul 14, 2010 at 09:56 AM
Does any one wonder if maybe part of the reason prostitution is illegal and strippers are frequently frowned upon has to do with our country's Puritan upbringing?
Yes, I wonder that all the time. what would the world be like if women never had to have the "first sin" held over their heads for centuries?(I truly believe this part was written by men to have the power/shame over women-- How come everyone looks at EVE as the bad one instead of bashing Adam for not having a mind of his own and not even taking a bite??? what a follower!... wonder how things would be different with that frame of mind??)..... I think religion can be key to a lot of things... including women's sexual oppression/degradation. (wonder if we're going against the site rules here-- conversing of religion?? sorry- if that's the case)

Now consider the following case, Hugh Hefner. The founder of Playboy is 84 years old and has at one time had 2 or 3 "GirlFriends" These young, attractive women in interviews have at times admitted to having sex with Mr. Hefner.

Let us be real here, if Viagra consuming Hugh, were just some regular 80 plus year old guy I seriously doubt that a gaggle of 20 something women would have the slightest interest in being with sexually. They are there because of the potential of possible earnings they may have being seen with him, and for the opportunities they may gain (financially) from being with him.

They traded sex for wealth, fame, etc... In other words that makes them..

I think this is a case in which semantics are the "get out of jail free" card. They supposedly had a "relationship". -- like you said-- "girlfriends". A guy can have sex with a "girlfriend" -- that's not prostitution... so long as they have some kind of "relationship".... it doens't seem to matter if the guy then gives her money to go buy an outfit or whatever.
It never ceases to amaze me what money can buy and/or damage.
like--It can buy an 80 year old famous man -- a 22 year old woman-- but I've never seen it buy an 80 year old famous woman a 22 year old man.


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why is prostitution illegal?
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Default Jul 18, 2010 at 11:24 AM
I think there's some pro's and con's on this topic.

Pro's : The abuse would calm down a bit, and they wouldnt be out late in the night time as much.

Con's : Children would think its okay if they did it since it's leagal, if they needed a few extra bucks, and might take it as a easy way to make money.

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Default Jul 18, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by KathyM View Post
Hi AAAAA - would you feel the same way if one of your children chose this as a profession? If so, would it be a source of pride or shame to share your kid's career choice with your friends, neighbors and other family members.
There's not just pride and shame, moral and immoral; too black and white. If one is going to deal in dichotomies (and one's children) there are good career choices and better career choices.

I wouldn't have a moral issue with telling others my child's choice (if it were their business or mine to be telling others my children's business) anymore than I would whether they were mentally ill, handicapped, sexually oriented differently than myself, etc.

I think like AAAAA, I wouldn't want a business in my neighborhood because of the strangers and traffic and, if it wasn't a type of business I frequented or had a majority of clients I was comfortable with, I especially wouldn't want it there.

Prostitution doesn't "help" anything. It's not a moral thing for me but the social problems the business causes/would cause, with or without legalization, does not make it something I would support. If the prostitute went to the client's home, that would be fine with me. I support liquor stores because I use beer/wine but I do not want them in my immediate neighborhood because not everyone who buys beer/wine acts responsibly when they use it; I don't want people loud, loitering, or drunk around my home. However, I don't use prostitutes so I do not support them, in my neighborhood or not. But if you want to support and use prostitutes, be my guest.

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Default Jul 18, 2010 at 03:23 PM
Another question to toss in the pot... Why then do we all become so "righteous" when it comes to buying/selling sex? Sex education is being taught in grade school and high school. I heard on the news that a grade school (and I don't know what state this school is in) was handing out condoms to their students. I also don't know the outcome because there was such an uproar about it. High schools are now handing out condoms to their students.

The idea behind all of this is "safe" sex.. We don't want our kids to get a disease or our daughters to get pregnant. But then what is it telling out kids. Ok, well chances are you are "going to have sex" so it is much better to be safe than sorry. Which in the long run, if your are going to be sexually active, practicing safe sex is a good idea.

Ok, so we are now teaching our minors "safe sex" and "sex education". On one hand we are saying sex is ok just be safe. The other hand we are saying don't have sex but hand out condoms for free, just in case. SO where are all those "morals" now? What happened to "waiting till married" to have sex?

So the question is why then if "free sex" is in the name of "exploring" or "love" OK? And to buy/sell sex is wrong? What is the difference?

Is it the exchange of money that displeases people and not the act?? Since sex is acceptable in most cases... And this by all means does not include minors being abused or forced in any kind of sexual act....


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Default Jul 18, 2010 at 10:06 PM
I think it is because sex is a very private and personal thing. I have no problem with sex education being taught in the school systems because long before the school ever thought of bringing it up to my children I had been talking about it with them for years.

