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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 01:43 PM
I'm not imposing my belief on anyone--I'm just posting.... you don't have to read if you don't want to..... just like I don't like porn- so I don't view.

Funny you should mention "religion"--- I am so against religion!(not meaning to offend those that believe) I belong to my own belief of "human respect and value". I believe that all humans deserve to be treated with respect-- the way one would treat their aging mother/father or grandmother/grandfather-- With kindness, compassion and empathy.

I don't believe in bashing anyone...... or using a stranger for ones own selfish desires.
It's all a sad situation as far as I can see-- and just like porn-- this conversation is a NO win situation. Thoughts on pornography...?

I don't believe in live and let degrade........


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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 01:51 PM
Let me replace the word evil I used with what I mean by it...wasn't referring to how religion views things as evil...

"I think it reveals the ability of women and men equally to be morally bad or wrong causing great harm"

Granted not everyone believes this subject is morally wrong...It is my opinion (my moral beliefs)...


Thoughts on pornography...?

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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 01:54 PM
My apologies "Seeker"-- I didn't mean for this to turn into a debate....... I just wanted to state my view.....

I don't think porn is healthy or appropriate-- male or female...... It's all wrong. Thoughts on pornography...? (IMO)
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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 01:54 PM
HeyJoe, I agree that women have been trying "to acquire the worst habits of men, such as being crass, being overly aggressive, smoking cigars and ...."

Pornography is just another one of those worst habits...It is completely stunning that there are thousands of web sites with very little duplication of women...


Thoughts on pornography...?

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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 02:08 PM
Wow! I totally agree with you:

</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
.......i have noticed that women have in the last few decades been determined to acquire the worst habits of men, such as being crass, being overly aggressive, smoking cigars and im really gonna get it for this...tattoos.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

that is why I wish men would see the power they have and how they behave affects so so much and that they have more ability to change the way things are........ It's nearly impossible for me to try and change things coz the culture won't listen to a woman as much as a man-- men "set the stage" so to speak. IT's the way of the world as much as many might argue against it .....

oops!! off topic.... sorry.
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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 02:15 PM
Mandyfins! No need to apologize. I think the discussion is all good!
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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 02:26 PM
I believe that woman and men equally have the ability to change the way things are...women have been heard throughout the decades and many things have change some for the good and some for the not so good

so to stay on topic of pornography...

Men need to stop buy, viewing, or however acquiring pornographic materal and convincing women it doesn't hurt anyone it's just money...women need to stop letting themselves being filmed or photographed in this matter and dress more modestly...

As I mentioned before thousands of web sites with thousands of women on each site...even some of the sites are established or appear to be established by the women themselves and have their own website in their name...UGH!


Thoughts on pornography...?

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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 03:09 PM
Mandy i think that i might have been unfair to you im sorry...you were just stating your opinion and not trying to impose it on anyone. Mea culpa please forgive me. Your opinion is just as important as mine

Now on the subject of clothes and modesty, I just cant believe how some parents let their kids, especially girls go out of the house dressed. Its a battle that i fight here with my own. Her friends wear tight pants with writing all over the butt, short short shorts and skirts and the shirts that show the whole stomach. Shes only ten years old and these are her friends. The boys on the other hand now go into the pool swimming fully dressed with shirts and street shorts which are rather long...go figure..haha.......I dont see where allowing young girls to go out dressed like that can lead to any good. Off topic but responding to direction. Actually i find myself in the strange position of defending people who watch porn when i myself done. I guess the reason is because i despise censorship.
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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 03:29 PM
Joe I could not agree more. then parents get on talk shows about how sluty their daughters dress! well duh don't buy them for the kids!


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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 03:36 PM
What came first; porn or sexual drive?

Just saying that porn is a product of our desires and fantasies. It's not like porn is an evil thing that came out of nowhere to cause suffering upon humanity :-P

I do agree that it does sometimes degrade men/women.
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Default Jun 24, 2007 at 04:10 PM
I don't think pornography has anything to do with people committing crimes. Maybe if someone is a criminal (or mentally ill) already, porn can influence them in a negative way, but I don't think your average man down the street watching it is suddenly going to become a serial killer or rapist. You can say there are statistics about men in prison, but for those to be accurate, you have to question "normal" people who are porn watchers, etc. That's the problem with a lot of studies on crime. They sample the prison population but not the general population.

I don't think anyone is evil simply for watching porn.
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 01:12 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
asylumgardens said:
I don't think pornography has anything to do with people committing crimes. Maybe if someone is a criminal (or mentally ill) already, porn can influence them in a negative way, but I don't think your average man down the street watching it is suddenly going to become a serial killer or rapist.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

I care to differ here....... for as a child I was sexually abused in unspeakable sick ways due to what the men had watched and saw in porn (mags & movies).

and - NO! - neither the 16 nor 19 year old male was mentally ill or a criminal when they abused me - but they look at porn and practiced what they viewed with their eyes on me (an innocent child that just happened's to be a female).

Now let us talk about one of the three grown men - that later admitted that he sexually abused me for he was stirred by what his eyes saw in porn (and) that a lot of what he did to me was influenced porn - that which his mind lusted over and that he felt he had to have / do..