I don't know how effective "sex education" is in school. Children are not very likely to ask important questions when subjected to this information in front of the entire class, even if they do seperate by gender. I truly feel bad for the kids that don't have parents that talk to them. And I'd like to say that I respected those parents wishes with the friends of my own kids, but when they asked (and in some cases even when they didn't) I educated them. Not on the morality, I did give my base line opinion which is that if you are too embarrassed to talk to your partner about what feels good, birth control (and what you would do in the event of a failure), previous experience etc, then you ought not be having sex with them; but more on things like diseases and birth control failure.

It was truly amazing that they didn't know if Susie or Johnny was walking around with a big ole cold sore on their mouth that could be transmitted through oral sex. Then you're stuck with a STD the rest of your life. Or that men can transmit genital warts without even know that they're carrying it, or that you CAN get pregnant the first time, or that single time you don't use protection.

I've been thinking about another topic a great deal, and perhaps the two are related. My youngest son is in a very serious relationship. He is the first of my children to entertain the thought of marriage. His father and I did get married when I was his age.

So here's what I'm pondering: what makes a person decide to get married, and perhaps more importantly what makes them remain committed to that relationship for the rest of their life in spite of the hard times? Mentally speaking men and women are entirely different species, we often times do not even speak the same language. So when my son asked how we knew that this was the person that I wanted to spend my life with, my husband and I have the same response "I just knew" but it's not a very good one, how do you qualify that statement? Sure I can list all of my husband good qualities, but how do I explain how I knew? How do I explain what made him different then the ones before him?

Perhaps one of the reasons we are so anti prostitution as a society is because we are afraid somehow it will make that delicate relationship between a man and a woman more fragile. We still seem have this archaic belief that men marry for sex and woman marry for security. If we offer men sex for mere money, are we afraid that they will not take the plunge into marriage? We also don't seem to be comfortable with women having sex with whomever they wish, even if they don't charge for it. If men have many partners that's normal, if women do then there is something wrong with them mentally or morally.

I'm guilty of this myself to a degree. I have a niece that isn't very selective about the men she sleeps with. When her grandmother made comment about it I read her the riot act, why the hell is she held to a different standard than the grandsons? If she's doing this because it's what she wants and she's taking the necessary precautions, the more power to her! Outwardly... But deep down in my soul I want her to find a nice man to settle down with.

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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Default Jul 19, 2010 at 12:49 AM
I agree that sex is a very personal and private. I also don't have a problem with sex education in the schools. In my day, we were taught nothing about sex. I am not sure exactly at this time how I feel about condoms being handed out in the schools. On one hand it is good to practice safe sex on the other hand aren't we saying it is ok to go ahead and have sex? Safe sex is being responsible to a degree. But isn't sex a deeper issue "no pun here" Commitment and emotions and partners wanting to please each other. Sex should never be a "woman's" duty. How cold is that! I personally feel/think that women's feelings are being stepped on when they are sexually active with many partners. They are being used in my humble opinion. So why do "we" as women do it before marriage?

Good question you asked "How do I explain how I knew?" Unfortunately, I don't have any answers. I can say you you have set a good example by staying married for 24 years. There is an answer here, I just don't have it.

If we offer men sex for money would that make the men not want to get married. Interesting thought. Guess the key is not every woman would ask for money. And maybe those who would ask for money would less likely get married? I don't know. Is a double standard whereas men can be "horn dogs" (don't ask me where I got that expression, because I don't know) and women are expected to be "virtuous".

I just don't understand why paying for sex is wrong. There have been many reasons in this thread as to why it isn't ok.. Just none of the answers yet have turned on that light, as to awwwwwwwww that makes sense.....

Maybe this "topic" is confusing and harder for me to grasp because of my background. Something "important" might have been damaged and not worked through. Maybe it is that childhood stuff.


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Default Jul 19, 2010 at 03:26 AM
The whole "sex before marriage" thing stems from religious beliefs. That's not to say non-religious people don't believe in it, but most of that kind of thinking does. I don't think people should be ashamed of enjoying sex inside or outside of marriage. I don't think society should condemn people who have sex outside of marriage; but if you belong to a religion or set of beliefs that it's wrong, the fact that there are many others like you makes it more likely people will be condemned, when they should be accepted, even if not condoned.


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Default Jul 19, 2010 at 03:41 AM
I am not saying sex before marriage is wrong. I am asking why prostitution isn't legal. I am saying if we give it away for free then there is no point of saving it for marriage. Then why can't women who want money for sex be granted that privilege and legal? Also am not suggesting people be ashamed for enjoying sex outside of marriage. I am saying since this is a very "sexual" generation, why then is prostitution illegal. Don't ya think a few ladies could make a few dollars during this rampant sexual age? And it be legal......

People like me?? hmmmm...... no comment at this time.. proud of myself right now for no reason ..

I just wanted to add, I am not condemning anyone. If I am coming across that way, I am sorry. I am just asking why isn't prostitution legal? No intention to offend anyone......


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