IMO _ I HATE PORN _ ALL KINDS..... Soft or Hardcore.
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 01:19 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
heyjoe said:

I find the statement "reveals the evil in men" to be quite telling.
Do you really think that men are more evil than women?

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

From My Side of the Fence............. My Opinion

I would have to answer YES................ (and) say that - - History Speaks for its SELF.

but - I do give you the fact that the percentage of evil females are rising........ but never the less - MALES still WIN!
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 01:24 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
heyjoe said:
i know im going to get blasted for this so after i post im heading to the root celler,

but being 50 years old i have noticed that women have in the last few decades been determined to acquire the worst habits of men, such as being crass, being overly aggressive, smoking cigars and im really gonna get it for this...tattoos.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

I agree.................................. Thoughts on pornography...? Thoughts on pornography...? Thoughts on pornography...?

Maybe the FEMALES should have been the TEACHERS in the old days...
then the MALES would be following after us and not vice versa here - lol lol lol. Thoughts on pornography...?
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 01:32 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
fayerody said:
i don't understand about "soft" porn? what is the difference in the two?

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

SOFT PORN is like........

1.) An intimate romance movie where the men & women are naked, but they are madly in love with a lot of caring & affection being shown between them during the sex scenes.

2.) Still Images of Naked People....... like you might see in older tasteful art - that which what Playboy claims to be.

...basically - naked sexual stirring with out the smut and sexual sickness being displayed.
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 01:52 AM
I cant believe what I am reading, porn makes malesters and rapists, and child pedafiels. NO it doesnt, porn does not make people doe things, people make their own decisions. I am an gay, intraverted, video game player who doesnt leave my house. Saying that porn gives people the idea to rape, is like me saying I killed my neighbor because I play Mortal Kombat. The evil in this world is not directly related to a woman lying flat on her back getting paid to have sex with 5 guys. Evil comes from evil people and I am sorry but two people having sex for money is not evil, but its not art either.
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 02:59 AM
i don't think that the people who make and view porn are evil. but then i don't believe in evil. certain actions can be classified as helpful / harmful to oneself and others, however.

i don't think that it is inevitable that viewing violence will cause a person to violently offend.
but i do think that it is possible that viewing violence could make it more likely that a person will violently offend.
i don't think that violent offences would stop completely if society stopped condoning violent tv, sports, pictures, video games etc
i do think that violent offences would reduce in number if society stopped condoning violent tv, sports, pictures, video games etc.

i appreciate that not all porn is violent but i do think that a lot of porn has violent themes of domination and submission. police officers and teachers and stepfathers and the like... abuse of power seems to be a common theme.

it is possible that someone who responds sexually to the naked form (and who doesn't find violence sexually stimulating) can train themselves (either intentionally or unintentionally) to sexually respond to violence by repeatedly pairing the naked form and sexual response together with violent themes. i think that a lot of porn functions to do this...

but not all porn is violent to be sure.

it concerns me greatly that the majority of women who pose in porn were sexually abused as kids. while some women say that it was their free choice to participate and that they get a sense of control out of it (they are being paid this time after all) one might be led to wonder just how free that choice is and whether their posing is a form of repetition compulsion.

i don't know whether this question has been asked but i wonder whether the majority of men who pose in porn were also sexually abused as kids. whether they are attempting to assert their masculinity in a caricatured fashion because they felt like it had been so completely undermined in the past... another form of repetition compulsion or possibly identification with the agressor / abuser.

i feel sad that people make such things...
and i feel sad that there is such a market for it...

i think it reveals something of the sickness of society that it is as condoned as it is.

i feel very sad indeed.
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 03:53 AM
" i do think that it is possible that viewing violence could make it more likely that a person will violently offend.

i don't think that violent offences would stop completely if society stopped condoning violent tv, sports, pictures, video games etc.

i do think that violent offences would reduce in number if society stopped condoning violent tv, sports, pictures, video games etc."

I Agree...equate it to the billions spent on advertising...The dollar figure is staggering regarding 30 seconds to convince us to take certain actions...buy now...you need firm whatever...etc...etc...anyone who thinks that viewing TV doesn't produce some kind of effect on people...probably should let the billion dollar advertisers know they are wasting all that money...


Thoughts on pornography...?

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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 08:42 AM
From Dr Clay's book: "Anger plays a role in impotence, frigidity, and pornography. Research has shown that watching more physically aggressive porno films increases the aggressiveness in males (Byrne & Kelley, 1981). http://www.psychologicalselfhelp.org.../chap7_18.html

The above study was done prior to the allowed increase by the FTC in sexual acts and violence shown on tv. (That includes the changing of the sacred hours of family time once kept free from such material.)

BTW, the next part of that link covers "evil." It will be covered/posted in the anger and aggression thread in self-help soon.

Thoughts on pornography...?

Thoughts on pornography...?
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Default Jun 25, 2007 at 10:57 AM
joe, how do you know that the first tatto was on a man? Thoughts on pornography...?
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